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Emma POV:

Norman and I finally found a rope. A tablecloth! 

Now the only thing we need to worry about is...

"Transmitters." said Norman as we were discussing what to do in the forest.  As we were talking, I thought it was the right time to tell Norman if we should tell Ray. "Knowing him, he wouldn't panic. He's smart and knows a lot of machinery. I'm sure he'll be able to help us. Still...I'll talk to Ray." Norman responded. 

"Why? You can tell me right now." said Ray coming out of the bushes.

"RAY?!" I shouted in a surprised tone. 'Did he hear what we were talking about?'

"Sorry, I followed you guys here. I've been itching with curiosity and I'm fed up at this point." Ray said naturally.

"So...what happened at the gate? It was clear as day to see that something was up from your expressions that night!" 

Norman just chuckled. "You're as sharp as ever!"  

'He really notices the tiniest things' I thought while being choked to death by Ray.

So we told him. The demons, the farm, mama, everything. But what shocked me was how he believed it so easily. "Aren't you going to doubt us a little bit?!" 
"Nah Norman wouldn't make up such a lie, you on the other hand..." He said calmly.                         'He has no faith in me at all. -_-'

"So regarding this escape plan," Ray continued, "there's a couple of problems. The biggest one on being the number of people. This group is simple too large, at most we could get away with-"

"Hold up there! We have to escape with everyone!" I shouted. 'There was no way I was going to let the other kids die like Conny did. I- I can't. Not after what I saw.'

Ray had a shocked look as if I spoke another language and mumbled "You're kidding right?" His tone got louder the more he spoke. "37 kids in total. Mama, demons, transmitters, we've already got a plate full of why do you want to make it harder for us?"

"It's not like I don't understand...! Still, there's got to be a way—"

"There is no way." said Ray interrupting me between my sentence. "Emma, you haven't realized have you?"

"Huh?" I was indeed confused.  

"Ray wait!" said Norman cutting in. 

"Ahh. I see. So that's why you wanted to talk to me separately, hm?" said Ray. The tension was growing stronger as I saw from the corner of my eye Norman sweatdropping. 

Ray pulled Norman into another patch of the forest away from me. I just sighed and wait for their conversation to end...

Norman Pov:

"Do something about that idiot she's just plain hopeless!" shouted Ray.  I just laughed at the sight before me. "At least she's now in high spirits!" 

"Thats not the point here! I'm telling you to stop her from thinking those dangerous thoughts! You'll both die along with everyone else!"

"I saw Emma cry...Emma rarely cries. At first, I thought it was because she was terrified. Terrified that she might die. But then I found out it wasn't because she was terrified she would die, it was because she was scared everyone around her, everyone she loved would die." I reasoned. 

"Even so, that doesn't mean she's right! You'll have the devil to pay if you listen to her! You shouldn't deny your rationality. Don't let your emotions get the best of you Norman!" Ray fought back.

"Even if I have the devil to pay I don't mind!" 

"Then why are you—"

"To be honest, it wasn't Emma completely  that made me change my mind. It was Kiyoko as well." I explained.

Ray went silent to the sound of Kiyoko's name. So I continued.

"The morning after the night we found out the orphanage secret, I observed Kiyoko. I saw how much she loved the kids as if they were her own family. How she stayed up late for them just to study. It made me realize, I was being selfish. That just for myself to survive, I would have to let the others die. That it wasn't Emma or Kiyoko in the was me. So you plan on leaving us alone in a state like this?"

"Well shit! Just how the hell do you expect me ... to do that?" Ray answered.

Ray POV:

When he mentioned Kiyoko's name,  I went quiet. It's funny how a name can do so much. How it could command so much power over one another. Norman didn't know how much power he wielded when he mentioned her name, even though he didn't know she was my sister. Not even Kiyoko knew herself. 

"Let the plan begin..."

A/N: Heyyy!! So I know in the last chapter, I said it was going to be fast paced from now on but that didn't really work out but after the next few chapters it will start to be fast paced. I know the story is kinda boring right now but... I'll promise it will get more interesting as it moves on so stay tuned for that. Also how was the story?? Feedback please :)

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