Chapter 13: Viva, Aqueela!

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Chapter 13: Viva, Aqueela!

"Thanks for coming to fetch me," I tell Jay as soon as we step in through the front door.

"Thanks for not calling me to fetch you," he retorts sarcastically. "Why did Dylan have to phone me to say that you're walking home?" he interrogates me.

"I don't know," I shrug, clueless. "I never asked him to do that."

Our neighborhood is safe-ish but Jay is over-paranoid, especially when it comes to me.

"That's even worse," he lectures me and takes a seat on one of the couches. "You should always let me know where you are, in case, I need to find you. Just take precautionary measures. I don't ever want to have to worry about you."

I roll my eyes at him but comply anyway. "Fine. Next time, I'll let you know."

"Thank you," he replies, satisfied with my response. "Now, how was your date?"

Weird question when it's coming from the guy you're going to marry...

"Other than me deciding to leave you for him, Blubber sure put me through my paces," I admit and take a seat beside him.

The doorbell rings at that exact moment. I glance over at Jay for an explanation.

"Well..." Jay winces, indirectly answering my question, "he's about to put you through some more."

I narrow my eyes at him accusingly. "What did you do?"

Before he can answer, Slobber jumps up onto the couch and flops onto his lap. Jay smiles down at our furbaby and gently scratches him behind his ears. Slobber relaxes and yawns, his eyes slowly closing.

"It's unfair how much he loves you," I complain. "You didn't even want him," I remind him.

Jay gasps and covers Slobber's ears. He shakes his head at me in warning. "Not in front of the furball, 'Queela. He's innocent. He doesn't need to hear the lies that you're spitting out," he jokes before uncovering Slobber's ears and kissing the top of his head. "I wanted you, boy, don't listen to your mom, she's a filthy liar," he tells Slobber, unaware of just how cute their relationship is.

Slobber stares up at Jay and cocks his head to the side, hanging onto his every word, his tail wagging relentlessly.

"Daddy always wanted you. Daddy loves you, way more than your mother does," Jay adds, cooing at Slobber, just to get on my nerves.

Slobber paws at Jay's chest in excitement and barks up at him before licking his cheek. Jay laughs and uses his sleeve to wipe away Slobber's slobber.

I take in the sight of Jay cuddling our dog and smile, my heart feeling warm and full. "Maybe I kind of get why he loves you," I reluctantly admit, still envious of their bond -- I miss Oog.

Jay smirks at me, taking delight in my jealousy and his victory. "I'm just lovable," he hums, happy with himself.

"Sure..." I drawl out in sarcasm, refusing to humor him.

He just grins at me as the doorbell continues to echo around us.

"Seeing as you invited Blubber over...again, you get the door for him," I tell him, devising a plan to steal Slobber from him. As soon as he stands up, Slobs will be all mine.

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