New head honcho

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It cut to a car driving across the highway and it had the green edgerunners symbol all over it
Rebecca: nano ants in your pants Julio
Julio: no fucking way!
Rebecca: your Wakako's bitch right newby boobs she stuck us with heard your a Y/n fan
Julio: YEE YEE but wadda mean stuck with us
Rebecca: wow hear that you actually have fans now probably cause ya got all swole
It  showed a now a buff but still lanky Y/n with Cyberware on his face
Y/n: Julio you got any iron?
Julio: what
Y/n: oh my god A GUN
Julio: yeah got a Lexington
Y/n: Thant won't cut it that's a peashooter compared to a Maelstrom metal
He brought out a shotgun
Y/n: try this out
You handed it to him
Julio: Seriously Choom a Satara fuck me nova tech shotties man
Julio reminded Y/n of him a year ago
Julio: preem as hell charged up shots oh yeah boom
This was pissin Rebecca off and she decided to kick him
Rebecca: what are you FIVE
Y/n: knock it off please and just member to stay behind me and be smart do not rush
Julio: want me to stay behind to take rear I ain't no newb
Y/n/Rebecca: ughh
Falco: attention ladies bout a minute out now
Y/n sat back and waited and put on some music

Flaco: we're here
You all got out
Kiwi:(on call) have a small army here shiton of guns turrets multiples can't ping them all for quick hacks not enough time front doors a dead zone that's clear so time for plan B find the back door
Y/n: thanks Kiwi but plans C's my pick
Rebecca: agreed
Julio: no back door swoopin why
Rebecca: knock yourself out get to it
Julio: hey wait don't leave me
Flaco: front door assault looks like ta me
Kiwi: YA think meathead move
The 3 came to the front door
Maelstrom: hey ordered lunch
Maelstrom: are you babies lost
Maelstrom: think there hear to start something you bloodbags wanna get popped
A maelstrom member put a gun to your head
Maelstrom: better start talking before I drill you a fresh EYEHOLE
You put a gun to her head
Y/n: better stop before I do it
They all pointed their guns at you
Rebecca: YEEHAW
Kiwi: tagging complete short circ incoming done! Not a millisecond to spare mr plan C
They all started to short circuit
Maelstrom: they got a motherfucking runner!!!
All there heads exploded and Rebecca started to fire everywhere while Y/n used his upgraded gorilla arms to blow them up and Julio was freaking out
Kiwi: damn missed a few their all yours
She threw her guns in the ground
She got out two massive shotguns
She annihilated them
Y/n: Kiwi help please
She hacked an made it shoot the Maelstrom
Y/n: thank you
The 3 started to walk up the stairs and they saw a giant Maelstrom
Maelstrom: tiny birds scared aren't cha
He tried to shoot at the monster by you put his gun down and took off your jacket to reveal your Sandevistan and began walking towards him
Y/n: tired of this shit
You activated your Sandevistan and tried to hit him but somehow he caught up
MM: time for me to teach YOU
He tried to hit you but you jumped over him
Y/n: sorry choom already been teached
Your exploded his head with your upgrade gorilla arms
Rebecca: those your fancy new leg implants looking damn good
Kiwi: no more all clear last one room behind you that's the target her others too all friendlies
Y/n: thanks Kiwi
Julio: yo back room on it
Y/n: dude wait
Julio: BANG
He exploded
Y/n/Rebecca: God damnit
Y/n opened the door
Y/n: Yo Isabella Morgan here
She raised her hand
Y/n: your dad put out an SOS your safe now
She began crying and you got a call from Wakako
Y/n: yo
Wakako: safety secured the target I hear our client will be pleased yes that Isabella was saved but not butchered
Y/n: just did my part
Wakako: yes most impressive the rumors are true
Y/n: yeah and sorry bout Julio
Wakako: don't apologize the fool insisted to work with ya not ready I said any new lead I get we'll be in touch Y/n
Y/n: yeah good doin biz
Later at the block party Rebecca was showing off while you were giving Falco his cut
Falco: thanks
Y/n: nah man thank you for the ride
Falco: always happy to keep the engine rolling
Y/n: heh come on people who are dependable wheelmen and super hard to find
Falco: not sure bout that got yourself a fan club now
Y/n: ya mean Julio
Falco: knew he was bluffing the moment we met
Y/n: heh we'd land better talent if we were all OG not everyone can be like Maine willing to take that chance
Falco: have to admit when I got that call I took you for a wannabe the truth is you were but now well except you'll fly higher then Maine ever did right gotta roll before party turns to goop buzz me for ya next big gig alright till then later Y/n Kiwi
Y/n: later man drive safe
Kiwi: later
He walked away
Kiwi: yo be honest I never thought you had it in ya to take the reins
Y/n: couldn't have without the city's preemest runner
Kiwi: we both know ya don't mean me where is she by the way been asking her
Y/n: no kinda gave up
Kiwi: never pegged her as the type to get shook up
Y/n: I think it was more then Maine and Dorio back at the warehouse she was acting really weird
Kiwi: how
Y/n: don't really remember but I think she saw
Something and by the way you brought Lucy onboard found her a spot in the crew
