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Gee: Hey Frank?
Frnk: hi
Frnk: sorry for being a bitch before :(((
Gee: It's okay
Gee: I missed you tho
Frnk: aww you did ?
Gee: Yeah shut up about it
Frnk: fine
Frnk: I have a question for you
Gee: Shoot
Frnk: what state do you live in ?
Gee: Um why
Frnk: bc I wanna know
Gee: What if you come murder me in my sleep???
Frnk: hey you never know ;)
Gee: Pfftt
Gee: I live in New Jersey
Frnk: omg really
Frnk: me too
Gee: Omg we could meet up
Frnk: yeah ik ik
Frnk: idk if I'm ready for that yet
Gee: Oh I c
Frnk: I'll have to be more mentally prepared
Gee: Okay me too I think
Gee: Also we can't just meet on a weekend it has to be a fun filled WEEK
Frnk: YES
Frnk: so we'll have to wait a bit longer
Gee: Okay but it'll be worth it bc when we do meet
Gee: YES
Frnk: shit I gotta go to bed
Frnk: my mom's yelling at me
Gee: Okay goodnight
Frnk: goodnight old man


Yes I know it's a short chapter I'm sorry I'm sorry.
I have some special plans for the upcoming chapters tho so I hope you'll enjoy!
Also I know that 246 views isn't a lot, but it seems like a lot to me bc it's the most that I've ever gotten on a fic and I just want to say thank you so much. Please keep reading my fics!
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