Land downunder

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Y/n was unconscious
Thug: so what do we down with him
Thug: funkin Sandy's mine always has been  whys thus runt even got a chip
Thug: uninstalls gonna cost us a hot eddie
Thug: ugh lil spiked shits a massive pain in my ass
Y/n was slowly starting to gain conscious
Thug: how bout we flatline him the five fingers scab discount work great on his cold dead body
Thug: still need a Ripperdoc for that
Thug: but we'd break even wouldn't we
Thug: barely
The big thug then looked at Lucy
Thug: You hear that I should just rip the damn things off myself maybe then you'd finally learn not to kelp shit that isn't yours ya piss sniffer
Lucy: please don't get blood all over my room please
Thug: stay out of this
Lucy: xcuse me i was the one who found him
You were shocked and kinda sad
Y/n: you you lied to me
He picked you up which hurt but not more than Lucy's betrayal
Thug: now spit it the fuck you doin around MY Sandevistan and MY gorilla arms
Y/n: it's in me ain't it
Thug: what cha get for paying in advance
Thug: gonk move (chuckle)
Thug: shut up she's good people one of our own just looking to make some fast scratch she was good for knows she's gone
Y/n: hold on
Thug: what runt
Y/n: the supplier you mean
Thug: Gloria Martinez that ring a bell
Y/n: MY MOM?!?
Thug: your Gloria's runt brat what was she thinking giving this too you
Y/n: she died asshole
Thug: huh?
Y/n: yesterday it was a car accident
Thug: but I talked to her two days ago oh yeah car accident
Y/n: it was the fucking animals trying to raid a corpo limo we all got caught in the crossfire nothing to do with the fucking Sandevistan or Gorilla arms
He put you down
Thug: tracks why she never buzzed us back
Thug: damn kid I'm sorry but still Don't think that makes things free n easy for ya
Y/n: I didn't know they were yours asswipe
Thug:  i member being a squirt chippin all the mil specchorme my mama left laying around good times THIS TWERPS CLEARLY GOT A CIRC LOOSE
Thug: back off he didn't know what he was doin
Y/n: your cyberpunks really
Thug: what's it to ya
Y/n: let me keep the Sandevistan and the gorilla arms I'll work them off and pay you back one gig at a time as long as it takes
Cyberpunk: not good enough those things are military grade can't just buy another of a shelf
Y/n: what ever you paid my mom I'll pay it back
Cyberpunk: no deal
Lucy: I said no murder
Y/n: cmon at least give me a chance
Cyberpunk: heh now that's funny I don't run a preschool do I look like I do
Y/n: I'll fire up the Sandevistan
Cyberpunk: bullshit toddler like you can't boot it up without keelin over
Lucy: well this toddlers full of surprises
Cyberpunk: hmm nah body that that size couldn't take one hit and he'd start sizzling up
Y/n: try 8 and still no sizzle
Cyberpunk; cmon that's a load of horse shit and we all know that
Y/n: yea alright then how bout I prove it
They suddenly put guns on you
Cyberpunk: plant that ass back down
Y/n: chill the f out just gonna get this cig nothing up my sleeve see
You activated the Sandevistan and took his cigarette and then put it back
Cyberpunk: HOLY SHIT
Y/n: if my maths correct that's ten times one day
Cyberpunk: JESUS H FUCK what in the fast forward fuck was that?
Y/n: just gimme a chance
Cyberpunk: what type of chance
Y/n: take me out on a job I promise I won't fuck anything up
You looked dead into his eyes
Cyberpunk: got a pair on ya I'll give you that but alright one chance NO FUCKUPS
The two other cyberpunk's were pissed
Cyberpunk: here we go again
Cyberpunk: look I owe it to Gloria and maybe the apple don't fall far hmm
Y/n: you won't regret this
Lucy came over to you and it seemed like she hugged you
Y/n: huh what are ya
Cyberpunk: chill she's putting in a tracer in ya we don't want you to go AWOL on us
Y/n: I'm not gonna run
Cyberpunk: heh heard that before
He left the apartment
Cyberpunk: see ya tomorrow kid
They all left
Y/n: so cyberpunks kind da peeps you roll with them
Lucy: yep
Y/n: you could've said
Lucy: like what? I didn't plan this Y/n he wouldn't shut up about his Sandevistan going missing and I saw you using one on the train I knew you for sure had it after our visit to the doc
Y/n: then thought you'd bat your fucking eyes at me till they showed up you were lying to the hole time
Lucy: go home already
Y/n: okay
You went to leave
Lucy: bout your mom sorry for your loss
You left and raced back to your apartment
Once you were there you were stuck looking at your mom and brother
Y/n then started crying
Y/n: fuck my life
The next morning
Y/n was resting near the ledge until he got a call from his headmaster
Headmaster: mr Martinez wonderful
Y/n: go choke on your own dick
Headmaster: I'm just going to say you've earned a scholarship
Y/n then started laughing
Y/n: you think I wanna go back
You hung up
You then got a call from Maine?
