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Ray POV:

"The ears huh? Can't believe I've never noticed it before." I said.

"Ditto. This is also the first I'm hearing about these blood test markings." said Norman clearly frustrated.

"I'm sorry, I knew all about it all along, but it never struck me as odd." apologized Emma.

"No you did quite well. Now we have to move on to the next step..."

"How to get rid of them!"

We all talked about the trackers some more, and of course as always, Emma and I argued about taking everybody. Thankfully we got an idea of how to increase the younger kids stamina and speed.

"So this is where you guys have been sneaking off to."

"Huh? Who said that?" I questioned suspiciously.

A girl came out of the bushes, brushing off leaves and sticks. Kiyoko.

"Kiyoko?!" Norman, Emma, and I shouted.

"Oh hey guys...hehe..." Kiyoko mumbled nervously.

"How long have you been there???" I said a little more forced that I should have.

"Uhh just now? Don't worry I didn't hear any of your secrets? or conversation? The only thing I heard was 'tag'. What were you talking about anyways?" Kiyoko questioned.

We all looked at each other nervously before Norman thankfully spoke up. "Tag. We were talking about playing tag."

"OH OK then lets play then!" Emma said playing along as she ran back to the field. "Heh. Yea totally." Norman said too leaving me and Kiyoko alone.

"Lets go too." I told her as we started walking back.

It was a long silence before Kiyoko spoke. "'s been a long time since we had a conversation..."

"Yea...but I mean its only been a two weeks..." I said with guilt.

And then I got hit for the second time that week. "Exactly! We see each other everyday yet you can't spare some time. Like wow. Rude." Kiyoko said as she crossed her arms.

I had to admit, I was so focused on the plan to escape, I forgot about Kiyoko. "Sorry...Lets just go play tag." I said trying to change the subject as I went ahead of her.

I heard her sigh behind me, and I knew I should tried to spend more time with her before the escape, but how am I going to tell her the plan...?


Isabella POV:

Knock, Knock*

Hm..who could that be? "Come in." I called.

It was Kiyoko. I smiled. It has been so long since she came up to my door. Even Ray, though he only comes to report...

She came and hugged me and for once, I felt like I wasn't a bad person. Like I wasn't sending children to their death. That didn't last long though as I sat her down on the couch.

Siblings-The Promised Neverland Fanfiction (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now