Never stop running

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It showed a guy running through the badlands
News anchor. Good morning NC raise and shine people it's a new day in the city of dreams reports of a pile up on heywood highway seems a Merc was trying to flatline his target in his car but missed who's this gonk think he is any weyland Boa Boa?
The guy was sweating immensely
NA: what is it about this city that keeps attracting
He stopped once he encountered a hill
NA: there ya have it folks the new American dream
It turns out the guy was a young Maine
Dorio: Maine when did ya last eat anything here
She gave him a takeout box but his metal arms were shaking and he dropped it
Dorio: damn it your shaking that chrome must be messing with your nerves when this is over you have to refit go light spec reduce your load
Maine: I'm alright Dorio its just the jitters
He injected a syringe into him
Dorio: you can't keep this up baby
Maine: I gotta not enough chrome ain't gonna
He saw Y/n
Dorio: Maine hey Maine!?!
Dorio: Kiwis mid dive don't rush her
It showed Kiwi in cyberspace
Kiwi: ICE is harder to break through than I thought
Maine woke her up and beat the shit outta her
He woke up from his trance and saw what he did
Maine: Kiwi Falco?
Dorio: Maine holy shit you back with us
Maine: Dorio?
Dorio: shit
Maine: what happened did we get jumped and what happened to Ki-
He got punched by Flaco and it cut to Y/n very naked laying next to Lucy in her apartment
Weather reporter: the forecast shows heavy rainfall along the coast districts like Santo Domingo and Westbrook are most heavily affected and are likely to see showers from midnight to sunrise so take the proper precautions
Suddenly he got a call from Flaco
Y/n: ughh why now
Y/n and Lucy were now outside
Y/n: dude da fuck you can't just drop by and not— ask Maine why you're here so just tell me
He drove off
Y/n: screw you to! asswipe
Hours later you were at a warehouse and Dorio and Maine told you that Kiwi was hurt
Lucy: can't believe this fucking shit
Y/n: is Kiwi alright how she'd get out of commission she was working Tanaka right something go south
Dorio: should ask the idiot next to me
Maine: fuck off Dorio
Dorio: Maine punched her out she ran into some hard ICE and Maine lost it
Y/n: what?
Lucy: sounds to me like Maine needs to get his fuckin head checked
You put your hand on Lucy's back. you knew her and Kiwi had a close bond so you had knew this effected her the most
This kinda pissed Maine off
Dorio: easy Maine next time you start losing it
He got up and walked away
Y/n: what do ya mean by losing it
Dorio: that's right cyberpsychosis
Y/n was shocked so he got up and went after him
He popped another syringe
Y/n: hold on a sec Dorio just told me ya know but your gonna be alright okay not gonna end up like
Maine: all right? What's that mean all right huh Y/n not a cyberpsycho?
You remembered the cyberpsycho that killed Pilar
Maine: You think I'm losing my grip
Y/n: didn't mean to
Maine: do me a solid Lay Off mind your own fucking biz for a change
He almost hit you but you dodged
Maine: just cause your faster then me doesn't mean your hot shit it's really because of that Sandevistan the one that's Mine
He walked off
Y/n: (quietly) poor guy
Maine sat down on his couch and popped another syringe
Maine: made it this far I'm not gonna start downgrading now can't stop running no turning back
Y/n started walking back to the room
Dorio : NCPD probably sniffed out our trail already we only got Till Morning to finish this if that! You hear me
Y/n entered the room
She stopped
Y/n: we need to call this shit off before someone else gets hurt. Lucy you wanna Delta? don't have to do nothing you don't want to
Dorio: stay outta this Y/n!
Y/n: we can drop Tanaka back where we kidnapped him pretend none of this happened at all
Lucy ran out the door and grabbed you
She pushed you up against the wall
Lucy: Y/n I need you to tell me I can do this
Y/n: I thought you didn't wanna
Lucy: please say it you don't get or understand it we can't just leave Araska is always watching ALWAYS we can't just call it off  we don't have a choice I know that I just but please I need to hear you say it please
You grabbed he arm
Y/n: look I'm sorry but I... need you to do this I believe in you Lucy
You both looked at each other for a second before you went back in
Lucy: fine I'll do it
Dorio: da fuck but you just
Lucy: but only if Y/n comes with and Maine can't be in the room those my conditions take it or leave it
Dorio looked at you for a second
Dorio: fine but keep us in the loop ping every 25 minutes you have until dawn DON'T FUCK THIS UP Y/n where's that damn lead head
Y/n: I have no fucking clue
Maine was walking down a hall and got a call from Dorio he walked straight into a wall
Dorio: MAINE
Maine: yeah Dorio
It cut to Y/n looking at Tanaka
Y/n: hey so just a thought wouldn't be safer for Dorio to be here as backup?
