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Norman POV: 

So the plan began. We looked through the maps showing our timeline, we took caution in every step, we did all the chores she asked of us, and...

"Welcome..." thats all I heard coming from the main room. Emma, Ray and I glanced at each other as we were finishing the chores Mama asked of us. What could it be? I walked to the main room where we saw an unexpected appearance. Another adult.

'We've been so busy that we never thought that the number of adults might increase?!' I thought wide eyed. 

I looked at Ray and Emma and I could tell they were thinking the same thing. 

"Sister Krone?" said Mama smiling cheekly. A smile I knew too well. A smile that says 'I won so stop trying.'

"Ah yes, My name is Sister Krone.I will be living with all of you starting today! Nice to meet you all!" said Sister Krone. She had that same damn smile. I glared and I knew the Emma and Ray were too. 

3rd person POV:

"Let's talk Sister Krone, shall we?"Mama Isabella said gesturing her in the office. 

"I am deeply grateful for this opportunity you've given me." sweetly said Sister Krone as she continued. " I've heard many great things about you! You are my inspiration. I'm honored to be able to work under someone like you-" 

"Enough with the social etiquette." said Mama indifferently. "Let's put an end to this useless chit chat and get straight to business. These documents contain all the data of my precious children. Memorize all the information there. That's an easier task then getting a full score every morning, isn't it?"

Krone mentally rolled her eyes and studied the documents before her.  "By the way, why did you need me in the first place? Though I'm not complaining-"

"Our secret has been exposed." 

This struck Krone. "W-what, then as the rules say we have to ship them-"

Isabella just fiercely glared and said commanding, "No. There's absolutely no need. I already have an idea of who it is anyway. The children here are special. This is something that impacts the prestige of the farm."

"So we...won't be be reporting this to the higher ups?"

Isabella back to her calm state crossed her arms. "No. We won't. I am the 'Mama' in this house. You...are a mere helper. Do you understand?"

Krone sighed and raged mentally but covered that up with a sweet cheeky smile. "Yes...Madam Isabella. Also, Grandma said there would be 37 children here (minus Conny) but in the documents, there is only 36. May I know where the last child is?"

Isabella's eyes lowered and spoke. "You don't need to keep an eye on the last child. There is no use. This child...she's special. I believe I have said everything Hm. You can leave now." 

Krone's hands formed into a fist and said between her teeth. "Yes...Madam." She said leaving slamming the door, not bothering to hide her anger. 

Ray POV:

Norman and I were discussing Sister Krone as we were doing these stupid chores. "Ray, if you shove the plates in the basket, your going to end up breaking one of them." Norman nagged.          "Whatever." I said rolling my eyes. 

"She's already fitting right in with everyone else." mumbled Norman. 

"Sure looks like it." I huffed.

"Even Kiyoko looks so happy with Sister Krone." 

Now THAT got my attention. I looked and sure enough there was Kiyoko and Sister Krone laughing together. My hands balled up into a fist. I glanced at Norman who also looked like he wanted to smash something. Why? He doesn't have anything to do with Kiyoko. I glanced at the sight of Kiyoko and Sister Krone one more time, and before my body stopped me, I walked fast towards Kiyoko. "Wait!" said Norman with the voice of reason. I didn't listen and grabbed Kiyoko's hand from Sister Krone and said coldly "Let's go." 

Kiyoko's face looked shocked so was Sister Krone, but I didn't really care. No way was I going to let my sister be all happy with the enemy. I could hear Norman apologizing to Sister Krone in the background, and my blood boiled even more. 

I finally let go when we went in the hallway. "What was up with that?!" said Kiyoko, not particularly shouting but loud enough for anyone close to hear. Not being able to say a plausible explanation, I just mumbled "Emma is looking for you." I said guilty. 

Kiyoko just gave me a deadpanned expression and just said "You didn't have to drag me you know." 

"I know...Just don't go near Sister Krone." I mumbled once more. I have never felt more like I was about to cry like a kid when they got scolded, than now.  

"Why?" questioned Kiyoko. 

I couldn't just say 'Oh cuz she's working with demons. SO is mama." So I just said "Just don't go." I said walking away or more like dashing away. 

Mama Isabella POV:

I watched Kiyoko and Ray as he told her to stay away from Sister Krone. I smiled warmly at the scene. 'He kept his promise...that he would be a better brother than a mother I was..." I wiped the tear that unknowingly fell, as I left the scene. 

Norman POV:

I saw Ray sulkily come back. "Seriously Ray?" I said as I hit Ray in the back of the head  with the tissue roll I was holding. 

"Shut up." grumbled Ray. Why does Ray care so much about Kiyoko anyways? I honestly didn't know how I felt about Kiyoko. One part of me becomes so nervous when I'm around her. The other feels happy and light. I sighed and just continued to talk about Sister Krone with Ray while he responded with half responses. 

(A/n: Uhh im kinda just going to speed this part up. So basically after this Sister Krone comes and is like"I heard you were the top scorers..." and whatnot. And also during this time, Emma will be checking baby Carol for the transmitter and found it. Srry for this speed up. Didn't really want to spend all that time writing dialogue, since I have HW. Anyways back to the story :>)

Third Person POV:

Isabella walked cautiously through the hallways as she reached her office, and went down to the secret door. She sat down and put the headphones on to report to the headquarters. " This is number 73584, reporting in. October 17th...No abnormalities."


Isabella's eyes widened. "Grandma?"

"I have a message for you from our boss. You will be able to send out the girl as planned, correct? This is a very important task Isabella. You must not fail."

Isabella just closed her eyes and answered "I completely understand."

"Please tell our boss that everything is going as planned."

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