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A/N: Heey so I'm not going to put the part where Don and Gilda find out about the Real secret, but it ends with Don saying "Are you going to tell Kiyoko?" and the the others stay silent. Also, I'm not going to make Sister Krone and Emma and the others form an alliance and blah blah blah, instead there will be something in there for Sister Krone but it will be secret.

Sister Krone POV:

"Come in." said Mama Isabella.

I gritted by teeth as I went in. She infuriated me, always acting as if she was better. She was more of a monster than I. I sighed and smiled as I came in the room. She had a weird smile on her face. Almost creepy. But I knew what that smile was. It wasn't her usual happy smile she showed the kids. It was a smile that shown she was up to no good. "What is it?" I asked sweetly.

She in return smiled as well and handed me a letter. Huh? I was expecting a stupid lecture or just an order but a letter? What could it be?
"This is from the headquarters. Take a look, will you?" said Isabella in her sickly sweet voice.
What...what I saw shocked me.

"No. 18684, aka Sister Krone" I said reading the letter. "You have been appointed to the Mama position of plantation number 4." I dropped the letter and I tried to comprehend what I just read.
Wha-me...A Mama?! "Yes, I know our parting will be very regrettable. But that's how things are." Mama Isabella said. Again that sickening smile. She didn't say it like it was sad or that she was mad or ANYTHING. She just said it as if she was happy. Too happy.

This...this had to be a trick. It couldn't be. I-it can't.
"Grandma is at the gate waiting for you. Please pack your things and head straight over." Isabella said as she opened the door for me. I could tell she was eager to get me out. A little to eager for my likeing...

"Farewell. I wish you all the best at the new plantation." she said.

This is bad. There was no reason for her to reccommend me to a new plantation. It just...wasn't possible. a trap.

But this letter, this I could tell, was not a fake. The contents in them might all be a lie but the letter
So I had to go whether I liked it or not.
I headed out the door glaring at Isabella. There was no reason for me to act all nice to her fo what she's going to do to me.
As I got closer to the big tall gate, I gulped. I slowly put one foot over the other and breathed in and out heavily.

I then saw Grandma waiting just as how Isabella said she would. A sinister smile on her face, with shadows hiding her upper face.
"Grandma..." I murmured, and then told her everything Isabella hid from her.

"So your saying, that the full scorers know about the secret and are planning to escape?" said Grandma.

"Both the full scorers and other high quality children. It's too dangerous to leave them the way they are! I have no hard evidence for it all, but please believe me!" I shouted in desperation.

"But everything is still under control right?" said Grandma, her smile still as sinister as before.

"Huh...?" I told her all that, but that's everything she said?!

Grandma continued. "As long as everything is under control, none of this is a problem. If I could handle it in the past, I'm sure she can now too. Sister Krone...You are just simply not good enough." She said walking around as I looked at her with wide eyes. Fear evident in them. She leaned in and whispered "I can't have you get in the way of Isabella, darling. That...just wouldn't work for me."

My breath shakened. I-I've lost. I had no chance of winning from the beginning. Then I saw the demon behind me. He held me as he went to put the vida flower in my heart. I struggled to break free knowing I coudn't win. Then I remembered the pen. That no ordinary pen...I wasn't able to crack the pen code. But those kids...those kids might be able to do it. They was a statement that for once I agreed with by Isabella. Those kids were special. I'll make sure those kids. So that Isabella can be dragged down from her mighty position. You better succeed at you escape you damn brats! And live, survive...

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