It's me...

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                             's me back from the dead...Over these past months, I kind of lost my passion in writing fanfictions and nowadays, updating my story feels like a chore. Before when I first started writing, I felt excited and confident about finishing a chapter and writing about something I enjoyed but now its not in terms of motivation or anything but I just need a long break from here. I know I said I would update more after midterms are over and I'm sorry I'm breaking that promise but I really can't do this anymore. It's not only that I lost my passion in writing but also the story. I started writing "Siblings" when I first watched TPN and read the manga but as I'm growing I don't feel that sudden desire to write about it. I still watch anime now and then but I feel the love isn't as strong as before because these days my mind is occupied with school and my personal life with all the issues I have. Again, I'm really sorry as I know many of you enjoyed the story and I'm thankful as those have brought a smile to my face but I just need this break for me. I might not come back to writing on wattpad so this may or may not be my final goodbye.

So regardless thank you to all who have read my story and enjoyed it. I loved reading everyone's comments on here so I sincerely thank you. <3

Goodbye... - Ichigo or Ichigoboii


Siblings-The Promised Neverland Fanfiction (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now