Part 19 18+

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My pussy treacherously throbs against him and I push my hips closer. Chan let's put a ragged breath into my mouth as he kisses me again and I moan into his mouth, tongues intertwining together seamlessly. One of his hands slide under my t-shirt, up my side, holding my waist in what I know will soon become a bruising grip. I lift my legs and fruitlessly try to push down the waist band of his sweatpants with my feet, causing him to chuckle in my mouth before breaking the kiss, a string of saliva breaking between us right after:


I frown at him. I really, seriously thought three almost four years was enough to get him pent up enough to not tease me, but I quickly realize that I'm probably mistaken. 

"Babygirl can't wait to get fucked?"

I didn't forget about this, but it makes me shudder in delight like I'm hearing it for the first time all over again. I bit my lip, trying to resist giving in just yet, but when his hand goes from my waist to my neck, I nearly keen:

"I asked you a question baby. Be a good girl and answer, hm?"

I nod and, just how I remember it, his fingers tighten on the sides of my throat, sending a wave of arousal straight to my core:

"Words." He hissed.

"I can't wait for you to fuck me. Don't tease."

He huffs a breath of sinister laughter, straightening up and prying my legs off of him:

"You don't get to call the shots right now, babygirl, you've been bad."

He flips me onto my stomach like I weigh nothing and my body goes willingly when he pulls me hips up, leaving my face buried in the pillows. I clench around nothing as I know what he's about to do, but at the last second I remember that he can't and push my hands back, his palm connecting with my own instead of my ass, and I can't even laugh at this weird high-five he ended up giving me instead of a spank:

"Grey is sleeping!" I hiss and I hear him hiss an expletive right back:

"Oh shit, that's right, sorry!  Got carried away for a moment. See what you do to

It makes the heat in my stomach settle heavier,  but it also makes a giggle bubble in my throat and I have to press my face back into a pillow to suppress it.

"You're such a horndog." I murmur quietly and Chan, knowing that he can't spank me, rakes his nails down my thigh, making me hiss:

"Says the woman who willingly presented like a bitch in heat."

Still, we both stay silent for a few moments, listening intently for any sign that Grey may have awoken. Only silent greets us and I feel the moment that we both start relaxing again, Chan pressing against my ass, grinding his bulge between my cheeks:

"Now, where we're we? I need to think of a silent punishment for you."

I nod into the pillow and try not to moan when he pulls back and I feel him tugging at my panties. I obediently lay flat for a moment, allowing him to take them off before I resume my position on my knees and Chan climbs back on top of me. His hands cup my jaw and lift my head, and before I can ask what he's doing, he's stuffing my panties in my mouth, having balled up the damp fabric into a makeshift gag:

"I hope this is enough. It's been too long since I've shut you up with your own drenched underwear, you missed it?"

I nod instantly this time, biting down on the soft cotton and the smell of my own arousal filled my nostrils. Chan was straddling me on the bed, his body completely covering mine, and when I feel two of his fingers run up and down my slit, my eyes roll back, his hot breath in my ear making me shiver:

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