2.9K 46 6

You were sleeping and David was being extremely loud during his BD
Y/n: Keep it down some of us are trying to sleep
He was still yelling
Y/n: David
You got off your bed
Y/n: David
He was just sitting there now you poked him
David: boo
Y/n: doesn't work on me anymore how was the BD
David: IT WAS AWESOME I was a cyberpsycho I could slow down time oh and he gave me another one wanna see what it's about
Y/n: sure
You put on the headset you know what happens you watched the anime
You took it off
Y/n: can I take this into the bathroom
David: what's the BD??
Y/n: oh it's uhhh golfing I need an open area
David: let me see that
He took it from your hands and almost threw it off
Y/n: can I have it back
You said this with an innocent smile
David: YOUR 16
Y/n: I uhhh I guess your right but who isn't when there 16
David: good point
He gave it back to you reluctantly
David: but if mom finds out we're both dead alright
Y/n: don't have to tell me twice
You ran to the bathroom
David: as long as he doesn't
David: yep I'm traumatized
The next morning
Y/n: David we need to get to school like now
David: we have 20 minutes
Y/n: don't you wanna say goodbye to mom first  and stop starting at the damn washer
David: alright fine
He got up and woke up mom
David: your gonna give yourself early onset arthritis if you keep sleeping like that
Gloria: I know it's a bad habit
David: you forgot to feed the washer
You smacked him on the back of his head
Gloria: don't hit your brother Y/n and sorry David oh and did you get the wreath upgrade
David: thought you said we didn't have the eddies and plus Doc and Y/n helped me get around the problem
Y/n: dude shut up
Gloria: what do you mean work around
The room was silent
Gloria: please David don't do things like that and Y/n I told you to stop doing jobs like that
Y/n: sorry mom
David: Mom it's fine
Gloria: please David get the update promise me
David: alright I will anyway me and Y/n need to go
Suddenly the TV came on
David: woah mom's on TV awesome
Gloria: not awesome a bloodbath now head off to school
You both went out the door
Y/n: bye mom
You walked through the crowd of homeless and reached the ledge
David: are you ready to take the leap of faith this time
Y/n: okay I think i am
You stepped backwards and ran off jumping landing stomach first on trash
David landed right next to you perfectly fine
David: looks like I'm still Ezio while your still Evior
Y/n got up brushing of the garbage
Y/n: don't use your assassins creed logic on me
David: heh okay I'm still Kerry while your still Silverhand
Y/n: that's a good thing
David: no Kerry is the best member he's just underrated and understood
Y/n: silverhand has a fucking metal arm and has great hair
David: not better then Kerry's
Y/n: Johnny Silverhand had the Cyberware before Cyberware and a great singing voice
David: ohh shut up everybody likes Silverhand give Kerry a chance
Y/n: your just picking him to be different
The giant orange fish passed by
Minutes later
The two were still arguing about the best Samurai member
Until someone caught Y/n's attention a girl with rainbow hair he immediately rushed up the stairs but she was gone
David: you alright
Y/n: huh oh yeah I'm fine
David: we need to get going
You both rushed to araska academy
Giant blue thing: Martinez your clothes don't fit the dress
Y/n: our dryer is fired and we don't have our spares either
Suddenly Y/n got a call
Doc: hey Y/n you busy
Y/n: not now I'm at school 
Doc: cmon man I NEED to talk to you about something I may have gonked David's wreath upgrade
Doc: your prints looked weird so I put my own spin on things
GBT: alright now log into the mediation app
Y/n: shitt
As soon as they entered it David's software broke everything
Minutes later
Gloria: I'm so sorry I'll make sure to pay for the damages
Headmaster: it's not just the damages which are expensive i thinks it's time for the expulsion of these 2
Gloria began arguing to keep us in
In the car
Gloria: I can't believe you two would do something stupid
Y/n: mom you didn't have the eddies yet and doc messed with my prints and gonked the system up
David: mom I was thinking what if I drop out find some work
Gloria: do you hear yourself right now and stay still
He stopped fidgeting but continued soon after
David: you don't get the way they look at us even if we graduate we'll still never be accepted only true blue corpo's will be accepted
Mom then started crying
Gloria: you don't think I don't get the same look besides if you drop out what will all that work I've spent on you two the nights gone it's all been for you two
David: mom I'm sorry please don't cry
Gloria: besides if you work hard on this I can see you both at araska tower top floor
David was about to say something until an animal started shooting through the car at a corp limo
They stopped shooting and the limo toppled on to your car
Once you woke up you saw your mom and your brother on the road
Y/n: mom! David!
