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Disclaimer:  This story may have manga spoilers.


There it was...the final step in to becoming a mama: Become pregnant with a child(s) due to artificial insemination.

Isabella looked at the twins she conceived in pity. She bent down and whispered to them "I'm sorry..." She went back before grandmother got suspicious and continued to hum her lullaby as her thoughts got filled with the twins and Leslie.


It was a usual day in the Gracefield house, filled with smiles, laughter, and joy, as a raven haired boy stared at a certain girl. Her midnight black hair, her familiar purple eyes...they sparked his curiosity. He felt a certain connection between the black hair girl, not knowing why. Her actions, her features, they reminded him of Mama Isabella, and maybe reminded him of himself as well. A thought came up in his mind. It was mind boggling to him, but it would explain her face, as well as her familiarity.

"Ray!" said a certain Orange peel snapping Ray out of his trance.

He sighed and said "What do you want Emma?"

"Mama wants to see you" Emma said, as she walked or rather skipped away, to join the others to play. 

Ray put down his book and went in to the house and knocked Isabella's office door.

"Is that you Ray?" said Isabella in the office.


"Well, come in then." 

"What did you call me here for, Mama?" said Ray eyeing Isabella.

"Does anyone know the secret or is suspicious of the orphanage?"

Ray was silent for a moment as he thought 'Not yet' and responded saying "No."

"Hm." said Isabella sorting out her heaps of papers and files.

Ray started to walk towards the door before stopping and saying "Mama?"

"Yes?" said Isabella still organizing her paperwork.

Ray hesitated for a moment before saying "Kyoko...Is Kyoko my sister?"

Isabella flinched before saying "Yes she is your sibling as all the other children in the orphanage."

Ray sighed and said "No... I don't mean that. I meant is Kiyoko my biological sister?"

This time Isabella looked up from her paperwork in wide eyes and said "What-what did you just say?"

Ray sighed once more before replying "You heard me. Is Kiyoko my real sister or not?"

Isabella sat down on her chair, before Ray continued speaking.

"She literally looks like a girl version of me. Not to mention, she looks like the younger version of you."

"Fine..." said Isabella sighing defeatedly "She is your sister. Your real sister."

Ray's eyes went wide. Yes he had a hunch that Kyoko was his sister, but he did not expect it to be actually true.

Ray dashed out of the office, with his thoughts all over.    

From then on, he promised, he promised that he would keep Kyoko safe and be a good brother to her.

(A/N): Srry if the chapter was short. Also the artwork above is NOT MINE. Credits: NekaRuu

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