Part 5

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He made it sound so easy, like everything would have worked out if we had just talked. Just a single conversation about it then and we wouldn't be going through this now. Suddenly the full weight of how selfish and stupid I had been settled on me, leaving it hard for me to breath and tears stinging my eyes.

"Y/N please," he was begging,"let me see Greyson: let me see our son."
He was desperate, pleading. I hated that I was the cause of this, that I had caused both of us so much heart ache. Of course after all this I wasn't going to deny him, but there was still one issue standing in the way.
"You can see him...but I don't think we should tell him who you are just yet."

With the look on his face you would've thought I just punched him.
"Why not?" He's genuinely confuses before realization crosses his face, "he has no idea who I am to him...does he?"
"I..." no more lying, tell him the truth, "He's only asked about you once, and I told him that his dad had to go away for awhile and we didn't know when he could come back. He never asked about it again after that... He has Felix, so I suppose he doesn't miss the father he's only heard about once."

" long have you and Felix been together?" He voice had a hint of something in it...disappointment I think? But his comment make me let out an ugly snort by accident.
"Oh we're not together! Trust me we are definitely not together." I regained my composure but still chuckled a bit at the thought of dating my best friend. His face lightened up a little bit but not much.
"What about you? Are you seeing anyone?" I asked out of curiosity. He nodded and avoided eye contact with me.

"I have a girlfriend. Her name is Sana, we've been together for almost a year." I don't know why I was so surprised by his answer especially since I was the one who asked about it, but my stomach sank when he gave me that answer. Of course he would have a girlfriend; he's good-looking, talented, smart, and caring.
"Oh. So it's serious." I spoke my thought out load without thinking. Chan chuckled and blushed.
"Yeah I think so."

There's an awkward silence yet again between the two of us while we were both left alone with our thoughts and all the reveled information of the day.
"You can see Grey," I finally spoke, "but I think it should be just you. At least for now. I don't want to overwhelm him. He should get to know you and trust you first, then we can tell him who you are. And since you and your girlfriend are serious we obviously can't hide her from him, but I don't want him to think we would still be together if she wasn't in the picture."

I could tell he was thinking over my words carefully before he responded, "that's fair. I haven't told Sana about this yet, I wanted to talk to you about it first. I'll tell her tomorrow, I just wanted to wrap my head around it first. I don't know how she's gonna react."

I knew how this was probably going to look as soon as he brought it up to her: ex-girlfriend claims to have a kid with him and is now trying to use him for money. Which was the furthest thing from the truth, I didn't want anything from him.

"We don't want or need anything from you, let me make that perfectly clear. I've been taking care of Grey just fine on my own for three years. If you spend time with him it should be because you want to, not because you feel obligated to."

He frowns and stares at me blankly and it made me feel stupid for even saying something like that. We wouldn't be here if he didn't want to see his own child.
"You may not need my help, but I want to help. At least let me pay child support, please."
I knew this was a hill he was willing to die on so I swallowed my pride and accepted. I looked at the time and saw that we had already been in the cafe for two hours and that I had messages from my mom asking what time o would be by to pick Grey up.

I sighed and put my phone back into my bag along with all the pictures I had brought for Chan to look at.
"I have to go pick Grey up from my parents....I'm taking Grey to the student fair next weekend. If you want you can 'accidentally' run into us again."

"MOMMA CMON' I WANT FACE PAINT!" Grey was bouncing around all morning the day of the student fair. Felix, who was determined to make my life difficult, was talking up the fair all week. Grey was excited about quite literally everything: the food, the games, the Ferris wheel, and especially the face paint. As soon as he head he could get his face painted to be a dinosaur he was sold.
"We'll be there soon baby I promise."

Grey wasn't thrilled with that answer but didn't complain any further as we drove to the campus. I was definitely anxious for today since Chan was supposed to be meeting up with us. We had devised to meet up at the admissions booth by the front gate; I would take Grey to get in line and Chan was going to "accidentally" run into us.

We got to the campus within 15 minutes and I quickly got the excited little boy out of his car seat and we started towards the entrance to the fair. I sent Chan a message as soon as we got in line and waited. It wasn't long before he got there.

"Oh hey Y/N!" Chan smiled upon seeing us. I waved at him and Grey smiled upon seeing him.
"MOMMA HE SAVED MY BALLON!" Grey yelled right next to my ear. He was way too excited for me to keep holding him so I had to put him down. Chan laughed and and knelt down to Grey's level to hold out his hand for Grey to shake. Grey was confused at first but once I explained it to him he gladly shook Chan's hand.

"My name is Chan, what's your name little man?"
Grey looked at me for approval to tell Chan his name and I nodded in response. His eyes lit up and I knew that this was going to be a lot easier than I thought.
"I'm Greyson but momma and Uncle Felix only say that when I was bad. When I'm good they call me Grey!"

We had made it through the line to get our wristbands and I suggested to Grey that he ask Chan if he would like to go around the fair with us (Grey will say it was his idea if you ask him) and of course Chan said yes. We had a great time: we rode the Farris Wheel, the carousel, played multiple little games, Chan helped Grey win at a bunch of different claw games, and of course Grey got his face painted. Grey had insisted at the face paint booth that him and Chan get matching face paint, the little boy had grown quite fond of Chan over the course of a few hours.

Secret Son / Bang ChanWhere stories live. Discover now