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Ray's POV:

As time passed, it was time to say good bye to our little sister, Conny. Parting ways still left them all sad. The others and I have been saying goodbye for 10 years, as for me, I can't utter a word.

"I'll be fine as long as Little Bernie is with me!" that is what Conny said but...

8 minutes later when Conny left...

"CONNY! How Could You?!" shrieked Emma, from the dining room. 'There it goes' I thought.  I went to where Emma was holding Little Bernie in her hands as Gilda said, "What should we do? I mean... Conny has already left."  "It's too early to say that." said Norman with his hand on his chin. 

"I saw the lights in the gate are open, and Mama hasn't returned yet, so Conny probably hasn't left yet. You should go give it to her before she leaves." I said just as I had planned. 

"Let's bring it to her then." said Emma determined, as she and Norman ran out the door. "I'll come too!" said Kiyoko, putting the broom down as she was done sweeping the floor. 
"No. Kiyoko stay here." I said. I didn't want her to come.  I didn't want her to see the horrific body of Conny. I knew she was close to Conny. Seeing her dead, will only traumatize her. 

"It's fine Ray. I can still-" Kiyoko started.

"No. Those two can handle it. Mama will be mad if she finds out you went to the gate." I said, dragging Kiyoko back to bed.

Emma POV:

Norman and I ran to the gate, with the winds in our faces.  When we reached the big tall gate, I hesitated to go inside, in case we would get in trouble, but I really wanted to give Little Bernie back to Conny. 

Norman seeing my face smiled calmly. "Don't worry, if Mama sees us, we can share the blame together." he said as if he read my mind.

"Ok lets go!"

We slowly walked in to the gate, and it was becoming darker and darker. Water dripped from the ceiling and landed with a 'plop' noise. 

"Conny?" I said as I walked near the big truck.  "Woah...a real car..." Norman said amazed.

"We've never seen one before, have we?" I said wondering.

Norman just shook his head as he headed towards the driver's seat. 

"There's no one in the car..." 

I went towards the back of the truck hoping that maybe Conny would be there. I dropped the bunny when I saw the sight before me.  "Norman..." I said wide eyed. Norman walked to me confused. "Look..." I quivered. He looked in the truck and then quickly covered his mouth. "Conny..." He whispered. 

There lying in the back of the truck wide eyed, with a red flower pierced in her heart...

Was Conny's dead body.

"Is someone there?!" said a voice from the double sided door next to the side of the truck. 

Norman pulled me and we hid under the truck. 

"Hey, didn't you hear something just now?"

"You must be imagining things."

"Tch. If it were a stray cat, I would've eatened it."

"Gah. You telling me that you eat things like stray cats?"

I peeked in to see who was talking where I saw the demons. The demon was tall, with lanky hands with long nails. The other demon that was there, was a little shorter, but a lot bigger.  Norman who was also seeing this shivered, covering his mouth for the second time that day.

Right after that, I found out about the orphanage. A farm. Where demons eat children. No way...were we living all this time, just to get eaten?! I couldn't comprehend it. 

Thats when I saw Mama.  

"Understood." said Isabella. She didn't look like the mama I knew. She looked cold, not even batting an eye at Conny's dead body. Just then I got pulled by Norman once again, and we quietly left under the truck. 

Third Person POV:

The demons kept on talking as they put the body into a blue liquid tube and loaded it into the truck. They went behind the truck when the first demon picked up something. Little Bernie. He handed it to Mama Isabella. 

"Found this under the truck. Dispose of it."

Mama Isabella just stared at it wide eyed, as she held Little Bernie in her arms. 

' looks like someone found out...'

Ray POV:

Just as Kiyoko finally went to sleep after raving about the tea on Don and Gilda, I went back downstairs to wait for Emma and Norman. I heard a scream from outside. 'I guess they saw Conny's body then...'

Norman and Emma came back looking like they saw a dead body (which they indeed have). "Did you give it to her?" I asked leaning on the kitchen wall. 

Norman gave a weary smile and just said "No, we didn't make it in time." while Emma didn't answer and went upstairs. I mentally sighed and went silently to the library. 

Emma POV:

I slowly walked upstairs not believing what I saw a moment ago. Suddenly there was a hand on my shoulder. I jumped and...

It was just Norman.

"Are you alright?" whispered Norman.

I sighed. "How could I be Norman...when I just saw Conny's dead body, and Mama...being like that."

Norman gave me a hug, which comforted me, but Conny's face never left the back of my mind. We went back to the rooms, and I was walking to my bed, I saw Kiyoko...

I knew how close she was with Conny, how she absolutely adored her...

I stared at her with guilt and thought...

'If only she knew...'

A/N: I chapters are still a little short. I'm trying to make them longer. Pretty boring story so far...we shall go into the juicy parts later. Like I said, this story will be slow-paced in the beginning. Also thank you for the reads!

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