t w e n t y o n e

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Frnk: have you ever seen children of the corn?

Gee: No

Frnk: its so cute

Gee: Isn't children of the corn a horror movie?

Frnk: well yeah

Frnk: but it's cute

Gee: Okay?

Frnk: I mean the children aren't cute

Frnk: you know how I feel about children

Frnk: and I don't really give a fuck about the corn

Frnk: but it's so cute

Gee: Okay then

Frnk: gotta go now tho

Frnk: gotta go watch children of the corn

Frnk: bye Gerard

Gee: Bye?


Dedicated to someone who probably hates me. But she's still my best friend. Thanks for the idea. I hope you don't hate me.


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