Forgiveness [Smut]

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As you entered the cafeteria, you were not alone. You were with a girl, and it wasn't Sky. It was Chloe. You and her were talking while making your way over to the cafeteria, talking of a certain someone. As you entered the cafeteria, you both made your way over to the table where the rest of the group usually sat, but today it was different. Sky and Gamma weren't there.

"Hey guys" Chloe said as she gave a small wave to Samantha and Eli, the only two at the table

"Hey there Chloe, you too Y/N" Samantha replied

"Hey guys. Where's Gamma and Sky?" You asked, taking note of your observation

"Sky said she wanted to be alone with Gamma. Something about a fight of some sort" Eli responded

You gave a nervous expression as you heard Eli say that

"Y/N, what happened with you and Sky?" Samantha asked

"What do you mean us? Why specifically us?" You asked

"You're the only person Sky ever talks to. Something had to happen between the two of you. What was it?" Samantha said

You let out a sigh as you and Chloe sat down at the table

"It...happened on Friday" You responded "I though that Sky liked Gamma more than me, almost like she was cheating on me. I even told that thought to Chloe. When I asked Sky about it, she didn't say anything. I knew she was hiding something, something about Gamma she didn't want to tell me. One thing lead to another, and here we are."

"I told him it was bullshit. Gamma would be cheating on me if he was really talking to Sky, and if he liked her back" Chloe said

"Yeah but look at her now Chloe. Why do you think Sky wanted to sit alone with Gamma? You think Gamma would agree if he liked you? Just look at them" Eli said as the group turned to look at Sky and Gamma, sitting alone at a table near the corner of the cafeteria, talking to each other, hearing faint laughs coming from them

"Gamma like me, alright? He would never do something like that. He promised" Chloe said

"Then why isn't he here with you now Chloe?" You asked

No response came from Chloe

It was there that something caught your eye. A group of kids coming into the cafeteria. You knew exactly who these kids were. Henderson and his crew, but something was off today. Today they were with someone, a girl. It didn't take you long to find out who this girl was, and it didn't take long for you to let out a gasp

"No...way" You said as you made this observation

"Everything alright Y/N?" Samantha asked

"Huh? Yeah, everything's fine" You responded

"Really? Don't think I don't see what you see" Chloe said

"What are you talking about?" You asked

"Don't lie to me Y/N, I know you're looking at that girl with Henderson, only why did you gasp?" Chloe asked

"I said it's nothing" You responded

"There has to be a reason Y/N"

"You think there's a reason for everything?" You asked

By now it was too late. You hadn't even noticed how loud you were speaking. Due to this the group heard you, and it didn't take long for the girl to find out who you were. They were headed right to you.

"Oh shit" You said as you put your hoodie over your head

"I knew it" Chloe said

"Well isn't this a surprise. Juliette here has told me a lot about you Y/N" Henderson said as him and his crew arrived at your table

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