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hi guys :]

time and time again i come back here and expect this fic to be dead and time and time again i am proven wrong and see there are people still reading ?? crazy.

i've written final parts like this several times over the years to give updates and decided to unpublish most of them to give a more updated explanation for this fic!

i'm very thankful for everyone who is still reading this, whether it's a reread or you're a new reader. let me preface this with saying: i am aware this fic is not good. it is not formatted well, my writing style changes wildly throughout, and it has very outdated jokes within it. that's because it is 7 years old, and i wrote it primarily as a 13/14 yr old. i was still learning to write, and was going through puberty. the updates were sporadic because i had cancer for a large portion of time while i was working on this fic. that being said, people still seem to enjoy this story, so i am still proud of what i created. and if you've gotten to this final little update in the story, i thank you for reading the whole thing!!

in 2020, i decided to start a rewrite of wrong number. it was planned to be a mostly different plot, but the same premise. i mostly decided to do it because i missed writing and obviously we were all bored during 2020. it didn't get super far, and i apologize for that. as of now, i am unsure if i am going to continue it. part of me would like to, and think it would be fun, but no promises.

lastly, i want to talk about frerard as a whole. i want to make this very clear: when i wrote wrong number, yes, i shipped frerard in every state of being. i was 13. these days, i do not. as in, as real people, i do not ship them. they are grown men with wives and children. they're real dudes. but in fanfic set in alternate universes, i find it fun, and do not mean any disrespect to gerard, frank, or anyone else involved. the main thing i want to maybe bring to the attention to those who ship them, is that they're real. they aren't characters. and if you do want to ship them, please don't do it and tag them and stuff. it's likely they'll never see it, but it is kind of disrespectful. we should all stay on our own little side of the internet and respect the band!!

life is not super great for me right now, but i do like to reminisce on how far i've come since i wrote this fic. it brought me so many good memories and i met lots of old friends through this fic, even if i am not in contact with a lot of them anymore. i'm 19 now and am actually seeing mcr live next month! i never would have believed that if i knew it when i was writing this fic.

that's all from me! i am still super active on instagram and am open to making friends still! keep in mind i am 19 though, and am not super into being friends with super young people, but i will still try and respond if you dm me :]

@ darksisterhood on instagram
@ darks1sterhood on twitter
@ darks1sterhood on tumblr

i love you guys :] wild to think about how this fandom is still kicking. thank you for reading my fic!!!!

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