Hard reset

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He got up from his bed and saw an Araska employee looking at him
Y/n: how am I alive
He slowly started stumbling towards him
He put his arm against his throat and and pinned him against the wall
David: Y/n?
Y/n dropped the Araska employee but he was shaking
Y/n: David?
David: where are we
You ran towards your brother
Y/n: your alive!
He was crying he patted your back but he hit your Sandevistan
David: okay what's up with your back
Y/n felt around
Y/n: still have the Sandevistan thank god
AE: uhh are you done with me
Y/n: excuse me a minute
Y/n walked towards him
Y/n: not gonna hurt you just tell me how am I alive and my brother too he died in 2076
David: 2076 hold on what year is it
AE: 2077
David: what!
Y/n: how long have I been dead
AE: 3 months
Y/n: wait
He felt around on his chest
Y/n: damn it my abs are gone
AE: okay then
He tried sneaking away but Y/n grabbed his shirt collar and pinned him against the wall
Y/n: listen to me RIGHT NOW where's the data log room
AE: I I was just payed to
Y/n: Watch me and David
AE: and Gloria Martinez
Y/n knocked him out and saw his mother sleeping
Y/n: mom
He ran over to her
Y/n: wake up wake up please
She woke up
Gloria: Y/n?
Y/n: MOM
You hugged her
Gloria: are you alright wait
She broke away and saw all your Cyberware
Gloria was fuming
David: busted
Y/n: it's a long story but uhh can't tell ya right now we need to go
The alarm started
Gloria: language!
Y/n: alright we just need to leave
You all ran out the med room and saw an evidence room
Y/n: let's go
David: there?
Y/n: yeah
The three went in and immediately saw Y/n Martinez it held his mom's jacket and a gun that said Lucy and his Samurai tank top
Gloria: are those why do you have a gun
You punched the glass and put on your stuff and grabbed the gun but just started at it
David: who's Lucy
Y/n: ohh uhh what she's uhhh (sees Johnny Silverhand) no way
He walked toward it and saw the famous silver hand
David: no way
The two started in awe
Gloria: didn't Y/n say we need to leave
David: this is Johnny Silverhand's arm
Y/n punched the glass and grabbed the arm
Y/n: dibs
David: COME ON
Araska: hold it right there
Gloria: oh thank goodness
Araska: activate the chip
They pushed a button and the 3 fell down and there was lightning coming from their chip sockets
Araska: they should be down in a minute
Y/n put his hand to his chip socket and ripped it out and there was blood all over it
Y/n: you hurt my family
Y/n eyes had the samurai symbol in them
Y/n: your gonna pay
They tried shooting at him and Gloria saw the Sandevistan but he grabbed them and they avoided the line of fire and he ripped out there chips
Gloria: where did you find that
He didn't respond and went towards the guards
Araska: stand down
He activated his Sandevistan and was bouncing hitting them
Araska: where is he!
Araska: I DON'T KN-
He was knocked out by Y/n
Araska: shit
Now there was just one left and Y/n was staring him down
Araska: uhhh I surrender
He dropped his weapon and put up his end but Y/n made his way over to him
Y/n: Lucyna Kushinada
Araska: what
Y/n: listen to right now your gonna take me to whatever information hub Araska has and I'm gonna get what I need and then we'll leave
He simply nodded
Y/n: guys let's go
David and mom started to follow
David: you didn't answer my question
Y/n: huh
David: who's Lucy
Y/n: she's uhhh
David: did you date her
Y/n started blushing
David: ohhh no way hey MOM
You kicked him in his stomach
Gloria: yeah?
David: (grunts in pain) nothing
Araska: we're uhh here
Y/n: thanks
You knocked him out
Gloria: Y/N why
Y/n: once he was done he was gonna rat us out and then we wouldn't stop being hunted by these guys
They went in and Y/n started typing In Lucy's name and saw her file he was tempted to open it but deleted it
Y/n: (sigh) cmon let's go
They exited the facility and saw the vast desert and saw a purple car
Y/n: I'm driving
Gloria: what NO your 16
Y/n: mom you've been dead for a year
Gloria: what
David: he told me too
Y/n: it was a car accident don't you remember
Gloria: no why were you there
Y/n: cause Adam Smasher killed me
The 3 got in the car and Y/n started driving towards his apartment (he paid for 3 years in the apartment)
Gloria: so how have you been
Y/n: Uhh long story but met Maine
Gloria: ohh him how is he
Y/n: got cyberpsychosis and died
Gloria: oh okay
Y/n: he wasn't a bad guy he helped me out when things were bad
He tried to fidget his left arm but remembered it was gone
Y/n: need to make a quick stop
You punched in coordinations to doc's office
Gloria: Y/n why did you have a gun
The car was silent
Y/n: for a last resort ... we're here
Y/n got out and went in with Silverhands arm and saw doc in a BD
Doc: da hell do you want
He took off the headset
Y/n: hey I owe you a drink
He got up and hugged you
Y/n: nice to see ya doc
Minutes later
Y/n was getting the arm installed drinking a beer with doc
Doc: so where your better half
Y/n: Lucy ohh uhh i don't know
You took a swig
Doc: cmon man she was too hot to let go
The computer flashed something
Doc: what the hell Red Demon.exe what's that
Y/n: hell if I know
Doc: anyway it's installed
You lifted it up and moved the fingers
Doc: how's it fell
Y/n: mazing
Doc: wanna hair cut while your out
Y/n: nah thing I wanna keep it like this
Doc: well okay I'm gonna look into this red demon.exe
Y/n: laters
Y/n walked out and got flashbacks to the day He met Lucy
Gloria: Y/n
He was snapped out of it
Gloria: let's go
You got in the car and punched in your apartment and put on some music

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