Part 8

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I approached the all to familiar café in that Wednesday with a lump in my throat and what felt like a pile of bricks in my stomach. Chan's messy dark brown curls and broad shoulders and back that were covered by his trademark black hoodie were visible from across the street, but so was the drop dead gorgeous woman with long, flowing, chocolate brown hair.

Chan noticed me standing there and smiled and waved me over. The woman's turned her attention towards me as well and I couldn't help but fall victim to giving her an evaluating once-over, as if I was estimating if she was a threat or not. The biggest part of me hates that I'm looking at this woman like she was some sort of competition, but the jealous part of me that couldn't escape society's conditioning to pit women against each other is happy that I opted to put on some light makeup and dress slightly nicer than usual today. 

Sana is absolutely stunning.
Her face is a soft heart shape, her large double-lidded eyes are a warm brown and sparkles in the afternoon sun, her lips are a natural heart shaped pout with a slight pink (presumably lip stain) tint. And when she stood up I could clearly see that she had a killer body, even if she was dressed in jeans and a black tee shirt.

Chan stood up as well, to greet me, but he just looked at Sana with a smile in his eyes. Like she had hung the moon and the stars in the sky.
That's face....
It sent a wave of sadness over me, as that same face used to be reserved for me.

"Sana this is Lee Y/N. Y/N, this is my girlfriend, Minatozaki Sana." 

She extended her hand for a handshake and I accepted.

"Nice to meet you." I managed to throw on a smile and sound professional, she smiled back and her eyes narrowed.

"You too. Chris has told me so much about you!"

Christopher. Chris.
I hardly ever used Chan's English name when we were together, let alone a diminutive of it. I usually only used it when I was really upset with him, but judging from the beaming expression, he doesn't mind Sana using it. The knot in my stomach tightened.

"Hopefully all good things. There are many to choose from." I tried to mask with humor.

Sana nodded politely, smiling back at me, but I wasn't convinced. Chan waits for both of us to sit down before he does, too. I tried to envelope my company with what I hope was perceived as a friendly gaze when I noticed something about Sana's face. She seemed almost familiar.

"Chris tells me that you're going to school?" 
"That's right. I'm working for a degree in business."
"It must be hard. Taking care of such a young child, working, and going to school all by yourself."

It finally clicked why I thought I recognized her. Of course Chan would date one of the most beautiful female models in the country. She must have seen the look of realization cross my face because she chuckles and grins.

"I look different without the makeup and expensive clothes."

The server came by to take our order and Chan takes one look at Sana, she tilts her head slightly, and their telepathic converse in ended when he orders for both of them. It's annoying, he sided to know all my orders too. This time, I order for myself, and I also get a cup of coffee although the last thing I need right now is jitters. I seem to be great and making decisions I'll regret later. 

The atmosphere at the same is more awkward than it was before. Sana was trying not to stare at me and I was trying not to her star at her, both of us had permanent fake half smiles plastered to our faces.

"So you can Chris went to high school together."

"Yes we did, we were friends."

It was the truth. We were friends before we started dating late in our Junior year. I don't dare look at Chan as I try to get a feel for what Sana knows. I keep telling myself it's just because I'm curious to how he portrayed me or if he even told her anything at all. Not because I'm annoyed with how happy he seems to be with her.

Why would I be? He's nothing to me. I quickly push any mean thoughts out of my head.

"Look, Sana. I insisted we meet because of my son. I don't like leaving him in the care of someone I do not know, it's nothing

Her face scrunched with guilt.

"I'm sorry about that, it was inconsiderate of me. I totally understand where you're coming from, I would want the same if I was in your position. I just...well this is new territory for me."

That much I can understand, sympathize with even. I wouldn't of been surprised if she had broken up with him the moment she found out he had a child.

"I apologize for my mistake. I also want you to know that I will not be with Chris on Friday, I figured it's only fair that you get to decide when I get to meet Grey."

She surprised me with this. I mulled her words over in my head, reaching several different conclusions: she was either trying to win points with me, Chan, or both. Or she was being honest. Her expression point me in the direction of the last one, but I still wasn't ready to trust this woman. And that bothered me. Because had she not been Chan's girlfriend, o probably would have liked her.

I never wanted to be one of those women who evaluated another woman based on a man. It's misogynistic and vile. So I cling to the lifeline of doing what's best for my child. Hide behind it even. It was the truth after all. So what if it wasn't the whole truth.

"I appreciate that a lot Sana, thank you." 

She flashes me the biggest smile and an irrational feeling of defeat settles deep in my bones. Chan gave her a quick side hug and a peck on the cheek and the irrational feeling grew even more, making me feel like a third-wheel all of a sudden.

The arrival of our meals provided a more than welcome distraction, and I hoped that the conversation would change directions but luck wasn't in my favor.

"I hope you don't mind, but Chris showed me pictures of Grey."

Chan had taken many pictures of and with Grey over the past month. I was even in some of them, and I couldn't help but wonder if he had shown her any of them. 

"That's fine I guess." I muttered, feeing the villain in this situation. She probably thought I was a paranoid, overprotective, helicopter parent that thinks every one is out to get my kid. I cleared my throat to stop from gritting my teeth.

"He's absolutely adorable." Sana continued:

"Especially with that curly hair and those dimples! He looks exactly like Chris at that age! It's too cute!"

"We all look like our fathers when we're younger. Then puberty hits and we turn into spitting images of our mom. Or so they say."

Was it an unintentional jab? Maybe. But I said it before I could even think it through. Chan didn't seem to understand the nature of my statement, either, because he walked right into the trap that had accidentally been set.

"So he's going to get even cuter!"

My cheeks burned with secondhand embarrassment for Chan at that moment. If I wasn't already very very petty I probably would of tried to help him dig himself out of that hole, because if looks could kill Chan would of been dead and buried from the one that Sana was giving him. However, the look was gone in a fraction of a second, I would have missed it had I not been looking for it.

But at least I knew, Sana did see me as a threat. And no matter how many seemingly sweet apologies and honeyed words she gives, I was firm in my decision that I did not like Minatozaki Sana.

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