Maine: kid your up
Oh he's the cyberpunk
Hours later
You went to a cargo dock and saw an open garage and went into it
Maine: over here kid
You flowed him into a room and and saw a whole team of other cyberpunks
Cyberpunk: you weren't lying he's just a kid
Cyberpunk: can he keep up
Maine: guess we'll see
Cyberpunk: now now I know he's a sweet little thang but keep those angry arms to yourself
Cyberpunk(with mask): why do we put up with his bullshit
Maine: this one here is Kiwi
He pointed to the one in the mask
Maine: and you've met Dorio and Pilar you've met
He pointed to the two you saw at Lucy's apartment
Maine: make yourself comfy
Y/n sat down
Y/n: I'm Y/-
Maine slapped you
Maine: who the duck asked it's time for Business shot the shard
You saw an orange shard on the table and put it in
then the screen showed a boxing ring
Maine: say hello to Araska Corpdriver and bodyguard
You then saw a fat ass
Maine: Maxim we're gonna swipe the Mac data from the limo he rolls around in
Y/n: just data the car alone might be worth 50 k!
Maine: we do that saka ninjas will swarm us so just the DATA
Y/n: and how exactly do we do that
Maine: this guy loves betting on fights his big ol ass fills one seat every weekend and he always bets on the butcher banking from her skull spitting uppercut  and he's not the only one most people just show up to see the butcher paint the cage red
Y/n: animals
Maine: but this weekend the fights not gonna be like that she'll be the one butcher in round one
Y/n: how can ya be sure
Maine: kid take a chill pill and trust me anyway  Maxim loves drowning his sorrows at this one hole in the wall dive that's where you come in use the sandy when he's had a few drinks and good and greased
It then showed you slowing down time to get the key
Maine: once you've nabbed the key and hand it to Dorio she'll forge a copy to pop the lock then we kelp the data  while the muscle still shitfaced and out but leave that to me and Kiwi  all you have to do is slip that key back in the socket before he gets wise that's it simplest job ever
Kiwi(on call): hold on his masters calling
Maine: poor guy can't catch a break
Kiwi: not good boss needs him there
Maine: on his damn day off
Dorio: datas not copied yet
Maine: oh fuck change of plans kid key to the car grab it
Maine: Becca trip him up
You saw a girl that looked 13?!?
Y/n: what da fuck
Dorio: chop chop  run
Then this Becca kid spilled her drink on him
Becca: I'm so sorry I'm so clumsy
Maxim: watch it bitch
She then began wiping him off than jacking him off
Maine: get in nab the data fore he shows
Y/n: da fuck it's locked
Lucy: I'll handle that
You turned around and saw her and you were expressionless
Lucy: you get in
You got into the drivers seat and saw how fancy the car was and how nice it felt
Y/n: uh you alright Lucy
Lucy: don't talk focusing Araska ICE walls are a huge pain in the ass
Becca: sorry bout that handsome
Maxim: nah it's no problem sweetheart
Becca: make it up to you next time okay
He then started looking for his key
Becca: why are you yelling at me I'm sensitive ya know
He stormed off
Kiwi: we're blown the targets coming in hot
Maine: status update Lucy
Lucy: just a lil more
Kiwi: times up cut it
Lucy: almost... done
You tried to get out
Y/n: it won't fucking open
Lucy: shit the security's back online
Kiwi: like I said times up
Maxim threw himself on the window
Y/n: Nada de inglés (transition) no English
He started to shoot the window
Maine: aw shit now way back start her up
Maine: punch it kid
Y/n: shit
You started to Hotwire the car
Lucy: there's an engine button
Y/n realized this and immediately felt embarrassed
Y/n: thank you
You immediately started up the car and raced off hitting a poll just to piss him off
Lucy: when you learn to drive
Y/n: when your stealing car parts for a Ripperdoc you just might get a free driving lesson
Maine: straight to Aldo's you hash the GPS
Lucy: can't from the inside it's  jammed up  but encryptions shaky They'll snatch our position soon unless we find solid cover
Maine: Aldo's it is its safe there on our way shit comms at cutin out
Y/n: pull over?
