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Third-person POV:

Kiyoko groaned as she woke up to the sound of pots and pans smashing together, just to see Emma screaming her head off about waking up. 'Geez, it sounds like she's speaking through a megaphone.'  She thought as she got up from bed where kids continuously jumped on her so she could help them either tie their shoes or fix their hair.

She honestly didn't mind it.  It was just...tiring. 

'I seriously don't know how Emma does it... Maybe because she's a kid herself.'  

Satisfied with her thought, she helped the kids, showered and changed, and went downstairs, where Ray was waiting for her.

"Wow, you look tired." Ray said as he was holding the tray full of dishes. 

"Shush, eyebags. You look like you haven't slept in months. Maybe even years, because you read all night"

"Well at least, I was doing something productive."

"Me too! I was helping Anna and Nat study."

"YeAh RAy!" shouted Emma joining in the conversation. (aka fighting session)

Kiyoko and Norman just silently giggled as they watched Emma and Ray  bicker back and forth.

It ended with Ray telling Emma she was a five year old and Mama comforting Emma. 

Then Conny and Don appeared. "Conny!" Kiyoko immediately embraced Conny in a big hug. Don laughed and said "Kiyoko, if you hug her that hard, you're going to choke her." Kiyoko just gave Don a deadpanned look and mumbled fine as she set Conny down. "Look big sis!" Conny said as she pointed towards her new bunny head band.  Just as me and Emma saw, we gushed about how cute she looked, while Ray just mumbled "Five year olds...", Don being happy Conny was getting attention, and Norman smiling warmly at the scene. 

They all ate and went to do their tests...


"Congratulations Emma, Ray, Norman, and Kiyoko! Perfect scores!" Mama Isabella announced as everyone got their scores. 

People congratulated them and Kiyoko skipped towards the Ray, Norman, and Emma. "Thank you Norman for helping me study for the test last week! You're just like a brother to me!" Kiyoko said smiling happily while playing with Ray's hair. Just as Kiyoko mentioned 'brother'  to Norman, Ray looked daggers into Norman, while Norman looked sad, that Kiyoko called him a 'brother' to her. (A/N: Norman got brother zoned.)

"Uhhh Ray, why are you glaring at Norman???" questioned Emma looking at both Ray and Norman. 

Poor Norman was sweating thinking he did something wrong.

Ray huffed as mumbled "It's nothing" as he went out of the room, dragging Kiyoko with him.   It was finally time to play as Don challenged Norman to tag and he politely accepted. Ray let Kiyoko play but continuously checked to see if she was alright. He only let her play so it could help increase her stamina and speed. She would need it for the escape. 

In the last 8 minutes, it was only Emma and Kiyoko left. Ray being the bias brother he was, decided to help Kiyoko. When Norman went to find Emma, Ray went to Kiyoko who was out of breath, and helped her climb a tree that was hidden. "Shshh" he said as he went back to the tree he was reading in. 

3 mins passed. Emma was caught.

5 more mins left...

Ray Pov:

I was pretending to read as I was silently going over the plan tonight, when Norman came rushing to me. "Ray! Kiyoko, she's badly hurt!"


I quickly ran to where Kiyoko was, with Norman following me, as I was thinking about all the possibilities of what could have happened to her and finally I found her. 

"Kiyoko! Are you okay?! What happened?!" I shouted as I checked if she was hurt.


Kiyoko just stared at Ray confused, as Norman went behind Kiyoko's back and tapped her. "Got you." He said calmly. It took a minute before Ray realized, Norman tricked him into showing where Kiyoko was. "You-you little-" It took a minute to pry Ray from Norman...well...a little more than a minute. Finally Kiyoko got Ray from trying to fight Norman who was hiding behind a tree.

  As they walked back to where Emma was (who is currently punching the air) , Kiyoko was pouting because she lost, Ray was glaring at Norman for the second time, and Norman just sweatdropped, scared for his life. 


It was finally time for Conny to leave the Grace Field house awaiting her new 'parents' or...her death. 

"I'm going to work hard, even after I leave. I'll be okay, since I have my little bunny with me." Conny said teary eyed as she hugged Kiyoko and the others. 

Someone came out of the shadows behind the staircase watching the scene. It was Ray, with guilt evident on his face. "I'm sorry..." he whispered, just enough for himself to hear him, as he went back to the library......

A/N: Chapter 1 done! How did you like it? Please give me some feedback. Thank you for reading!

P.S. I will try to update more since I haven't updated this book in so long. Probably either today, tomorrow, or next week will have an update. I don't have a proper schedule, since school started, but I will try to update more frequently. 

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