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The gang was walking through a non-path forest. Yuki had her headphones on, listening to music.

"Are we going the right way?" Willow asked.

"According to my Nav, we're not far from a Pokémon Center," Yuki said, looking at her Nav.

"That sounds good," Willow smiled.

"How about we take a break?" Brock suggested.

"Sounds good," Yuki nodded.

They sat on some boulders in the clearing they found. Raiden ran towards the stream and started to refresh himself.

While sitting down, Yuki saw a Pokémon drinking from the stream. It has a green round body with five leaves sprouting out of its head.

Yuki took out her Pokédex

Oddish, the Weed Pokémon. It often plants its root feet in the ground during the day and sows seeds as it walks about at night.

Note: The different coloration indicates this is a Shiny Pokémon

"Aww, it's cute," Willow squealed.

Suddenly, Yuki saw Oddish outlined blue and another presence close to them. 'Huh? What was that about?' She thought.

"Oddish," Oddish looked at the gang in interest.

Out of the bushes was a Pokémon they all recognized.

"Bulb," it called out to Oddish.

"No way! A Bulbasaur," Yuki exclaimed as she scanned the Pokémon.

Bulbasaur, the Seed Pokémon. Bulbasaur likes to nap in the sunshine. While it sleeps, the seed on its back catches the rays and uses the energy to grow.

Bulbasaur growled at the gang as it stood in front of Oddish.

"A wild Bulbasaur is a rare sight," Brock said.

Bulbasaur grabbed Oddish and ran off.

"What was that about?" Willow questioned, confused.

"My guess is that those two know each other and Bulbasaur protects Oddish," Yuki said.

"Let's finish our break," Brock said.

The girls nodded and sat, taking out their lunch and Pokémon food.


After their break, they continued until they came across a wooden bridge.

"That's odd," Brock said, borrowing Yuki's Nav, "This bridge isn't even on the map."

"Should we cross it?" Willow asked.

"I say we should. Someone might be living on the other side," Yuki said, taking her Nav back and placing it in her backpack.

When they started crossing the bridge, it wasn't exactly stable, so they had to hold on to the ropes as they walked. Suddenly, a harsh wind blew and the bridge began to wiggle & then snapped.

"AHHHH!" The gang screamed and grabbed onto whatever they could.

Yuki managed to grab the rope tightly & Willow hung onto Yuki's leg. However, Brock couldn't hold on much longer and lost his grip.

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