Saffron City

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Before they arrived in Saffron City, they arrived at a cliff where they saw a group of Butterfree. Brock explained that the Butterfree are celebrating their season of love so they can find a mate. Yuki & Willow sent out their Butterfree to socialize.

After wandering for a bit, Hesper saw a Pink Butterfree being attacked by a Fearow. Hesper swooped in to defend the Pink Butterfree as he used Aerial Ace & Gust which caused Fearow to fly away.

The Pink Butterfree thanked Hesper as the two started to talk & fly together. Meanwhile, Willow's Butterfree was talking to a male Shiny Butterfree. Seeing this made Yuki & Willow smile.

Suddenly, a net came out of nowhere & captured all the Butterfee. Another net came & tried to capture Hesper, the Pink Butterfree & Willow's Butterfree, but Hesper & Willow's Butterfree used Swift to destroy the net.

A man appeared & revealed himself as a Butterfree Catcher which made the girls furious. The man sent out a Raticate & a Fearow who were quickly defeated by the girls' Butterfree's. The other Butterfree was free from the net & they all used String Shot to hold the Poacher down. 

Hesper didn't want to leave his trainer, so the Pink Butterfree told Yuki she could capture her. That way she & Hesper can be together & Hesper wouldn't have to leave his trainer. Yuki smiled as she hugged Hesper & his mate, whom she named Sakura.

As for Willow, she captured the Shiny Butterfree who liked hers. Willow hugged both Butterfree tight.



The gang was walking through a forest. 

"Hey Brock, do you much about the Gym Leader?" Yuki asked.

"Not much, but I've heard rumors," Brock answered.

"Rumors?" Willow said.

"The rumors say that Sabrina is a Psychic and a dangerous one," Brock said.

"Psychic, huh?" Yuki's eyes narrowed.

"Yeah, & some trainers avoid going to Saffron City because they don't want to face Sabrina. And if they face Sabrina, they come out terrorized," Brock explained.

"You mean like they act like they saw a ghost?" Yuki said with a spooky voice as she shined a flashlight on her face.

"Cut that out," Willow said as she playfully hit her shoulder.

"Sabrina uses Psychic Type Pokémon," Brock informs.

"That's a hard choice. I have two Butterfree, Nuiluna, Beedrill, Espeon, and Umbreon & they're all good against Psychic Pokémon," Yuki said. 

Suddenly, they heard a giggle in the bushes. A little girl about six years old with green hair, wearing a white dress with a white hat and carrying a white ball came out of the bushes.

"Excuse me little girl, do you know if we're near Saffron City?" Brock asked.

"Follow me," the little girl said as she ran away.

They followed the path where the little girl ran until they were at the edge of a cliff and saw Saffron City with many lights.

"Wow, it's so beautiful," Willow said, admiring the lights.

"I guess seeing that little girl was a sign of luck," Brock chuckled.

'Something is not right about that little girl,' Yuki thought before she turned to Raiden. "It's kind of strange that the little girl appeared out of nowhere & then disappeared."

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