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Ray POV:

I stared at her shocked. This-this couldn't be happening right? This must all be some kind of sick joke right? And then...everything went black.

Third-person POV:

Norman's tears being subtle weren't so hidden anymore, as they started pouring out. Emma struggled to get out of Mama's grip while bawling, Don was shouting at Mama Isabella, and Gilda was traumatized. Then all of them heard a 'thud'. Ray had fainted. Don and Gilda rushed to Ray as Mama said "Don, carry Ray back to the orphanage, or will you? Oh and Gilda, bring me that rope."


Third-Person POV:

As Ray woke up, he squinted his eyes to adjust to the blinding light. Emma was on a bed beside Ray, and Norman was on a stool, both of them looking at Ray worriedly.

"Was...that all a dream? Kiyoko—she's not getting shipped out right?!" said Ray, looking at Emma and Norman's faces for confirmation. Emma and Norman just stayed silent as they looked at the ground. That was all that Ray needed to know, that this, was no dream. Kiyoko was indeed getting shipped out.

Just then, the door burst open to find a cheerful Kiyoko there. They all looked at her and the tears were starting to come again uninvited. "I heard what happened from Mama. She said you guys were recklessly playing," said Kiyoko, pouting. "Oh! Did you guys hear?! I'm getting adopted!" The trio looked at her with worry, and Ray suddenly hugged her.

"Uh, Ray? This is really out of the blue..." mumbled Kiyoko as she hugged him back.

All Ray responded was "Don't go..." Fat tears formed in the corner of his eyes, as he buried his face into Kiyoko's shoulder. Norman looked at Ray and mumbled just for the people in the room to hear, "I think it's time to tell her."

"Tell me what?" asked Kiyoko, her face utterly confused. And Emma started...Usually before, whenever Norman or Emma would say to tell Kiyoko, Ray always said no and had multiple excuses as to why, even though none of them made sense. This time though, he didn't interfere in the slightest, but instead just listened quietly as he rested his head on Kiyoko's shoulder not wanting her to go.

"Uhh is this a prank?" said Kiyoko when Emma finished. Norman sighed and answered No. "But this just sounds ridiculous. I mean, Mama being an enemy, this orphanage being a farm, all of it sounds...unreal." 

"Don't you find it strange? The walls, the gate, and the fact that none of our siblings who left ever write to us?" reasoned Norman.

"I mean, the gates and the wall are surely strange but maybe our siblings are just having too much fun in the outside world, Emma said that herself, and you all agreed with it."

"Well that was then and this is now. Please, Kiyoko, believe us! We can't let you get eaten by those demons!" pleaded Emma.

Kiyoko sweatdropped as she looked at Norman and then back to Emma looking for any hint of humor or joking in there, but she found none. She then looked to her only source of authentication, Ray. "Ray...what they're's not true, right? This is just some kind of silly joke played on me right?" quivered Kiyoko as she waited desperately for an answer.

"It's true," said Ray not missing a beat.

"Wait but it can't be true! Mama...but she's so nice! She can't—" But one look at the trio's faces and Kiyoko collapsed. Ray immediately worried even more crouched down and held her hand in comfort. "So...I-I'm going to die...?" said Kiyoko, a teardrop rolling down her cheek, with more to come.

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