Establishing Your Relationship / Unreleased Chapter

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This takes place between Chapter 20 and Chapter 21! I hope you enjoy it!

A night without Grey was a rarity in my life that I would never get used to, but as my teeth clanked against Chan's in a heavy make out session. Chan and I had not had a moment to ourselves since the night he confessed to me and had broken up with Sana. The two of us haven't even defined what our relationship is.

My mom had offered to take Grey for a night after we had dinner at her house. He had begged me not make him leave and I wouldn't bring myself to tell him no. When Chan had called to talk to Grey that night, I didn't expect it to lead to him in my room with both of us acting like a pair of horny teenagers.

Chan's hands slid up my sides, taking my shirt with them.

"Wait," my word could barley be heard through the light moan I said it with, "Chan, wait."

He whined impatiently as he stopped placing open-mouthed kisses along my neck and collarbones. A pout formed on his face, it was the same pout that Grey would use to get what he wants. I had never realized that was where he got it from, and I made a mental note of yet another similarity the two of them share.

"I think we should talk." I felt shy all of a sudden without him looking at me through hooded eyes. Chan waited patiently for me to continue speaking. I removed myself from him lap, standing in front of him and smoothing out the fabric of my sweatpants.

"I can't have sex with you."

That was not how I wanted the conversation to start but in that moment it was the only thing I could think to say. It had been a few weeks since Chan had broken up with Sana and we had our little moment in the apartment. I didn't think about it at the time, but I was a bit relieved that Chan and I didn't have sex that night.

Chan's face fell and he titled his head in confusion, "What?"

"I'm not ready to have sex with you. I haven't been with anyone seriously since I was 17, I'm not ready to just jump right into it. I'm sorry if that's what you wanted from me but I -"

The man stood, pulling me into him and wrapping his arms around me. My head pressed against his chest, I could hear the solid thump of his heart.

"It's okay, you don't have to explain yourself. I'm sorry you felt like I was pressuring you, that wasn't my intention."

Chan put me at an arm's length, studying over my face with nothing but love in his eyes. That look made my stomach feel fuzzy and warm. 

"I want us to work Y/N, you set the pace and I'll follow along."

He was being so patient with me and I still didn't feel like I deserved it after everything I had put him through.

"I want us to work too, god I want it so bad."

Chan rose from my bed and stood in front of me, he held my arms gently and stared at me with eyes full of love. Those same eyes he looked at me with when we were 15 years old sitting across from each other in the library.

"Y/N, I meant what I said about wanting us to be a real family. I want to be with you, officially, we can keep it a secret for as long as we need to but I want to know that I'm yours and you're mine. So, if you'll allow me, I would really like to cal you my girlfriend. Would you be okay with that?"

My heart swelled with a sense of warmth at Chan's words. Being back together was something I had fantasized about for a long time but had given up hope of when I found out he was with someone else, having him hold me in his arm, look me in the eyes, and tell me that he wanted me.

Chan looked at me with a glimmer of hope in his eyes, awaiting my answer with patience. I blinked back overjoyed tears and a huge smile plastered across my face:

"Yes. Yes, Chan, I would love to be your girlfriend again. I want you to be my boyfriend, I want you to be a father to our son."  I stated matter-of-factly and threw my arms around his neck, pulling him into a tight hug. My action took him by shock since I had never been overly affectionate even during our relationship.

As Chan's warmth settled deep into my skin, something in my brain shifted. I no longer harbored as much guilt about our situation, I felt lighter and didn't worry about him hating me forever. For the first time in a very long time I felt like we could make this work, we would make this work, for us and for our son.

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