Lucy: grow a chrome spine
Y/n: but still why didn't ya
She immediately got naked
Y/n: you could have told me earlier I'm always head for ya and again why do we have to do this alone
Lucy: Y/n
She got into the ice tub
Y/n: can I ask ya something uh deep dive port why'd ya hide it keep it a secret?
She didn't respond
Y/n: jacking in now
You attached the wire to the port
Lucy: Y/n
Y/n: yeah
Lucy: going in
She went into cyberspace
Lucy: fact that there's a trap means there's gotta be a way to get inside
She saw a flash of someone but shrugged it of
Y/n: right right okay oh Maines where is he
Dorio: he's cooling off
Y/n: hey you sure we gotta
Dorio: what
Y/n: know what forget it
Y/n: are gonna have to kill him
Maine: need a plan B just in case she don't make it
He loaded his gun
Dorio: Plan A B or Z should never have come to this
He got a call from Faraday
Maine: what cha what
Faraday: do you have my data
Maine: workin on it
Faraday: really a delay who's this on
Maine: what is this twenty questions
Faraday: transparency Maine what you we agreed on
Maine: huh
Faraday: and Kiwi you sure you can do it without her
Maine: how shit Falco talked
He started to glitch
Faraday: you willing to bet everything on the backup runner?
Maine: absolutely
Faraday: tick tock Maine araska is still one executive short you understand there's no room for error
Maine: thought I made that clear
He hung up
Maine: what da fuck you staring at Faraday?
He then shot something
It showed Y/n freakin out and Tanaka was beginning to wake up
Then Lucy
Lucy: fuck it's glitching out
Then back to Y/n
Y/n: Now of all times
Tanaka: wait wait please
You almost knocked him out
Tanaka: Y/N!!!
Then to Maine and Dorio injecting a syringe in him
Dorio: Maine snap the fuck outta it! HEY
Then back to Lucy
Lucy: Why the hell is the host waking up THE HELL YOU Doing Y/N
Tanaka: I was right your Y/n
Y/n: how da fuck you know my name
Tanaka: I know a lot about you the incident with Katsuo my son at the academy despite that I was the one who insisted that you be readmitted at once
Y/n: why
Tanaka: please Y/n help stop this in begging you I don't wish to die
Y/n: we just need the fucking data not gonna
Tanaka: you're so naive boy I've seen their faces araska will hunt them down just think why would I revoke your expulsion after the incident you have potential boy araska sees you as a valuable asset a rich bright future awaits you Y/N DONT THROW YOUR LIFE AWAY
Lucy was hacking fast
Y/n: sorry buddy can't let cha go
Tanaka: contact araska then this can all be stopped within 5 minutes
Y/n: NOT WHAT I MEAN ASSWIPE I can't won't do that to my crew
Y/n: and araska won't
Tanaka: your blind still don't get it who do you think made this little stunt of yours possible it reeks of militech all roads lead to mega corps NO MATTER HOW HIGH YOU RISE OR BELIEVE YOU CAN YOU WILL NEVER ESCAPE OUR SHADOW
Y/n: but that's
Lucy started looking through Y/n's file and saw something and meanwhile Maine was waking up and Dorio called Y/n
Dorio: Y/n please pick up
Tanaka: Martinez tell me what do you want in life
Y/n: what I want
Y/n looked over to Lucy for a second until Dorio and Maine bragged
Dorio: Y/N DA FUCK
Maine: why the hell this dawg awake where's the damn tranq give it
Tanaka then outta the blue died
Dorio: HEY Y/N snap outta it damn it your the one who jacked her in right so yank her out
Y/n immediately got up to help Lucy
Y/n: DORIO she's still stuck in deep dive ( in head) cmon cmon please don't die on me I need ya!
Dorio: gotta be fucking kidding me
Dorio: alright.... PULL NOW
Y/n yanked out the cord and Maine put a syringe in Tanaka
Maine: how's the data?!?
Dorio: jabbed him right as he flatlined so it's probably fine
Maine: Y/N
Y/n: don't worry Lucy's Alright
He smacked across the face
Y/n: ME what the fuck were YOU thinking WERE YOU DOING
Maine: the hell did you say
Y/n: Punching out Kiwi dropping all this shit on Lucy YOUR THE ONE FUCKING AROUND THE FUCK
Maine: don't you start kid
Dorio: HEY Maine Y/n! Jammer fried when he flatlined Trauma Teams got a signal
He shot at Tanaka
Maine: We ain't done yet Y/n believe it now prep our wheels quick!
