Chapter 20| captured?

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Long chapter alert


"Ah, it seems the stage play is starting," Espresso turned to the rather large stage with some cookies gathering around it. "Tsk tsk tsk, cookies must learn to use their time wisely...I shall head down to my favorite tree! It's always peaceful and quiet there," Espresso said happily. He closed his book then walked off...but little did he know, the three cookies were watching him from a small bush. "Licorice, follow him. Talk into the watch whenever you think we're ready...don't make yourself look obvious. Hide if you must," Pomegranate explained as she turned on the small watch on Licorice's arm. He rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah, I'll be back," Licorice stood up and quickly hid behind a tree. He then began to follow the mage...
Pomegranate picked up Poison Mushroom then hid behind a tree behind them. She watched as more cookies gathered around the stage. Madeleine was talking away as usual...
"Pathetic," she said under her breath. "Do you think they like shroomies?.."
"I'm sure they do...wait...I have an idea," Pomegranate smiled evily.

Later, Espresso was at his favorite tree. Idk why, he was just there. Licorice had been creeping up on him for a couple minutes now...and when the time finally came, he had a tranquilizer dart gun ready for action. Espresso was just reading his book...that's when he felt some eyes on him. "I feel as if someone is watching me..." He said under his breath. He quickly turned around and saw nobody. And once he turned back around, he saw Latte right in front of him. "AH-" He yelled, almost dropping his book. "Great..." Licorice thought. Latte giggled. "Gotcha! What are you up to, professor?"
" gave me a heart attack, do not creep up on me like that in such a way!" Espresso said, fixing his glasses. "Well, sorry mr no sleepy pants. But what are you up to?" Latte stood next to him. "Out of everybody, why her..." Espresso thought. He sighed. "Just...reading," he turned to her. Latte smiled. "Sounds great! Why aren't you at Madeleine's stage play?" Latte said. Espresso then began to explain to Latte. Licorice couldn't stand this anymore...he just waited for Latte to leave, then he'd strike at him.


After moments that have felt like forever to him, Latte finally left. It's like she's attached to Espresso for some reason... He didn't know why she was ALWAYS there, but no matter. Espresso simply went back to reading his book. Licorice was about to strike until Pomegranate tapped his shoulder. He turned around and faced her...they were close. "You..."
"Licorice,  I have a small job for you," Pomegranate set Poison Mushroom down. "To get him better, let him throw his little mushrooms out in the open. The poison air will cause him to pass out," Pomegranate smiled evily. Licorice scoffed. "Come on, seriously? Whatever..." Licorice turned back to Espresso.

As the mage read and read, Poison Mushroom held onto two of his shrooms. "Throw them on three, okay?" Licorice looked at Poison Mushroom. He smiled and nodded. "Great."
Poison Mushroom threw both of his mushrooms towards Espresso and out came a big explosion of purple dust. The fumes made the mage cough and cough until he couldn't hold it in anymore. His book fell to the ground as his body fell unconsciously to the ground. Licorice smiled. "Great! Let's take him in,"
"Hold on...wait for the dust to disappear. We must see if it really worked or not," Pomegranate explained. Licorice nodded. "Right, right. Totally knew that," he smiled. Pomegranate rolled her eyes. "Sure you did..." She scoffed.

"Once we get him back to the castle, that mistake of a knight is next," Pomegranate said as the poison dust soon went away. She walked up to the Mage's almost lifeless body. "Hmm...yes, he's down," Pomegranate smiled evily. "Licorice, Poison Mushroom, reach into the backpack and get the chains...they'll finally be useful," she said as she stood up. The two reached into the bag and picked up the chains. "These things are so heavy!" Licorice complained. Pomegranate instantly frowned. "Yes... whatever you say. Hand them over," Pomegranate said as she turned to face the two. Licorice handed her the chains. Pomegranate smiled evily once again as she snatched the chains. She kneeled down to Espresso and chained his arms and legs up. Now was the time they finally got what they wanted...true power.

But is this the power they truly need?

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