Kiwi: right
Y/n: did she ever tell ya what happened before you met
Kiwi: most of the saps don't bring up the old days it was either shame greed something to prove what ever either looking for a way out or up does it matter
Rebecca: YO Y/n why the long face this nagging old hag keeping you off the dance floor
Kiwi: but some edgerunners die in more shame then they started
Rebecca: ain't right to bad mouth the dead it's no my brothers fault the he got zeroed by a cyberpsycho but whatever you ever seen Y/n dance it's a riot
Y/n: sorry but I gotta bounce gotta go by doc's
Rebecca: CMON again tell that rat bastard that ya need a dance chip
Y/n: definitely laters
Kiwi: considered shaking up your approach
Rebecca: yeah how ya figure
Kiwi: stead of hot and loud try cold distant and nerdy
She immediately thought of Lucy
Doc's office
Doc: it's a miracle that you got it in still being that lanky but it's still an oversized faucet arm socket connectors warped like I said it was a miracle but still my advice trash it got all kinds of next gen chrome out back know you got the eddies
Y/n: nah this one's alright
Doc: fine your funeral
Y/n: but do ya got any fresh muscle reinforcement I heard that you had Kiroshi's new model maybe
Doc: didn't know I had a chromejock on my table
Y/n: totally not a chromejock
Doc: you need to chill with this chrome unless you just wanna eat immunoblockers
Y/n: doing fine doc better then fine I think I feel better in metal then in my own skin
Doc: we'll your affinity for Cyberware is infucking credible I'll give ya that ain't never seen one borg out quite like this and still so lanky a lotta other peeps would have cracked by now
You heard JK's voice
Y/n: must be extremely lucky
Doc: ha makes you smasher 2.0 choom
Y/n: fuck him he killed Silverhand
Doc: yeah but some he's the hero of the 4th corporate war and to people like you a walking boogeyman that killed the legend of rock but to everyone a livening legend he filled graveyards on araska orders
You got a call from Kiwi
Y/n: yo
Kiwi: can ya stop by the AfterLife
Y/n: so the party's rolling bar to bar how many
Kiwi: no it's a possible client
You got to the afterlife
Kiwi: Y/n
Y/n: hey Kiwi
Kiwi: good luck
Faraday: I believe this is the first we've met Mister Martinez
Y/n: saw ya talking to Maine once
Faraday: either way it's a pleasure names Faraday
Y/n: so what got a job for me
Faraday: where's that fire in you at least let me buy you a drink I've heard a lot about you Mister Y/n you have quite the reputation the lanky lord is one name while the Sandevistan from santo is another
Y/n: more then just the Sandevistan now
Faraday: that's true it's difficult to spot the organic parts of your body amidst all that Cyberware Maine and I had an arrangement but you know that
Y/n: yeah I did
Faraday: Maine truly understood the idea and need for crew chemistry
Y/n: I know
Faraday: but in the end his fatal flaw was in his personal attachment familiarity muddies the mind leads to ruin
You remembered that day when everything went to absolute fucking shit
Faraday: and I hear your also a team builder of sorts
Y/n: I keep my biz and my private life separate if that's whatcha getting at
Faraday: what I need is proof that you can work at Maine's level deliver as he did
Y/n: this a test
Faraday: your welcome to think about it like that
Y/n: test all ya want but we don't do cheap jobs
Faraday: nothing i offer is cheap mister Y/n
He tossed you a shard and you slotted it
Y/n: Militech job ? Araska's rival
Faraday: megacorps offer the most lucrative contacts that's not a secret you see a problem with that
Y/n: no problems here
Faraday: very very good there's a contract I'd like for you take over it should seem familiar
Y/n: the data heist gig
Faraday: received a report that Tanaka had absolutely no relevant data
Y/n: yeah that's right
Faraday: but i also learned how you managed to pierce Araska's ICE
Your fingers started to fidget slightly
Faraday: a new netrunner on the crew cracked it and without Kiwi's help
Y/n: true our group had some good luck with runners as of late
Faraday: excellent however I hear she's gone dark
Y/n: ever since that gig she's been taking a break
Faraday: but why wasted talent and potential
Y/n: she doesn't want to do it
Faraday: maybe give her a nudge in the right direction
Y/n: easier said then fucking done (in head) I swear to fuck this guy better stop
He just looked right at you
Y/n: and Araska knows Militech's after them right
Faraday: them and everyone else
Y/n: so what's Militech after that they'd make such a ballsy move
Faraday: that is for me and only me to know unnecessary details muddy the mind
Y/n:(in head) if I punched this guy would anyone miss him
Y/n: but did ya learning new that might help us
Faraday: afraid not but good things come to those who act but first prove your worth my time
Hours later
Y/n was at his high end apartment taking a shower and once he finished he went into the main room
Lucy: your home pretty late
Y/n: ehh got caught up in a stupid work thing
Lucy: victory lap at Minjung's
Y/n: yeah
Lucy: any hiccups today
Y/n: lost someone yeah
Lucy: who was it?
