Wren's Castle

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In a magnificent bathroom, Ariel sits in a water tub of bubbles, blowing the foamy objects in the air.

" Washed up from a shipwreck. Oh, the poor thing. We'll have you feeling better in no time." Carlotta, one of Wren's trusted maids, comforted Ariel.

Carlotta splashes a bucket of water on top of Ariel's head. Sebastian peeks out from where he's been hiding in Ariel's makeshift dress. Carlotta picks it up, grimacing.

"I'll just - I'll just get this washed for you." Carlotta grimaced.

Ariel wasn't listening, too busy thinking. What if Wren never kissed him? What if Ariel wasn't a good kisser? What if Wren hated his personality? What about his father, would he hurt Wren? And what is this weird thing in between his legs!?

But Ariel didn't focus on any of those things, too busy thinking about the way Wren's hands felt on his bare waist. Wren's hands felt nice.

Sebastian sits in a tub of soapy water as women surround it and wash various clothes, including Ariel's sail outfit.

"Well you must have at least heard about this boy." A woman asked.

"Well, Gretchen says..."

The woman runs the dress down a washboard and Sebastian is pulled along with it, him choking on the disgusting taste of the bubbles. 

"..since when has Gretchen got anything right. I mean really, this boy shows up in rags and doesn't speak-"

Sebastian is pulled through a wringer with a shirt, his air being forced out.

"Not my idea of a princess. Wren's looking for a girl, I know a couple of highly available ones right here..."

Wren is in fact, not looking for a girl.

Sebastian crawls into the pocket of shirt that is hung to dry. As the shirt slides past a window, he falls in headfirst. His eyes bug out as he sees dead fish on a chopping block, a boiling pot of sea creatures, and a platter of stuffed crabs. He faints.

Grimsby sits at the head of the table as Wren gazes out the windows, which stretch from floor to ceiling, at the ocean. Imagine the boy who saved his life.

"Oh, Wren, be reasonable. Nice young men just don't - swim around rescuing people in the middle of the ocean and then - flutter off into oblivion, like some -" Grimsby was cut off.

"I'm tellin' you, Grim, he was real! I'm gonna find that boy - and I'm gonna marry him."

When Wren thought of marriage, he thought of the singing boy, and his mothers who told him how they met every night before they tucked him into bed. He didn't think about some random ass girl.

"Ha Ha. Come on honey. Don't be shy." A new voice entered the room, gaining Grimsby and Wren's attention. Wren's eyes widened at the sight.

Carlotta and Ariel come through the entrance. Ariel wears a pink gown, the colors becoming brighter once he finally came into the light. Ariel looked towards Wren, smiling, looking for his approval.

"Oh, Eric, isn't he a vision?" Grimsby's voice entered through one ear and out the other.

"Uh, you look - pretty - beautiful - appealing - very good looking." Wren stuttered, cheeks burning as he coughed loudly avoiding Ariel's pretty blue eyes.

Grimsby chuckled, looking towards Ariel, "Come come come, you must be famished. Let me help you my dear."

Grimsby and Wren settle Ariel into a chair, Ariel smiled as the seat was almost close to Wren's seat.

"There we go - ah - quite comfy? Uh. It's - It's not often that we have such a lovely dinner guest, eh Wren?" Grimsby smiled, wing-manning for Wren.

Ariel smiles blissfully. He sees a fork on the table. He grins brightly as he picked it up, combing his hair. Wren holds a goblet and raises an eyebrow. Grimsby looks perplexed. Ariel puts it down, embarrassed. Wren lightly laughs at the red-head, gaining a flushed look from said boy.

Grimsby lights up his pipe and sees Ariel smiling at it. He hands it to him.

"Uh, do you like it? It is rather - fine..." Grimbsy trailed off.

He blows into it, covering Grimsby's face in dark ashes. Wren laughs loudly.

"Oh, my!" Carlotta gaspes, smiling at Wren's laughing face.

"Ahem, so sorry Grim." Wren cleared his throat, forcing his smile down. Ariel looked embarrassed.

"Why, Wren, that's the first time I've seen you smile in weeks." Carlotta exposed Wren. Wren's cheeks reddened.

Ariel smiles at this, turning to Wren and batted his eyelashes. Grimsby wipes his face.

"Yes, very amusing. Carlotta, my dear, what's for dinner?" Grimsby deadpanned.

"Ooo, you're gonna love it. Chef's been fixing his specialty, stuffed crab." Carlotta said. Ariel's face falls.

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