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A/N: This will be a flashback chapter where it explains how Kiyoko knew and stuff...

A month before Conny's adoption was announced...              

Kiyoko's POV:

I smiled as I walked through the hallways as I said hello to everyone I walked past. It was a normal morning filled with children running around, some asking me to play with them. I politely refused and made my way to Mama's office in hopes of finding her there. It was a daily routine to do so as it brought me comfort. I came a little early this time since I brought a present. 

I stood in front of Mama's door and just as I was about to knock...

"The person with the lowest grades are Conny. Her birthday is coming soon anyway so it shouldn't be a problem."

Rays voice.

What were they talking about? What shouldn't be a problem? Even though I knew it was wrong, I was intrigued to hear more.

"The shipment will go smoothly right...?"

Mama's voice.

What shipment? Is Mama sending something out? Perhaps a package?

"I need you keep a close eye on Norman and Emma."

"But they don't know the secre-"

"It doesn't matter if they don't know the secret, still keep an eye on them. I'm not too worried about Emma but Norman...he may be a problem..."

What the actual heck are they talking about?! Why keep an eye on Norman and Emma? 

I heard footsteps coming to the door so I quickly hid behind the wall  hoping no one would see me. But the footsteps stopped. 

"Mama...will you tell Kiyoko?"

"About what?"

"The demons, of course. Are you going to tell her about the shipment? That you have been shipping the kids with low scores on their birthday to the demons that await them. That you have been sending small children to their deat—"


I froze in my spot, my hands trembling. It couldn't be right? This must be some sort of game they're playing or something...To their can't be...can it? The present I had in my hand dropped with a thud. The gift in the box shattering to the floor. The wooden ukulele I made for Mama, broken with splinters across the fine wood. 

Of course they would hear I thought as I heard rushing footsteps coming from the door. Before Ray or Mama opened the door , I dashed away downstairs to the feild. I couldn't go to the rooms since then Mama would suspect me as  I was the only one in the house. 

I ran into the woods pretending like I was playing tag like the rest. I sighed trying to catch my breath as I recoiled what happened. And Conny...what did they mean things will go smoothly? If they meant the shipment...that they would ship Conny out then...

it struck me. I always wondered why none of our siblings sent mail or anything. It never made sense. There should be at least one person that remembered us and sent something but there was none. 'Conny's grades are the lowest' that's what Ray said. I thought about what the other children who got adopted. No...shipped out. Hao, Cedi...there grades were the lowest not to mention they both got shipped out as soon as they reached six. Conny...her birthday was coming up.

Her 6th Birthday. But I still didn't understand...why didn't we get shipped out. We've passed 6...

I looked back at the direction of the house, there was at least a source of information I can use... For now, I can't get suspected. I must gather any information I can.

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