f o u r t y t w o

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so one of my readers drew some fanart of this fic and I couldn't be more grateful! I don't know who it is, we talked on kik for a few minutes, but I just want to say thank you so much! if anyone else for some reason wants to draw fanart for me, you can just post it on Instagram and tag me ( my.chemical.romance.__ ) or send it to me on kik ( cxdTwinkleParr ).


Frank's pov

Gerard stared at me for a long moment. I kept glancing between him and the road. He was blushing and kind of just staring, and after a little while, I was almost convinced that he had forgotten my question altogether.


"I'm thinking."

"Oh, sorry."

I turned back to the road and decided to just be patient with him. He would decide eventually.

After another long moment, he finally spoke. "Um, I think so."

I grinned a little and nodded. "I'll keep that in mind."

I could've just asked him out right then, but I didn't want to. I wanted to wait for the perfect moment. I was excited to be taking him out on some sort of date that night, to look at all the festive things downtown. Maybe I would do it then.

I took a bite of another rice krispy treat and glanced at Gerard, who was sketching something in a tiny notebook. He glanced up at me and sent me a playful glare.

"Don't look."

I laughed and nodded, turning back to the road.

"Do you need to pee? I need to pee," I said after a moment.

"You always need to pee."

"I'm stopping at this gas station, okay?"

"Whatever, Frank," I swear I could hear Gerard giggling.

I parked the car and got out, waiting for Gerard. We both walked into the gas station together, and lucky for me, the same employee who kicked me out earlier was still on their shift.

"Gerard, stay here," I said, darting to the bathroom and leaving a confused Gee behind.

After a couple minutes, I came back out, and saw Gerard was talking to the employee. Great.

"Frank!" Gerard called, signaling for me to come over.

I sighed and walked up to him, completely ignoring the employee. "What Gee? Do you want food? I'll buy you something, if you want."

"No, this guy wants us to leave."

I glanced up at the employee and glared at them.

"I'm confused," Gerard said, and I looked back at him.

"Let's just go, I'll tell you the story in the car."

Once we were back on the road, I started to explain what happened in the gas station in vivid detail.

"I was going to take a piss," I started, "but Ray wouldn't bring me my phone. And then a mean pregnant lady called me short and I wanted to punch her and-"

"You can't punch a pregnant woman, Frank!"

"Shh, Gerard, I'm not done. Then I said fuck you to Ray, and all the people, like, freaked out! It was like they had never heard someone cuss before! So I cussed some more so they would get used to it."

"Oh, god, Frank."

"Shush! So then that employee guy told me to leave, but there was no way in hell I was leaving! Ray was trying to drag me out when this ugly little shit kid came out of the bathroom and called me a faggot! I tried to punch him and he started crying, and Ray dragged me out to the car."

"You're a shit person, Frank," Gerard said in between giggles.

"Shut up, everyone there was rude as fuck!"



Mikey's pov

I could have sworn I heard someone yell about needing to take a piss. What the hell was going on? I assumed Frank was here, but Gerard wasn't screaming and crying like I thought he would be. I shrugged. Whatever.

I went back to my comics, now having moved on to Thor. I heard the door creek and passed it off for the wind, not wanting to look up from my comic.


I looked up abruptly, startled. My first thought was, this must be a dream, but I pinched my arm three times and didn't wake up.

"R-Ray?" I finally said, but it came out like a question, and my voice cracked.

I tried to sit up, but when I did, a searing pain went through my ribs and I let out a whine. Ray looked at me, concerned, and then just wrapped his arms around me in a tight hug.

"Hi, Mikey," he mumbled as I hugged him back tightly.

"Ray," was all I could get out. Ray helped me to my feet and suddenly everything felt a lot better. I missed walking and standing and just being able to do things. And now Ray was here.

"Yeah, hi, Mikey, it's me," Ray murmured and ran his fingers through my hair and down my back and held me tight, as if he was trying to figure out if I was real or not.

After a moment, he let go of me and I stumbled back onto my bed. I just stared at him though. He smiled nervously and tugged a strand of bouncing hair behind his ear.

I couldn't stop smiling at the sight of him and I was so taken aback that I didn't even realize what was happening at first.

"You're here," I finally breathed out. "You're here!"

"Yeah," Ray smiled widely, like sunshine, because Ray was a ray of sunshine. "'M here."


Frank's pov

"How 'bout we go to the mall first? It's all decorated up for Christmas." I suggested, making Gerard look up at me from his doodle.

"Oh, yeah, okay. I could buy a new shirt, maybe. I brought money."

"I'll buy you the new shirt, dumbass. I'm treating you today."

I watched Gerard's cheeks heat up and he looked down, smiling and nodding in response.

"And then I'll take you out for krusty krab pizza. Like I promised."


okay, firstly, the character ask is still open so feel free to leave more questions!

I just wanna say thank you again for all the support on this bad fic that's sometimes a little entertaining.

I hope you guys didn't mind the Ray and Mikey part.

anyways, there probably won't be a new chapter up until this weekend at the earliest. I have to make up finals bc I got sick and that might take up a lot of what's supposed to be my first day of summer. sigh.

but anyway, hope you guys have a nice rest of the week and thank you for reading!

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