You tried your best to get your seatbelt off and then you saw trauma team
Y/n: thank fuck
TTD: there not on the list
They began walking away
You kept on struggling
Hours later
Doctor: their stable for now
Y/n: thank fuck can I see them
Doctor: not in your package
Y/n: oh
Doctor: you have 3 days to pay
He handed you a tablet and you were shocked by the price
Doctor: yep this is why people in night city want insurance
Hours later
You were at your apartment door and saw past due
You kicked the door and sneaked through a vent into the apartment
You then started to check through accounts
Y/n: damn we really didn't know how much mom did for us okay so that coves the medical bills now
You then saw mom's jacket it had what looked like military grade Cyberware ware you checked it out and saw
Araska issue gorilla arms
A Military grade Sandevistan
You plugged the Sandevistan in
Y/n: these specks are incredible
You immediately called doc
Y/n: hey doc you saw the photos right give me an estimate
Y/n: 10k?!? That's it! Araska issue did you not hear me ughh SCREW YOU
You hung up
And deiced to do the BD that David did and then you instantly knew what the Sandevistan was capable of
The next day
You were at the ledge again and this time you just walked in and landed perfectly
You then started walking to school and you tired looking for the rainbow haired girl
Instead you saw the rich asshole that bullied you and David
Minutes later
He was being a jerk saying you didn't deserve to be at the academy
Rich A-hole: now that I think about it how did your mother pay her way for the both of you I can think of someways a woman can earn an honest buck
Y/n: I'm done with this
You started walking away but he kept on hitting you with his chest and making weird noises
Y/n: are you okay
He then started hitting the air and he was centimeters away from your face
Until he beat the shit out of you
RAH: look at that utter street kid trash
Hours later
Y/n: their both dead
Doctor: I don't know what happened kid they were fine but suddenly their vitals plummeted
He handed you another tablet that offered burial services
Doctor: this is why people want corp jobs in night city
You immediately chose cremation
Doctor: kid I'm sorry for your loss
That was the sound of your brother
Your mother
You carried both your vases to your apartment you remembered you were locked out from your apartment so you once again climbed in through the vent and called the doc again
Y/n: so 10k? 6 are you fucking kidding it was ten yesterday it's a one day difference
You then got a call from the rich asshole it was a message but he was saying things about how your brother and mother were useless and how they met nothing you were shaking with rage you then looked at the Cyberware and remembered the BD you grabbed your mom's jacket and ran as fast as you could to the doc's
He was doing the sex BD and he was interrupted by you
Doc: ahh is that the gear hate to tell you but no one who's sane wants to buy that
Y/n: I'm not here to sell I want this Cyberware on me right now
Doc: nah kid I don't think so
Y/n: was I asking
He looked at you with a smile
Doc: damn kid alright I'll do it but don't come crying to me when you want me to take it out cause it's fucking with your mind
The next thing you knew you we're getting your arms cut off and them being replaced then he cut open your spine
Once he was down you looked in the mirror and saw yourself and looked at your arms
Doc: here free of charge
He handed you a samurai tanktop with dog tags
Doc: the dog tags are fake
You put on the tank top the dog tags your brothers necklace and your mother's jacket
You were now ready

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