Part 14

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Chan's voice absolutely floored me. 


"For the walls in his new room. I was thinking like a sky blue or a pale yellow. Not green though so we're not even gonna go there, but what about one of these?" 

"Why not green?" I don't know why I even asked that question. My foot tapped against the floor and I had one arm crossed over my chest.

"It's just a difficult color to paint. The swatch shows one thing but then you open the can and it's a different color, and when it dries it's another shade. It streaks and needs multiple coats and just overall looks horrible."

"But what if Grey wants green?"

Chan pauses on the other line:

"Umm...if he really wants green than sure I guess. Daddy will do his best to paint the hellish color and-"

"-I really can't do this right now. Why did you call again? I said I would call you when I could."
"It's not like I'm calling for stupid shit! I'm calling about our son. Sorry if it's interrupting your date. Ya know what just put Grey on the phone, I'll ask him myself.

"Absolutely not-"

"Oh? And why's that?" He taunted. If I had been less frazzled I probably would of been more composed. I would have stepped onto the balcony, found some privacy, but as it was all I could think about was how this grown-ass man was causing me more problems than Grey ever did with his stubbornness.

"Because I said I would call you when I can!"

I hissed and abruptly hung up the phone, promptly putting it on silent. An awkward silence follows being shortly intercepted by Felix pulling out two coffee cups from the cabinet.

"I'm sorry." I finally say, earnestly. Felix smiles but I hear it more than I can see it.

"It's alright. There's no need to be sorry."

"No, I am, that you had to hear that. I don't want to bicker and fight with him, he said we could be friends!"

Felix pours both of us cups of coffee and prepares them the way each of us likes it before passing me my mug.

"But do you want to be friends with him?" 

"Well, we'll have to be if he's going to stick around. I won't let my son listen to his parents arguing all the time."

"I mean, do you want to be friends with him, or something more? Come on Y/N, you and Chan do have a very complex relationship." 

The question would normally make me pause, make me think, however I was so blinded by my rage at that moment. Who does Chan think he is? He has a girlfriend, a girlfriend he plans to start living with! And he has the audacity to pry into whether or not I'm on a date with Felix and then fault me for it?!

"I want to be friends with him for the sake of my son. I do feel guilty about not telling Chan about him, he deserves to know and to have a choice. If it weren't for Grey, I couldn't care less about him."

Felix hums, now standing next to me. A gentle hand was on my shoulder.

"Can you please think about what I've told you? I don't need an answer right away but o really want you to think about it. I'm serious about what I said.

I was powerless to refuse him, it's just apart of Felix's charms. So I just nodded, carefully picking up my mug and listening to the excited screams of Seungmin and Grey as they came back from the store.

"You have some nerve."

I hissed into the phone later that night. Grey had already been put to bed for the night, as soon as we got home is was time to brush his teeth and get him in his jammies, so I was on the balcony talking to Chan. He had sent a few texts after I had hung up on him, telling me I was acting immature and that he was just excited to decorate a room for his son.

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