Chapter 11: I Still Hate You

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Chapter 11: I Still Hate You

I don't think I've ever been happier to see the devil in my entire life.

Without even thinking about it, I lunge forward and wrap my arms tightly around him, refusing to let go. "I've missed you so much, my ferret!" I squeeze him, keeping him stuck in my embrace.

When he doesn't hug me back, I force his arms around me. He immediately removes them and I immediately place them right back. This goes on for a while until he grumbles under his breath and places his hands on my waist in some lame attempt at returning my affection.

"Your persistence is one of your worst traits," he says under his breath, defeated.

"And yours is going AWOL," I push him back from me and punch him on the shoulder. "Where the heck have you been?!"

I've been so worried about him, so much so that his whereabouts have been keeping me up at night.

"Ah," he groans in pain. "Can you not act like a child right now?"

"Only if you stop crying like a baby," I retort stubbornly. Man, I've missed this. You never know how great something is until it's gone. "Hey," I drawl, only noticing something now, "like why is there blood seeping through your shirt and onto mine?"

He waves the matter off, averting his gaze. "It's nothing. I'm fine."

I already know that he won't give me the answer so I don't bother in repeating myself. "I'll go get Jay," I tell him instead.

He suddenly yanks me back by my hand. "No, don't wake him. I was just looking for a place to crash for the night."

I stare up into his gray eyes, confused. Something is wrong. "Are you in trouble?" I ask gently, concerned.

He shakes his head, adamant in keeping his secrets. "Like I said, I'm fine."

I hold his gaze, determined. "I can help you."

I will drop everything to help a friend, especially when said friend is Grey. I'm not exactly an accomplished person, and Grey knows that, but if I care about someone, I'll get things done.

"I don't want your help," he mutters, annoyed, giving my hand a firm squeeze before carefully releasing me.

"Well, I don't think Boss Man and Jay are gonna be too happy when they realize that I let you bleed out in the backyard," I argue. I grab his wrist and drag him toward the house. "You can stay here for the night."

Friends don't turn their backs on friends. Grey's not only just my friend, slash enemy, anymore; he's family.

"Wait," he stops me again, "why did I see so many cars out front?"

"Uh...we're rich now?" I try to fool him.

He pulls to a stop, figuring it out. "No. No way. I don't want anyone to see me. I just...I need some space."

I sigh, wishing I could tap into his thoughts and read his mind.

"I'm not going to let anyone see you, okay?" I pause, hoping to gain his trust. "I have you." When he doesn't respond, I reach up and flick him on the forehead. "Grey..." I drawl slowly, serious, "trust me. I got you."

He stares down at me hesitantly for a few seconds, contemplating my words, before nodding. "You somehow always do."

I grin from ear to ear. "Damn straight."

Without wasting another second, I tug him through the backdoor and sneak him past everyone and into the kitchen's back room.

Grey glances around before shaking his head, clearly second-guessing himself. "This was a mistake, Lawson. I need to go."

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