Chapter 21| The Purest Power of Them all...or is it?

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Espresso's pov.
My body is weak...very weak. My eyes slowly fluttered open, my legs and arms shaking. My torso is aching along with my neck and leg. I used my arms to help myself sit up, but they were so shaky and wobbly that it was almost impossible...but I did it. I sat on my knees then let out a groan of pain. "Ouch...where am I?" I asked myself. I slowly looked around and noticed I was in a cage...a pretty big one. I felt something on my wrist. I pulled my sleeve up and noticed a bracelet. But not just any normal bracelet, a bracelet made of solid metal. There was a red button on there. "What is this?" I asked under my breath. I looked to my left and noticed some stairs. "I must be in a random basement?.. My body is so weak, I can't even move my neck without it hurting," I said. I turned my body to face the front of the cage and set my hands on the bars. I felt so drained, I had no energy at all. I saw a small door open in front of me and noticed a shadow figure.

"Who are you, why have you taken me here!?" I yelled at the figure. The figure shut the door behind it, then walked downstairs, revealing themselves. It was...oh no. "Pomegranate?"
"Hello Espresso,"

"Welcome home,"

Madeleine's pov
And that's the stage play! It seemed that all the cookies absolutely loved it!! I wonder how Espresso felt about it...Nah, I'm sure he loved it more than the others did. Seeing my handsome self preform on stage isn't so easy to look away from! Now, I just gotta look for him... Once all the cookies have left, I hopped off of the stage then looked around.

"He's most likely working...I'll check at his laboratory!" I said happily. I began to walk off to his laboratory. Passing the kids, adults, trees, latte crying at a table...wait, Latte crying at a table? I looked over at Latte. She was with detective Almond...oh no, something must have happened! Espresso can wait, this seems important. I walked over to the two and put my hands on my hips. "What's going on?" I asked. Almond looked up at me then handed me a phone. "Watch the video, you'll see."

I took the phone then clicked the play button. As I watched it, my eyes widened. "He got captured by them!?" I yelled, dropping the phone. "He was already in trouble once, why again?!" I said. Oh god, I have to save him! Again...why can't be use his powers or something...oh my god, Espresso, use your mind for once! I started to talk to Latte and Almond about this, and from Latte told me, she was going to grab some coffee for him, but came back to see him get tranquilized. I'm so confused...cookies were around, how did they not get caught? Great...

"Is that enough information?"
"Yes, thank you...I can go bust him out of there!" I turned around. "Wait wait wait, it's best if we go with you," Almond stood up along with Latte. I turned back to them and nodded. "Alright, but what if he's already crumbled?!" I said in a worried tone. "Well...we're not sure, but let's get there fast," Almond pulled out his notepad. "I can make a map of the crooked forest,"
"Why there?"

"It's a faster way to the castle. If I make a map, I can find shortcuts that'll help us get there faster," Almond looked up at me. "Oh, great! Thank you, detective," I smiled. "...Anytime? Now come on, we have absolutely no time to lose!" Almond set his notepad in his pocket. "I hope he's okay..." Latte frowned.
"Me too, I'm sure he'll be okay though..."

"Let's hope."
Nobody's pov:
"I can't believe this, you haven't even caught him yet," Pomegranate had her back turned. "I know, I's been a couple years. I'm doing my best though! He's falling for it and it's priceless to watch," Espresso said evily. Pomegranate smiled. "That's good...very good. But, does he think you love him?" Pomegranate said in a evil tone. Espresso snickered then nodded. "Of course he does! He just a big ol' nitwit..." Espresso smiled. Pomegranate turned to the cage. "Perfect then! I'll get you out of that thing," Pomegranate pulled out a key then unlocked the cage, letting Espresso out. Once he was out, he wiped some dust off of his suit.

"Finally, it felt so cramped in there," Espresso put his hands behind his back. Pomegranate nodded. "Yes...we could have gotten something else, but whatever," She said. "Now, stay down here...I have to talk to these idiots up there," Pomegranate said before she walked off. Espresso pulled up his sleeve and pressed the small red button. When he pressed it, he saw a lightning bolt just appear...but it appeared where his hand was aiming. He smiled. "That's perfect," he pressed the button once again, making the bolt disappear. "Who needs magic when I have this," Espresso chuckled.
"Now, let's make a plan..."

"That light magic user will have no idea what hit him,"

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