Chapter 12: Endgame

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Chapter 12: Endgame

I stare at my reflection in the mirror, unable to fathom why I'm doing this. I can't even remember how Jay convinced me into doing this. Knowing him, he probably exploited my weaknesses and used his J-charm...or bribed me with food. Yeah, knowing me, it's probably the latter.

I notice Jay standing behind me. I meet his gaze through the mirror and glare at him accusingly – he got me into this. "Mirror, mirror on the wall," I chime, "who's the sole reason behind my torment, suffering and all?" I ask aloud, making sure my fiancé hears. "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the evilest of them all?"

That should get the message across...

Jay folds his arms across his chest and smirks at me, highly amused. "Now, now, aren't we being a little dramatic?"

I whip around to scowl at him. "How's this for dramatic? I'd rather be shot at this point than see this thing through." I kinda actually mean it.

"See. This is exactly why I keep you around," Jay chuckles before forcing me into a hug. "You know what I love most about you?" he asks me, refusing to take me seriously. "You make life so much fun," he teases me, cradling me against his chest while running a hand through my hair. "I'll never be bored ever again."

I shove him away. "Stop it. You're crinkling my dress and messing up my hair!" I snap at him. I can't believe he's enjoying this. "I've been successfully ghosting this kid for years and somehow, by some miracle, you manage to twist my arm and convince me to go on a date with him, of all people!"

Jay shrugs, uncaring. "I can't take all the credit for this one...just most of it."

I send him a flat look. "Take all of the credit, Jay Taylor. It's entirely your fault." No way is he getting off this easy!

"You're welcome then," he replies, unfazed by my ranting. "What do I get in return?" he has the audacity to ask me.

"You get to stop breathing," I tell him in a sing-song voice and look at myself in the mirror again. "Now, if I'm doing this, I'm doing this right. Anything worth doing is worth overdoing." That's my new catchphrase, I just decided it.

"If that applies to eating too, you're going to get very fat very fast," Jay lectures me, still smiling in enjoyment at the predicament he's forced me into. "But don't worry, I'll still love you, even if you turn into the size of a house," he reassures me, and as sweet as it may be, he's saying it to annoy me and I must remember that.

Scratch that catchphrase.

"Shut up!" I whirl around before him before he can say anything more, my dress following me. "Now, how do I look?" I ask him, wanting a truthful answer. I'm going to attempt to sweep this kid off of his feet without being squashed in the process.

Jay drinks me in with his eyes and grins, satisfied. "You render me speechless, as always. Like a vision that rivals gods," he answers me in all seriousness even though I know that he's not serious.

And I'm being dramatic?!

I narrow my eyes at him, unbelieving of how bold he can be. "Don't go and try make up for your sins with smooth comments. It won't work, Taylor!"

I's working a little bit, okay, a lot bit.

"Sure, it won't," he replies in sarcasm. "'Cause, I mean, it fails me every time when I use my smooth comments on you," he tells me with a playful wink. "I never end up getting exactly what I want," he concludes with a lazy smile, meaning the opposite of everything he just said.

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