Part 2

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"MOMMA UP!" I was startled when Grey yelled and woke me up. My eyes shot open and I was met with big brown eyes looking down at me. Grey was smiling from ear to ear while sitting on my stomach, he had an evil little twinkle in his eyes and I knew what that meant: sugar. I sat up causing him to fall backward off of me onto the mattress. The little boy giggled before standing up on the mattress in front of me.

"AGAIN MOMMA AGAIN!" He used his little toddler hands to try to push me back down so he could get tossed again but I wasn't budging, causing him to pout.
"Oh good you're awake!" Felix poked his head into my room and smiled. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes before giving him a confused look. I pulled Grey down into my lap and he giggled and played with the necklace that I wore at all times.

"Why are you here?" I yawned the question as Felix came and sat down on the edge next to me.
"I'm watching Grey today remember? You have class in a few hours." As soon as he said that I was wide awake. I completely forgot that I started class today! I checked the time and saw that it was already 8:30 and I had to be there by 10. I passed Grey over to Felix and scrambled to get out of bed and start getting ready.

"I made breakfast for you! It's on the table!" Felix called out as I rushed down the hall towards the kitchen. Felix had made pancakes for breakfast which explained why Grey was so hyper. Felix knew he shouldn't give him sugar but he always insisted on doing it anyway, I think he (not so) secretly likes it when Grey's bouncing off the walls. I quickly ate the (very delicious) pancakes and got ready for class.

"Bye Grey, momma loves you!" I kissed my son on the cheek before I started to walk out the door. Grey made a little whimpering noise like he was going to cry and he reached out for me with his little hands as Felix held him. I always felt bad leaving him because I knew it made him sad. Ever since he was born he would cry if I left him with someone that wasn't me and it broke my heart every time it happened.

I barley made it to class on time, by the time I had sat down and gotten all my stuff prepared it was five minutes till the bell rang. The professor was nice enough and so were the people sitting near me. We didn't do a whole lot since it was our first day, just did a basic run down of the syllabus and started reading on the first chapter. Something, no someone, did catch my eye though...

It was around lunch, I had a free hour so I decided to go downtown to the cafe I was working at to get lunch. I was standing in line to order when I heard a familiar laugh that made my blood run cold. I looked around for the person the laugh belonged to and that's when my eyes settled on a guy sitting in the corner. I couldn't see his face so I couldn't tell if it was him for sure but the laugh was exactly the same. What I did know was that it was enough to make me lose my appetite all together.

"Hey Y/N how was your day?" Felix asked as soon as I walked through the door. He was on the couch with Grey, they were watching paw patrol. I stood there staring at my son and remembered the laughter from the cafe.
"Momma's sad." Grey spoked softly and I stopped staring at him. I didn't even realize I had been crying until I felt the tears rolling down my cheeks. Felix got up and walked over to me and pulled me into a hug. I tried my best to keep it together so I didn't alarm Grey but so far I wasn't doing a very good job.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Felix whispered and I shook my head no.
"Not right now, not in front of Grey."
Felix understood and didn't press the matter any further, but I knew we would be having a conversation about it later. I treated Felix to dinner since he had been so helpful watching Grey for me and we overall had a nice quiet night. Felix helped with Grey's bath before bedtime and helped me put him to sleep.

"So," Felix started as soon as I had closed Grey's bedroom door, "are we gonna talk about why you were crying when you came home?"
Unconsciously I started chewing on my bottom lip, I was hoping that he would have forgotten about it but it seems like luck was not on my side today.
"I think I saw him..."

All the color drained from Felix's freckled face and he wore a expression of pure shock and confusion.
"I was getting lunch between classes and I heard his laugh and I saw him sitting in the cafe laughing on the phone." My voice was trembling and I hated that even after 3 years I still wasn't over him.

"Are you sure it was him? Isn't he in-"
"-Australia, yeah that's what I thought." My head was running a million miles a second and I didn't even know what to think or feel.
"Y/N, I know that it probably isn't my place to say anything but I really think you need to tell him. If Chris really is back, he's gonna run into you eventually; he's going to run into Grey eventually. Grey is a spitting image of Chris there's no way he won't know as soon as he see's him."

Deep down I knew Felix was right but I still couldn't bring myself to do it, especially having hid Grey away from Chris for so long. Felix let out a long sigh and moved in to give me a reassuring hug.
"Maybe I'm wrong and you'll never run into him, maybe that wasn't him at the cafe. You don't have to tell him right this instant, but if he really is back in Seoul you need to reach out and tell him. It's been three years Y/N, Grey's only gonna look more and more like him as he grows up."

The next day we repeated our new morning routine. Felix arrived early in the morning and made breakfast while I got Grey up and ready for the day. I made it to class with you plenty of time to spare and was able to finish an assignment that I was sent able to do the previous night. Before I knew it class had started and I had almost forgotten about yesterday. Almost.

"-so the author's use of symbolism throughout the story is giving hints at who the real villain-"
The door to the classroom burst wide open during the lecture, grabbing the attention of everyone. My jaw went slack and I stared at the intruder like a deer in headlights.
"I'm so sorry, the train was late. I promise it won't happen again."
"I'm sure it won't. Now please take a seat, there's an open one next to Y/N in the back corner."

I tried to avoid eye contact with him as much as a I possibly could but it was no use. He walked clear to the back or the room towards me and took a seat beside me. The familiar smell of Chris's cologne flooded my senses and I couldn't remember how to breath; I could feel the heat radiating off his body. We didn't say a word to each other the entire class but I could feel his gaze on me. I don't think I had ever ran out of a classroom quicker than I did after that.

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