Dorio then slapped you
You signed off your soul for this shit DO IT
Y/n then picked Lucy and started to run to the car
Maine: wait in the ride we'll catch up
Y/n: got it
He used the Sandevistan to get there in seconds and Trauma Team was close
Maine: goddamn platinum premium plan service. Dorio
She threw him a gun
TTM: registering gunfire In service area possible hostiles present requesting NCPD backup in force
Y/n brought Lucy to the car and put a blanket over her and started up the car to hear a rock song but turned it off
Lucy: Y/n
Y/n: oh thank fuck your awake you alright
Lucy: what's going on what happened
Y/n: Tanaka woke up then he short circuited for some reason what happened while you were under
Lucy: where are Maine and Dorio
Y/n: already moving Tanaka
Lucy: but he's dead
Y/n: we Uhh we kinda brought him back to life
Lucy: what why?
Y/n: Maine said we still need the data
Lucy: There's no point Tanaka was a bust! There was no data at all
Y/n: really... oh shit
Maine: fucking A definitely in Araska's radar now
Dorio: Maine don't forget your meds
Maine: Just took a Jab
A NCPD guy tried to ambush them but Dorio shot him and Maine started firing which Y/n heard
Maine: FUCK it's like these asshole pigs keep appearing outta nowhere no end to them back head to the back
Maine started glitching out again when Lucy called him
Lucy: FUCK he won't pick up
Y/n then tried to get out but Lucy grabbed his arm
Lucy: Y/n what are you doing
Y/n: I need to help them
Lucy: don't be fucking stupid what if they slip out another way we wait here
He grip tightened meanwhile Maine and Dorio were shooting a barrage of bullets
Y/n: Lucy I need to help them!
Lucy: Y/n please
Y/n: what's got ya spooked they should've been back by now something's off
Lucy: wait I got another sig not just NCPD Traumas here too means their surrounded
Y/n: then we have to help
Lucy: got a death wish
Y/n: Lucy I promise to come back
Lucy: listen to me this looks bad no matter how ya slice it we need to run
Y/n: their still alive their still fighting are you okay Lucy? Your not really acting like yourself please tell me what did you see in Tanaka's neural net
Lucy: I just I only wanted
Y/n: Lucy ain't ya gonna say you believe in me too love ya
You immediately raced off to help them
Lucy: Y/n... fuck
Maine was dealing headshot after headshot but was still glitching out
Dorio: THE FUCK MAINE get it together
He aimed his gun at Dorio and shot at her but she dodged
Dorio: shit that fucking gonk
All Maine could see was the desert
TTM: HOLD YOUR FIRR he's gotta platinum client hostage
NCPD: not our problem
He kept on shooting at someone that was glitching but it was Dorio and she caught him and made sure he didn't get hit by any gunfire i she got hit and Maine was shocked
Maine: Dorio...
Y/n: just wait one more second I'm on my way Maine
It cut to Maine shooting a NCPD officer
Y/n: please tell me I can fucking do this
Maine exploded the NCPD officers head and he was drenched in blood
Maine: this is my fault
He held his chest
NCPD: freeze weapons down! Hands behind your head last warning
He chop 3 NCPD officers in half and killed Tanaka
TTM: platinum client confirmed dead
Maine: hey this my fault
He had a terrifying smile
Y/n tried calling Lucy
TTM: the clients policy is void YOUR PROBLEM NOW
NCPD: you gotta be fucking kiddin-
Maine shot him
TTM: he's here let's go
Maine threw a gas canister and the TT helicopter? Flying car? Exploded and NCPD tried shooting at Maine but it got them nowhere and Maine punched one so hard his head exploded
Lucy: Y/n please pick up Maine's gone into full on Cyberpsychosis they called in MaxTac please I'm begging turn around come back
Y/n then saw Maine
Y/n: dude
He shot at you but missed
Maine: oh hey Y/n holding up alright
Y/n: dude we need to go
Maine: Dorio's dead she didn't make it
Y/n: oh god I'm so fucking sorry
Y/n then saw all the gas canisters and Dorio's body
Y/n: Maine what are you doing
Maine: the last thing I can do for her
Y/n: We need to Delta now or were gonna end up like her
Maine: this is it Dawg my final mile no more running after that the reapers finally calling my name why not answer it
Y/n: Maine
Y/n pulled out his gun
Y/n: I'll fight them with cha
Maine: Y/n
Y/n: NO I'm NOT leaving you behind we're leaving together or not at all
Maine was shaking
Y/n: damn MAXTAC JUST FUCKING TRY TO GET US we're getting outta here Maine believe it you and me and then
Y/n was freaking out but he kept on thinking "NEVER FADE AWAY" a song by samurai
Maine: Y/n
He grabbed your hand
Maine: you can't do this
Y/n began crying a bit
Y/n: I'm not why would cha why
Maine: this is it
He slapped you slightly
Maine: end of the line for me but your just starting your race fast is what cha do best ain't it then keep running
MaxTac busted through and Maine shot a grenade and you activated your Sandevistan and everything then exploded which Lucy heard but Y/n somehow made it In Time but was smoked and the drive back began you were gripping Maine's arm and crying softly

Cyberpunk: edgerunners  x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now