t h e e n d .

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gerard burst out of his room, giddy, like a little kid. he smiled widely and the few carefully placed presents under the tree.

frank was following, a wide smile on his face as well. gerard was happy, and they were together, and it was all he had ever wanted.

together, the two opened the presents; some sweaters for each of them from gerard's mom, comics from mikey and ray, and money from frank's parents. finally, gerard peeled away the paper on the gift from frank.

it was a dildo.

it was actually a fucking dildo.

"you asshole!" gerard exclaimed, throwing the toy at frank. he's face was beet red.

frank erupted in laughter, picking up the dildo. "what? you don't want it?"

"no!" gerard sighed heavily, but he was smiling. "fuck you."

frank smirked. "yeah?"

"not like that!" gerard shook his head and buried his face in his hands.

"oh, gee," frank grinned and put his hand on gerard's shoulder. "you're so red. do you wanna see your real present?"

gerard peeked at frank from in between his fingers, and then nodded. "yes please."

"oh, what good manners," frank said as he stood up and pulled out a purple box from his bag. he sat back down and handed gerard the box. gerard pulled the lid off quickly. "careful with that," frank said, chuckling at the way gerard stuck his tongue out slightly as he opened gifts.

gerard set the box on the floor in front of him and opened the tissue paper, revealing a little silver necklace with a tiny cat charm dangling from it. gerard didn't know what to say.

"that's real silver."

gerard picked up the necklace carefully and quickly looked up at frank. "you can't be serious. that had to cost you a fortune!"

frank grinned. "you're worth it."

gerard smiled brightly as frank helped him put the necklace on. "thank you," gerard said, looking up at frank.

"you're welcome. there should be one more thing in there," frank said, raising his eyebrows.

gerard dug through the tissue paper, only to find a red chest, no bigger than two fists. it had two keyholes, one on the left, and one on the right. he looked up at frank. "where are the keys?

"hm, i don't know," frank said. he was smiling.


theforehead™: hell yeeaaahhh

theforehead™: time to party

milkryan: fuck yeah

memeboi: me &patrick r headin over 🤣


memeboi: sry

gee: all your decorations look amazing bren

yellowstonefrnk: can't wait to see

gee: frank where are you

frnk: secret

gee: well when are you getting here?

frnk: soon babe calm ur tits

milkryan: i'm just picking up the last of the snacks, who's @the house beeb

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