f o u r t y n i n e

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Gerard watched as Frank finished setting up the tree.

"I can't believe you can do that so easily," Gerard said, opening the box of tree lights. "I wouldn't even be able to get the tree inside."

"Oh, it's not that heavy. You're just weak," Frank grinned, walking a few steps closer to Gerard.

"Whatever," Gerard took some of the lights out of the box. "Now, how do we do this? We just string them around the tree?"

"I think so," Frank shrugged. "It'll probably be a train wreck though. I mean, it's us."

Gerard laughed a little. "Are you calling me a train wreck?"

"Hey, I said us."

Gerard stopped unraveling the lights for a moment to look up at Frank. Perfect. Perfect lighting framing a perfect face with a perfect smile. Perfect Frank.

"You're staring," Frank grinned, just slightly, and took a step closer to Gerard.

"Oh, um, oops?" Gerard giggled nervously, his face flushing.

"Nah, it's cute. What were you thinking about?" Frank asked, grinning wider.

"I, um, well, you," Gerard stuttered and smiled a little. He shouldn't be this nervous. Why was he this nervous? Frank liked him and he had liked him even through all the dumb things Gerard had done in the past. This should be the east part.

"Thought so," Frank leaned in and kissed the side of Gerard's mouth.

As Gerard froze up from the gesture, blushing, Frank picked up the lights and started to gently string them around the Christmas tree. Gerard eventually came to help, and a few yards of rainbow lights and several ornaments (including nearly eight snowflake ones and a popsicle stick Gerard colored in kindergarten) later, they had finished decorating their tree.

Frank was a treasure. He was just standing there, looking at the tree, this soft smile on his face. The tree was in front of a big window, and the lighting from the tree and outside seemed to hit Frank's face perfectly. Gerard was lucky. He was so lucky. He got this perfect treasure all to himself.

"I... love you."

Frank turned his head to see Gerard standing there. Gerard was just completely, utterly in love and he was just completely in awe at his treasure of a boyfriend.

Frank almost grinned, but instead, he just smiled, a small, but very safe smile. "Yeah?"

"Yeah," Gerard was trying not to breathe out his words but it was hard when Frank was standing there looking so perfect. He cleared his throat and tried again. "Yeah. I'm, um, in love with you. I'm in love with you."

Frank smiled a little wider, and pulled Gerard into a hug. "You're so fucking adorable. I love you."

Gerard's eyes widened, just a little. "You do?"

"Well, duh. Why do you think I sent you all those messages saying that I loved you?" Frank was speaking fairly softly, but he was close enough to Gerard's ears for him to hear. "I sent them because I love you. I do."

"I... you've been in love with me all this time?" Gerard mumbled into Frank's shoulder.

"Oh, baby, I've been in love with you for so long," Frank kissed the side of Gerard's head. "I was too scared to ask if you knew."

"Once again, I'm kinda oblivious to everything," Gerard trailed off. "I thought you were just saying that, as, like, a no homo thing."

Frank laughed, his hand coming up to ruffle Gerard's hair. "So was that what it was when you said it to me? A no homo thing?"

"I don't know. I never really thought about it," Gerard paused. "When I tried, um, when I tried to think about it, um, I realized that I didn't even need to... the fact that I could say it to you without hesitation... yeah. I love you."

Frank smiled and pulled back from the hug. "You're cute. I love you. Yes homo."

Gerard giggled. "I know. I love you too."

"Yes homo?"

Gerard shook his head, smiling. "You're ridiculous."

"I asked a question," Frank grinned.

"Fine, yes homo," Gerard rolled his eyes, smiling a little.

"Hey, don't roll your eyes at me, young man," Frank said sternly.

Gerard giggled and shook his head, putting his face in his hands. "Stop that."

"Stop what, Gerard?"

"You sound all serious, it's weird," Gerard said, peaking out from behind his hands.

Frank smiled and leaned over to kiss Gerard on the forehead. "You see that?"


"That. Our tree. Look how beautiful our tree is," Frank smiled and snaked his arm around Gerard's waist. "And it's all ours."

Gerard smiled faintly, his face flushed. "It's ours... and I'm your boyfriend."

Frank chuckled and nodded. "Yep. You're my boyfriend now."

"Does this mean we get to sleep in the same bed? And, like, cuddle?" Gerard asked, somewhat quietly out of nervousness.

Frank smiled. "Of course."

Gerard smiled wider. "Okay. Yeah."

"But seriously, Gee," Frank turned to Gerard.

"Hm?" Gerard's gaze was still fixated on the tree, the colorful lights dancing in his eyes.

"Look at me, babe."

Gerard turned to look at Frank, a smile tugging at his lips. "What?"

"I love you," Frank smiled, leaning in just slightly. "Can I kiss you?"

Gerard didn't even have time to respond that time. Frank had honestly asked for absolutely no reason, because .1 second after he had asked, their lips had already met in a much more passionate kiss than the first.

Frank pulled away after a moment, both him and Gee smiling.

"I love you too, Frank."

yikes I feel like this could have been better than it is. but idk why I'm being so fast with these updates but enjoy it while it lasts.

this isn't super great or long but hopefully it's fluffy ??? I want to think I'm good at writing fluff but you tell me.

the next chapter shoukd be like fluff and cuddles and Christmas so look forward to that :)

hope you liked

ps love u @ sam

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