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You closed your locker door as you finished putting a notebook into your backpack. You looked next to you, and about 15 lockers away you could see Sky talking to Gamma. You couldn't overhear due to the loud crowd of students roaming the halls talking to one another, but you hoped it would be something good. You walked over to the duo as their conversation began getting more clear and clear the closer you got

"I know, I hate it a lot" Sky said

"But what if he finds out?" Gamma asked

"Just keep it between you and me, alright?" Sky asked

"Whatever you say. Oh shit, here he comes now" Gamma said

"Hey guys, what's up?" You asked, joining in on the conversation

"Nothing much, just getting to know Gamma a bit more" Sky responded

"That's cool. Well we should probably get to class now, the bell's gonna ring soon" You said

"Oh yeah, right. I guess I'll talk to you later Gamma" Sky said

"Right, see you guys later!" Gamma said, walking away

"Bye Gamma!" You said back


The more and more days you spent in school, the quicker it seemed to pass by. It was already recess but it only felt like an hour to get there. You didn't mind much, considering to take advantage of this time warp. You and Sky walked out to the school courtyard and saw multiple students outside already. There you noticed sitting near the corner was a group of students. You knew who they were, and they knew you. You lead Sky over to the group and soon the group noticed you

"Hey there Y/N and Sky" Gamma said in a cheery tone

"Hi there Gamma!" Sky said, sounding a bit excited

"Hey there guys, sit down" Chloe said as you and Sky joined the group

""So what are you guys doing?" You asked

"Just talking" Chloe said

"Can you be more specific?" You asked

"Gamma here says that he can't take his visor off. Says it's part of his body" Eli said

"It's true. It's our version of skulls" Sky said

"See? Exactly!" Gamma said

"Whatever, I still don't believe it" Eli said

"Well it's best not to Eli. If it is, we could be killing Gamma here!" Samantha said

A nervous expression was shown on Gamma's visor

"Stop it you guys, you know Gamma doesn't like death!" Chloe said as she covered Gamma's ears

"I know, I'm sorry Gamma" Samantha said

"It's fine, just don't make it a usual thing" Gamma said as Chloe uncovered Gamma's ears

"So what else is Gamma scared of? He honestly seems like he'd be scared of a lot of things" You asked

"He is. Heights, the dark, cold toilet seats" Chloe responded

"Wait, cold toilet seats? Why are you scared of that?" You asked

No response came from Gamma, just a hard stare

"It's a long story Y/N" Chloe said

"Oh, sorry to hear that"

"It's fine Y/N" Gamma responded

"So can I ask you guys something? You and Sky?" Eli asked

"Sure, why not?" I responded

"How'd you two end up meeting? I know how Chloe and Gamma did but how did you and Sky meet?" Eli asked

"Well, to put it short. I was taking a walk and found Sky hiding behind a bush. I took her in and we became friends" You responded

"Oh come on Y/N. We're still friends after all we've been through? Wow" Sky said

"You're right, sorry" You said "Anyways, how'd you two end up meeting?"

Nervous expressions came on both Chloe and Gamma

"What? What is it?" You asked

"It's quite the story Y/N, but I guess we'll explain" Chloe said "Actually, Gamma. You wanna explain? You know more than me"

"Sure. It started, a few years ago. Chloe and her family lived in Philitrix, the headquarters of M.A.D as you all know. Her dad, revolted against M.A.D, so did her mom. They both lead a massive resistance group called The Last Brigade. They then lead a massive raid on M.A.D, but failed. Before both of Chloe's parents could die, they released me from my prison of a pod, told me to take care of Chloe with all my heart, and then sent us away with multiple other survivors" Gamma explained

"Oh my god. Your parents died?" You asked Chloe

"Yeah, he just said that" Chloe responded

"Oh yeah, right"

"That's so sad, I can't believe you guys had to go through that!" Sky said

"I know, it's tough living without your parents" Chloe said

"Yeah, tell me about it. My parents died when I was only 12" You said

"Really? What happened to them?" Samantha asked

"Died to a car crash. Me and Sky have been living with my aunt and uncle ever since" You said

"Well that's something we have in common, heh" Gamma said

"Still, it's tough" You said

"Well there's not much we can do Y/N, fate comes to us the way it choses to be" Chloe said

"Yeah well, to be honest, I kinda miss the adventures we had" You said

"Really Y/N?" Sky asked

"Yeah, a bit. This world's running out of bad guys for us to stop" You said

"Who knows Y/N? Maybe the next one is just around the corner" Gamma said

"Like that'll ever be" You said

The topic was changed from there, and you and your new friend group talked for the rest of recess, talking of a large assortment of things, still not aware of the fate to come"


wow, it's been like a week and I've only written like, 900 words for this chapter. Man sorry about that, school's just messing with my writing and I can't seem to get some time in to write. Hopefully expect longer chapters soon, and until next time

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