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Conny and Mama Isabella started to walk on the gate when Conny started humming a Lullaby. Leslie's lullaby. Mama Isabella slowed down her pace when she heard it and then started walking normally again. 
"Where did you learn that, dear Conny?" 

"Kiyoko taught me! She said that Ray taught her! Isn't it so cool!?"

"Kiyoko taught me! She said that Ray taught her! Isn't it so cool!?"

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"Hm. Very..." Mama Isabella mumbled.

"Mama, come to think of it... don't you and sister Kiyoko look alike. If I knew better, I would say that she looks like a younger version of you. You must have been very pretty when you were her age."

Isabella halted when she heard that. "What did you say...?"

"Also Ray looks like you too! It's all are one big family. I wonder who the dad is then? It doesn't matter anyway, since they will probably be adopted soon enough. Back to how Kiyoko look-"

"Enough!" Isabella said in a commanding voice. 

It startled Conny as she has never heard Mama Isabella use that tone before. "...Mama?"

In a much calmer voice, Isabella said "Let's go. Your new 'parents' are waiting."

"Okay, mama." 


And then a few minutes later...a beautiful flower...very beautiful...

got pierced into Conny's heart. Oh well.

 Oh well

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And then she became... Food. Yum. 


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A/N: Hey yall! How are you enjoying the story so far as well as the memes??? I need some feedback!!! I know this was short but like school is killing me right now T-T . I'll try to make them longer! Or do you want them short??? Tell me in the comments!

I saw this amazing fanart by thepromisedneverlandray on instagram so please check her out.

I saw this amazing fanart by thepromisedneverlandray on instagram so please check her out

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I'll post more fanart of The Promised Neverland, of course giving the credits to the artist, so stay tuned for the next chapter!

Siblings-The Promised Neverland Fanfiction (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now