Drowzee and Hypno

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The gang arrived at a city with tall skyscrapers and apartments.

"Brock, where are we?" Willow asked the breeder who is holding a map.

"Ah... Hophophop Town," Brock replied.

"Hophophop Town? What kind of name is that?" Willow asked.

Yuki suddenly stopped in her tracks and looked around.

"What's wrong?" Brock asked.

"I'm sensing something weird in the air," Yuki answered.

Suddenly, her PokéNav Plus beeped, indicating that it was detecting something. Yuki picked it up, and the screen changed to a radio-like wave function.

"That's strange," Yuki said. "My PokéNav is picking up electromagnetic wavelengths."

"That's odd," Willow said.

Just then, they heard a woman shouting, "Arnold!"

"Wonder what happened?" Willow questioned.

"Let's ask," Brock replied as they started to walk over to the woman.


The gang was in a park, sitting down listening to the woman.

"My son Arnold has been missing for three days and I can't find him anywhere," the woman explained.

"You haven't heard from him?" Willow asked.

"Not a word. My son isn't the only child that disappeared. Several children have been missing for three days," the woman explained as she pointed to a board that had a long row of pictures of children.

'I thought so,' Yuki thought. 'Something is not right about this city. There is a lot of weird energy about Pokémon and children.' 

"Don't worry ma'am. I'm sure that Arnold will come home," Willow said.

"Thank you," the woman thanked her for her kind words and left.

The gang noticed Officer Jenny & she was putting another poster up. They walked over to her.

"Excuse us Officer Jenny," Brock said.

Officer Jenny turned around, "Yes?"

"Have you seen the missing children?" Willow asked.

"No I haven't and I have been looking for them for the past three days," Officer Jenny said, sadly. "I don't suppose you've noticed anything, have you kids?"

"We haven't, but our friend has," Brock said.

"What do you mean?" Officer Jenny asked.

"Our friend Yuki is a Psychic and when we arrived she sensed something," Willow said.

"I don't know about that, but I'm going to the Pokémon Center and you can come if you like," Officer Jenny said.

"Okay," the gang nodded.


When they arrived at the Pokémon Center, they asked Nurse Joy if she had seen the missing children.

"I'd love to help you, but I've got my own problems now," Nurse Joy said.

"What do you mean?" Yuki asked.

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