Part 9

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"Thank you for lunch Felix, it was nice being with another adult for a change." I joked as Felix and I walked into my apartment. Chan had Grey overnight since I had to work early in the morning. Chan had been spending more time with Grey, both, one-on-one and with Sana ever since our little meeting at the Café. I wasn't too thrilled about the idea of Grey being around Sana when I'm not around but there wasn't much I could do about it now.

"It's no problem! I've missed hanging out with you. It's been a while since it's been just us." I don't know if Felix meant for me to see it but his normally bright and cheerful expression dropped and became stoic and melancholy for a split second. I felt bad that I had been shutting him out, after all he had done me for, all he had been with me through. We had been friends for years, it shouldn't take a few weeks to unravel that.

"I'm sorry Felix. I've just been really caught up with everything with Grey and...Chan. We're still trying to figure things out." Looking back, I think I was making excuses for myself for being a shitty friend. Felix didn't care though, he was just happy that we were talking about something, anything.

He gave me a sympathetic smile, "Its alright, really, I knew that this was gonna be hard. It's an adjustment for everyone. I just hope you're doing alright?"

I nodded. I really was doing alright, I think more so than I had in the last three years.

"Yeah I am. Chan and I are getting along for the most part, we get into little fights about stuff occasionally but nothing awful."

"Does Grey know yet?"

"No, we decided not to tell him yet. We're gonna let him adjust to Chan being apart of our lives."

There if was again, that awkward silence whenever Chan was brought up in conversation. This had been happening every time I tried to talk to Felix about anything involved Chan. Grey was fine to bring up, he loved talking to me about Grey. It was weird since he was the one who wanted me to tell Chan in the first place.

"Hey," Felix broke the silence, "I gotta get going or I'm gonna be late for work. I'll see you tomorrow? With Grey?"

I gave him a bit of a lopsided smile and nodded, "Yes, you'll see me tomorrow. With Grey."

Felix flashed me one more smile and handed me the container of brownies he had been holding onto all morning before leaving me alone in the apartment. I decided to start a pot of coffee and relax a little bit. It wasn't often that I had much time for myself. I was alone for maybe five minutes before the sound of the door and my giggling son put an end to it.

"Momma!" Grey called for me as soon as he came into our small apartment. So much for me time I guess. As soon as Grey and Chan came through the door together it was like all the air had been sucked from my lungs.

They both were wearing matching black hoodies and baseball caps, the same dimpled smile across their faces as they came in holding hands. They had always resembled each other but they never looked more like father and son than they did in that moment.

Grey dropped Chan's hand and immediately ran up to me and hugged me around my leg. I scooped him up in my arms and placed a quick peck on his cheek, causing him to giggle.

"Did you have fun?" I asked him and his eyes lit up like Christmas light.
"Mhm! We saw a movie about dinosaurs that live in a park and had yummy popcorn and burgers the size of my head and Channie carried me on his back and it was like flying!"

I looked at Chan confused when Grey's description of the movie failed to ring any bells and he mouthed "Jurassic Park".

"Would you like some coffee?" I ask Chan, feeling it would be rude to just send him off.

Secret Son / Bang ChanWhere stories live. Discover now