Y/n: Wakako's rookie solo
Lucy: but everything else went alright
Y/n: nah kid just got to excited hasty
Lucy: heh that's sounds familiar
Y/n: heh guess it does and hey
Lucy: yeah
Y/n: I think we got something pretty big for us today
Lucy: sounds like fun
Y/n: heh yeah and also have you considered uhh coming back to the crew
Lucy: two net runners on one single team sounds like a crowd
Y/n: cmon we both know I'd always rather have you around
Lucy: please Y/n just need a little more Tim
Y/n: alright I understand did ya do some diving today
Lucy: yep
Y/n: why haven't ya bought a runnersuit
Lucy: don't see the need for one
Y/n: you could get a new chair at least I imagine ice baths aren't very comfy
Lucy: thanks but never really liked chairs suits
Y/n: ahh sorry didn't know
Y/n took a swig of beer
Lucy: Y/n?
Y/n: yeah
Lucy: come on
Y/n: uh alright
She was driving you down to the badlands
Lucy: I have a question
Y/n: yeah
Lucy: why didn't you go for the full buff Maine look
Y/n: Uhh I guess it's nice you being taller then me
Lucy: aw that's sweet
Y/n: heh
You arrived at your destination
Y/n: damn look at all those stars
Lucy: can't get a view like this in the city
Y/n: heh maybe I'll catch one
Lucy: your so lucky your cute
Y/n: man wish the moon was out
Lucy: you can see the stars better brighter when it stays away
Y/n: didn't know that
Lucy: yeah the moon outshines them you sure you went to Araska Academy
Y/n: got suspended
Lucy: oh yeah
Y/n: heh this is the first time I've been outside the city before
Lucy: that right
Y/n: had a life outside of NC once
Lucy: looks like a prison from here a cage of light
Y/n: you might not remember
Lucy: what
Y/n: a while ago you said you and I were worlds apart
Lucy: yeah
Y/n: back then what did ya mean
She was silent
Y/n: rather Not say
Lucy: you'd rather not hear
Y/n: it's just I wanna know more about you
Lucy: araska
Y/n: Araska?
Lucy: yep was born in another country and was raised in an araska facility there were 13 of us we were kids who passed a proficiency test and were tagged to become netrunners kids who wouldn't be missed anywhere else we'll serve the worlds most powerful megacorp one day that dream got us through some very tough times it's a dream we were given a dream we never questioned and one day our training was done we expected corp assignments the world over instead they moved us underground and day in and out they forced us to dive they sent us to old nets
Y/n: wait a minute the old net the whole system collapsed bout 50 years ago right
Lucy: brought down by history's greatest netrunner the creator of daemons he was a super hacker the legend Rache Bartmoss
Y/n: oh yeah corrupted 78 percent of the global net in one day
Lucy: yeah DataKrash virus shattered cyberspace it broke the net into a scattered mosaic of isolated local nets there was connections severed data lost full on chaos Araska's purpose lies somewhere in the Old Net they're searching for lost knowledge all of the kids were an army sent into a nest of daemons and feral AIs only an advanced runner could interface using their whole mind
Y/n: a deep dive
Lucy: it gives shape and form to cyberspace it's a way to traverse it but whenever we uncovered any rare data cache rouge AIs would find us and swarm we were picked off one by one more empty chairs each dive and my hope was each dive would be my last wasn't long before there were only a handful of us left we were chasing someone else's dream and throwing down our life to do it so then we realized " if we're goners why not die chasing our own dream" the tech staff didn't stand a chance not in the face of the skills they'd taught us I ran and ran heard shots and my friends screams but I never looked back the next clear memory I have is waking up at a junkyard it was home but i was too scared to stay long I roamed for awhile place to place but there's no place like Night City if you wanna hide
Y/n: Jesus Christ I'm sorry you had to go through that and even now still fell like their chasing you
Lucy: no not really maybe I've just grown to comfortable here or maybe I've grown used to being scared
Y/n: again I'm really sorry that happened to ya
Lucy: it's okay but I have a question for you have you changed or are you still chasing someone else's dream
You thought of Maine and Lucy put her head on your shoulder
Lucy: not like I don't understand it's just that things are different now can't be afraid for myself anymore all I fear now is that you might
Y/n immediately Hugged her
Y/n: not leaving you yet
Lucy was clam till her eyes started blinking
???: yes I managed to retrieve most of the data though the vitals file for one of the test subject was completely corrupted yeah manipulated deliberately no trace in the ICE no but this level of precision well there's only a handful of netrunners capable of it no don't believe that Tanaka had no reason to do so my assumption his system was breached when he was captured understood I'll do what I can to restore it goodbye
It showed a Netrunner getting hacked to death and it was by Lucy

Cyberpunk: edgerunners  x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now