Part 20

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I woke up before Chan. In the middle of the night I had curled up into his chest, his arms tightly wrapped around my waist. It felt surreal to be with him like this after so long. Looking at the clock on my nightstand and saw that it was almost seven, Grey would be awake soon. 

Chan was still peacefully snoring beside me as I shook his shoulder gently.

"Chan," I mumbled close to his ear, "Chan wake up." 

His snores came to a halt and his eyes started to open but quickly twisted shut from the sunlight in the room. He whined sleepily and shook his head, earning a chuckle from me. He never did like to wake up, especially early, lucky for me I knew how to get him to wake up. I  managed to get myself into a position where I was almost sitting up, just enough for me to lean over and place a chaste kiss on Chan's lips. I knew he was awake, and he proved me right when he immediately cupped my jaw and took control of the kiss.

"Good morning sleepyhead." I chuckled against his lips. Chan gave me a content smile and brushed my hair away from my face, tucking it behind my ear. If it wasn't for that fact that I woke up with him beside me, I would've thought the event of the night before were merely a dream. 

"God Y/N, you're so beautiful."

Barely awake for five minutes and he was already throwing out compliments. I felt my cheeks heat with a flustered blush and lightly shoved his shoulder.

"Stop flirting with me! It's too early for that!"

Chan chuckled and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me into his side, and kissed my temple:

"Just trying to make up for lost time."

I'll admit, it was nice to be with him like that, to wake up next to him and not feel so alone in raising a child, our child. We both enjoyed the silence and each other's company for a little bit longer before I forced us to get a move on with our day

"Grey will wake up soon." 

"Is that your way of kicking me out?"

"Yes, but you get to come back. Just make sure you bring the blueberries."

"Okay," He paused, an evil smirk coming across his face, "do you want me to get condoms?"

"CHRISTOPHER!" I shrieked in horror, shoving him away from me so hard that he nearly fell off the bed. He burst out laughing and my cheeks turned bright red, absolutely embarrassed by the question, but even more embarrassed that I wanted to tell him yes.

"I'm teasing! Only teasing!" He regained his composure and stood up, finding his shirt that he discarded before falling asleep last night:

"I'll go get Grey's blueberries, text me if you think of anything else you need." He gave me a chaste kiss before swiping his car keys and phone from my dresser. As soon as he left I got up and brushed my teeth and started a pot of coffee. Minutes later, Grey comes running from his bedroom, still in his pajamas with messy hair.

"Morning Momma!" He ran up and hugged my leg, I smile and pick him up, brushing through his messy curls with my fingers.

"Good morning bub, did you sleep okay?"

He nodded and hugged me tight:

"Yes! No big dinosaur!"

"Good! Do you wanna go play while I start breakfast?"

He nodded and immediately ran to the living room when I put home down. Pretty soon the theme song of paw patrol and the various sounds of Grey's toys blared through our little apartment. I got the oatmeal started and Chan texted me that he was on his way back.

"Grey," I called, "do you want a pancake with your oatmeal?"

Grey turned around on the couch and gave me a funny look before turning absolutely stone-faced, "Momma we don't have blueberries? You can't have oatmeal without blueberries."

I forced myself to hide the smile that crept onto my face, "don't worry, I have a feeling the blueberry fairy is gonna be here any minute." 

And almost immediately after I said that, there was a knock on the door and I didn't even bother to go open it, just yelling that it was open, but Grey runs to it excitedly because we never have guests this early in the morning.

"CHANNIE?!" Grey shrieked, the rest of the conversation I wasn't able to hear, so I just keep making the oatmeal.
For Grey, I made it with honey, a bit of brown sugar, and some blueberries, usually I give him the option of a pancake or peanut butter toast to have with it as well as a banana or an apple slices, and the juice of his choice. I tried my best to make sure he had a good relationship with food, never wanting him to over eat or under eat, and always something that was nutritious but tastes delicious.

Chan walked into the kitchen, carrying Grey on his back, a bag from the store in hand:

"Watch your head."

Grey ducked under the doorway, laughing:

"Look Momma, Channie brought blueberries! Channie is the blueberry fairy!"

Chan placed Grey in his chair and pulled the package of blueberries out of the bad, handing them to me to use, and in return I hand him a cup of coffee.

"Are you here to have breakfast with us Channie? Momma makes yummy breakfast! Specially muffins!"

Chan settles into the chair beside Grey and sips on his coffee while he waits for me to finish up the pancakes to go with the oatmeal. I wasn't the biggest fan of breakfast foods, most of the time before I had Grey I wouldn't eat breakfast but I didn't want Grey to pick up on my bad habits of not eating regular, the one breakfast food I actually didn't mind eating was pancakes.

"Yes! I might start coming over for breakfast sometimes in the mornings!"

Grey nods thoughtfully, picking up his cup and taking a generous sip of juice:

"Will you bring your friend?"

My hand freezes right as I'm about to flip the pancake on the griddle, my back to them.
Chan sounded confused:

"My friend?"

"The one who isn't as pretty as Momma?"

I resist a snort. How did Grey manage to remember that?

"No, Grey, I won't be bringing her. It'll just be you, Momma, and me."

Grey giggled before taking another sip of juice:

"Like a family?"

I turn around at that and see Chan casting me an impossibly warm glance, a smile brightening up the kitchen as he ruffles Grey's hair:

"Yeah buddy, like a family."

Secret Son / Bang ChanWhere stories live. Discover now