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Norman POV:

I talked to Emma about taking a person that intentionally worked with demons to ensure their life. Of course it wasn't in general. I was talking about Ray. I didn't want to believe that he was a traitor. A lier. I really didn't. Usually I would've discussed this with Kiyoko. When we were small, I told everything to her.  But now I couldn't because of the demons. Well, its not because I didn't want to tell her, it seems that Ray is the one that didn't want to tell her. After the talk with Emma, her answer surprised me. WHy would she want to save someone who works with demons. I didn't get it, but I didn't interfere and walked away to Ray to check on the ropes.

Third Person POV:

Norman and Ray walked to the hallways silently, after hearing Emma tell them that Gilda was not the spy. Their feet tapped loudly against the wooden floor as Norman opened the door to the bedroom. Norman crouched down under the bed to check if the rope was there and...

"What's it look like?" asked Ray. 

Norman looked distraught. "It's not there..."

Ray shrugged as if he expected this and said "I guess it's Don then."

Norman sighed as he got up, and looked at Ray straight in the eye. "The spy...was you wasn't it, Ray?"

Ray looked at him wide eyed, and plopped down on the nearest bed, and burst out laughing, which shocked Norman as he sweatdropped.

(A/N: OK im going to speed things up a bit with this.)

Norman and Ray talked back to back about how Norman found out about how Ray was a traitor and finally Ray made a deal. 

"What exactly do you want?" asked Norman.

"I want you to fool Emma. Pretend like we'll bring everyone, and then ditch them, the last moment. Maybe we'll bring Don and Gilda along, but we're leaving the rest behind."

"So you're telling me to give up on bringing everyone? Everyone improved beyond our expectations with the training we've been giving them. Didn't you say so yourself? I'm sure you weren't just lying back then. So then why..."

"They weren't bad, I'll give them that. But that doesn't change the fact that they'd just be more of a weight on our shoulders." said Ray.

Norman gritted his teeth but then said, "Then what about Kiyoko? Are you going to leave her behind?"

Ray just sneered as if Norman asked a dumb question. "Of course we're taking her. Why would you even ask? You see, the difference between them and her, is that she's as smart as you, she's athletic like Emma, she will actually help." 

"You said you'd help us out." said Norman.

Ray shrugged and just said "And this is my way of helping out. If you want to continue to refuse my offers, then fine by me. Walk straight to your deaths with Emma and the others."

Norman heavily sighed, and mumbled "Fine...fine, I agree to your terms."

Satisfied, Ray walked to the door, not before Norman said "Wait!"

Ray slowly turned around and proceeded to sit on the bed, knowing that there was going to be another long conversation. "What?"

"Kiyoko." said Norman.

Ray flinched when he heard her name but recovered and said "What about her?"

Then out of the blue, Norman said, "Do you... have feelings for her?"

Ray not being prepared for Norman to say that, gave Norman a disgusted look. "Norman, I think you made me throw up a little in my mouth." 'Ew' Ray thought as he proceeded to leave. 'Why the heck would I have feelings for my own sister.'  

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