Part 22

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The sound of a slap echoed though the room and for a moment, as my head and body turned from the force and stung from the impact, my guard dropped and I almost let the tears fall. But I couldn't, she wasn't worth it, and her slapping me was the only proof I needed to know that I had won this argument.

"What the fuck is going on here!?" Chan's voice boomed through my living room. Both mine and Sana's attention turned towards him, my eyes however quickly went to Grey, who was hiding behind Chan's leg, hands pressed tightly against his ears. He looked absolutely terrified as he stared at me and it broke my heart, he shouldn't of witnessed any of this.

"Chrissy! She attacked me and called me all kinds of horrible names!" Sana immediately put on the waterworks and tried to throw herself into Chan's arms.

"No," He was furious, anger was absolutely seething in his unsettlingly calm voice, "you need to leave. I made it very clear that we're done and I do not want to see you. You do not get to come here and harass Y/N because you're mad at me. If you ever come near her or our son you ever again, I promise I won't be as patient." 

Sana was absolutely stunned that she wasn't getting her way with him, that 'Chrissy' wouldn't believe sweet, innocent her over cold, heartless me. She stood there, jaw dropped slightly and arms dangling at her sides, not a thought behind her eyes as she stood there gawking at him.

"I won't tell you again. Leave."

She shot me one last glare before yanking her purse off the chair beside her and shoving past Chan, slamming the door behind her, and causing Grey to flinch from the noise. As soon as the door was closed, Grey ran right to me and I picked him, hugging him tight against me. Chan walked over to us and held my arms softly.

"Are you okay?" He tone was completely different from the one he used with Sana a few minutes before, it was sweet and caring, full of love. I nodded and blinked back my tears, but he knew me better than that and pulled me into his arms, careful not to crush Grey between us. I couldn't keep the guard up, Sana's words had effected me more than I wanted them to. I began to cry and Grey's hold on me tightened:

"It's okay momma, the monster's gone." 

Chan texts me that he will be picking Grey up from day care and by the time they had gotten back to the apartment, I had just unraveled from my day at work.

Grey ran towards where I was seated on the couch as soon as he took his shoes off, he still wore his baseball cap and his backpack, and he was waving around a big piece of paper with so much enthusiasm I could barely make out what was on it:

"Momma! Look what I drew today!"

He all but shoved the piece of paper into my face, bouncing on the balls of his feet and clapping his hands.

The drawing is of very cute stick figures representing me and Grey and several other people standing in the line. I was holding Grey's hand and wearing a blue dress, Grey always said I look best in blue. My right side there were three other people, Felix (Grey had dotted pencil on his face for freckles), Jisung (he had drawn him chubby cheeks), and Yeji (holding Jisung's hand). Next to Grey there was another stick figure holding his hand, it was drawn thicker and was wearing a back hoodie and had messy brown curls like Grey did.

I stare at the drawing for a long time before glancing at Chan, who was standing with his hands folded and smiling so wide you could swim in his dimples:

"Teacher said to draw our family! So, I drew you, me, Uncle Felix, Uncle Jisung and Aunt Yeji, and Channie! I'll go find tape to put it on the fridge!"

Grey quickly ran down the hallway to his room causing me to giggle. As soon as he's out of sight, I cross the room to Chan and cup his cheek and smile.

"He drew me in the family picture!" He whisper-shouts at me and o take in his happiness.

His contagious, sunny, beautiful happiness at the fact that Grey considers him family. And just like that all of my past anxieties melt away and there is only Chan in his soft t-shirt and I let myself relax, leaning up with place a soft kiss on his lips. 

"Why are you kissing my momma?"

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