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Chapter 18
" 𝘏𝘰𝘸𝘴 𝘮𝘺 𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘥𝘰𝘭𝘱𝘩𝘪𝘯 "

Melanie was in the midst of comforting Bellyin her room

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Melanie was in the midst of comforting Belly
in her room. Melanie had witnessed the
embarrassing accident that happened in the
back yard. Belly felt completely embarrassed,
not being able to fathom all the crazy shit she
messed up in a matter of a day.

Belly's sobs began to seize, feeling comforted
by the presence of her older sister. Melanie
held the younger girl in her arms, while she
sobbed, and complained in embarrassment.
Her breathing came to a steady pace, the
sound of sniffles echoing through the room,
every now and then.

"I'm never drinking again" Belly promised,
shifting her weight, so she could look at
Melanie. "I already have a pounding head
ache, and the embarrassment is eating me

Melanie smirked, trying to contain her
laughter. "Yeah, Miss 'i like wet hair' "

Belly pulled away from her sister, a look of
disbelief. "Okay, that was a one time thing
She defended, flailing her arms, before
dropping them back down to her sides.

Melanie couldn't help but smile, knowing she
was able to cheer her up.
"You weren't lying though. Wet hair is hot"

Belly jammed her finger into Melanie's chest.
"See! I told you"

Melanie slowly removed Belly's finger away
from her chest, sending her an underlying
smirk. "I never disagreed." She nonchalantly
replied. "But...I did get you to confess"

Belly's brows furrowed in confusion. "No-"
her eyes shot up in realization, smacking her
forehead. Belly opened her mouth to reply
with something stupid, but she was
interrupted by someone knocking on her
bedroom door.

"Come in!" She yelled, letting who ever was on the other side, know it was okay to enter.

Their dad appeared on the other side,
carefully making his way to the edge of the
bed. "Hey there " he smiled. "How's my little girls"

Melanie only concluded him with a tight lip
smile, while Belly began to respond. "Belly is broken now" she scrunched her nose up,
feeling a sharp pain in her head. "Ow" her
hand reached up to her head, holding it.
"Oh, my head"

Their fathers eyes traveled over to the eldest
daughter, sending her a sad smile. They
haven't shared their feelings, or let alone talk
to each other one on one, in a very long time.
"How's my little dolphin doing?"

The nickname rolled of his tongue, taking her
back to when she was a kid. He gave her the
nickname, because she loved dolphins and
the ocean. He was the main reason she
wanted her dolphin plush so bad. It held a
sentimental place in her heart. She had no
reason to dislike her dad, there was just a big
draft between them, causing nothing but
awkward tension.

𝑙𝑙 𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑣𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑙𝑙 Jᴇʀᴇᴍɪᴀʜ Fɪsʜᴇʀ (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now