t w e l v e

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MemeBoi: r u guys here
MemeBoi: nope
MemeBoi: I got us a table
MemeBoi: hurry up I'm waiting
MemeBoi: Patrick Gerard's here we're waiting
MemeBoi: hURRY THE FUCK UP @ Patrick
Gee: Pete be nice
Gee: No violence in my lobby
PunkSoul: Okay okay I'm coming
PunkSoul: Andy is covering for me at work
MemeBoi: really wow I wasn't honestly expecting you to take off work for this
PunkSoul: Well I did
PunkSoul: aRE YOU HAPPY???
MemeBoi: yes yes ily ily
Gee: Ew no gay in my lobby either
MemeBoi: stop pretending you're straight Gerard
MemeBoi: we all know you love the gay especially mine and Patrick's cute gay
PunkSoul: Ew Pete stop why
PunkSoul: I don't even like you Pete wth
MemeBoi: your secret shrine to me says otherwise
Gee: Omfg
Gee: Does he really have a shrine to you?
MemeBoi: yes he does it's in his closet
MemeBoi: right next to his sexuality
Gee: Omg
PunkSoul: I s2g Pete
PunkSoul: I don't even like you ??
PunkSoul: wHAT
MemeBoi: WHAT
Gee: Pete I swear if you actually sent him a dick pic
MemeBoi: I didn't
MemeBoi: Maybe I should have tho
PunkSoul: If you do that I will literally die
MemeBoi: bc of how sexy my dick is???
PunkSoul: No bc of how horrifying it is
MemeBoi: we all know that's a lie ;))
PunkSoul: Whatever
PunkSoul: I'm here
MemeBoi: ooh yay
Gee: Welcome to the party

I dropped my phone in my lap as Patrick sat down.
"You took forever." Pete groaned.
"Hey, I was trying my best," Patrick said shooting Pete a glare. "It took me long enough just to convince Andy to cover for me."
"Fine, whatever," Pete said, throwing a glare back at Patrick, his eyes almost looking as if they were twinkling. "Anyway, that's not important. What is important is Gerard and his new crush."
"Oh my god," I rolled my eyes and sighed. "I don't have a crush on him. And even if I did, it really wouldn't be that important."
"It is important," Pete took a sip of water and glanced between me and Patrick a few times before fixing his gaze on me. "You've never had a real boyfriend before."
Pete wasn't wrong. Sure, I had dated a fair amount of guys in high school, but none of them were good guys for me, and nothing more than a first date rarely happened.
I sighed, looking back at Pete. "Whatever, man," was all that came out when I tried to speak.
"Can I see your phone?" Pete asked, and I immediately got suspicious. He was probably gonna do something stupid. But maybe it would be good. Maybe Pete's stupid thing would make something happen.
Dispite Patrick's huge hand gestures, trying to convince me not to hand my phone over, I handed my phone across the table to Pete.
"No, Gerard," Patrick let out a loud sigh. "You just ruined everything, I hope you know that."
"Too late to change your mind now," Pete grinned and I knew I probably shouldn't have given him my phone.
After a few minutes of furious typing, Pete handed me my phone back.
"What the fuck did you do?" I sighed as I unlocked my phone and opened kik.
"Something great."
"I doubt that."

Gwayisgay: hi frnk
Frnk: um hi old man
Gwayisgay: actually it's not your old man
Gwayisgay: I'm his friend Pete
Frnk: oh
Gwayisgay: I'll give him back his phone in a sec
Gwayisgay: but I just needed to tell you that Gerard thinks your cute and he wants you to fuck him
/read by Frnk at 12:56 pm/

I looked up at Pete, my eyes wide. "Where did you get the idea that I wanted him to fuck me?!"
"Well, you probably do want him to fuck you." Pete said, shrugging.
"Bye." Patrick said, standing up and pushing in his chair before heading towards the bathroom.
I cursed under my breath and looked back to Pete. "Thanks a lot,"
Pete grinned. "You're welcome."
I started to type, hoping that Frank would understand that I wasn't the one who said that and that it wasn't true.

Gwayisgay: I am so sorry
Gwayisgay: I'm so sorry everything he said was a lie
Gwayisgay: Please don't hate me Frank I'm so so so fucking sorry
Frnk: you don't think I'm cute then ?

For some reason, the question stuck out to me. I don't know why, because it was a text, but it did. We had always joked about the subject, but this seemed different. I didn't know why.

Gwayisgay: I never said that
Gwayisgay: I mean I kinda did but
Frnk: so you think I'm cute?
Gwayisgay: Yes...?
Frnk: good
Frnk; bc you're pretty cute yourself


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