Maine: no dumbass they'll use geo stats to ping you and then send an army of Saka ninjas on your asses Drive likes there no tomorrow
Lucy: sending the route
Y/n: thanks think we can make it in time
Lucy: up too you now
Y/n: well that doesn't put any pressure on me at all
A cam suddenly showed up
Lucy: we got company
Y/n: fuck why now and their tiger claws FUCK
Lucy: Maxim musta put a bounty on our new ride
Y/n: we stole this like 2 minutes ago
Lucy: that's why you don't fuck with corpos they've got the advantage here on bikes
Lucy: hit the highway here
The tiger claws started yelling stuff in Spanish
Y/n: need to lose these guys
Y/n then realized a traffic jam
Y/n: I hate my life
Lucy: oh my my now this isn't very good
Y/n was freaking out he kept on remembering the car crash and his mother's and brothers body
Lucy: there closing in on us
Lucy: what
He went forward and used the Sandevistan to try extremely fast killing one of the tiger claws
He kept on using the Sandevistan to make rapid turns
Y/n: you alright
Lucy: never better
She said obviously scared
The tiger claw got close to them but you narrowly dodged a trunk and it crushed him
He went back to the other side of the road and his nose looked like an exploded ketchup bottle
Later you were back at Aldo's
Y/n: seems shut tight
Lucy: Aldo should be inside the only thing we got going for us is the jammer
She got out
Y/n: the doors were unlocked
Lucy: been for a while
You got out too
Y/n: I'll scope the place out be right back
You were looking through a window and you almost got hit by a tiger claws bike
You dodged using the Sandevistan and he almost cut you in half but Lucy caught the blade with her mono-wire and you used this chance to punch a hole through his chest with your gorilla arms
He stood still for a minute and then dropped like a bug
Y/n/Lucy: holy shit
Then Maine pulled up
Maine: the hell happened here
Y/n: tried to jump me
he turned to Lucy
Y/n: thank you
Lucy: don't mention it
She playfully punched your shoulder which  hurt her hand
Lucy: should of see that coming
Hours later
You were all at a party and you were next to Maine chilling
Maine: not bad for a rookie
Y/n: so are we good or are you still pissed bout the sandy and arms
Maine: sure welcome to the crew but here's a free tip there ain't no one in this god forsaken place than yourself
You too looked into each other's eyes sharing an understanding
Maine: start using as as a crutch you'll be dead within a week
He patted your head
Y/n: got ya
You looked around and smiled at the people of night city getting along
Night city was still a city of rot but there are some good parts
Maine suddenly got a package and gave it to you
Maine: immunoblockers enough to get ya through the month and
He suddenly gave you some money
Maine: here's your cut
Y/n: that's a lot a eddies
Maine: everyone gets a fair shake only way i operate so your still mostly organic
Y/n: huh oh yeah
Maine: my advice save your edds those gorilla arms and that Sandevistan will only get you so far
Y/n: heh got a point
Maine: with good enough Cyberware you could zero any goon just by looking at them
He then injected himself with a syringe
Maine: it ain't wasting eddies if it makes ya stronger that always applies with Cyberware and also to your crew
Y/n: heh yeah alright 
Suddenly a limo pulled up and a guy who probably worked for araska walked out of it
Maine: shit
He walked over to the guy
Client: I believe I was clear when I requested the nav data not araska corp property
Oh he's the client
Maine: you got what you asked for and more
Client: yes but I also asked for discretion
Maine: we tried but shit happened had ta improvise
Client: it was imperative I learned Tanaka's routines the places he frequents
Maine: so check the nav data it's all there
Client: your little joyride put us all back to square one and now he's on high alert he's already switched sites so that data is useless
Maine: okay switching sites for what
Client: that's not for you to know
Maine: god damnit how the fuck are we supposed to do the job if you just leave us in the dark like that
Client: the less you know the less I risk understand this and understand it fast I don't pay you to think I pay you to check boxes of a big list it's my place to see the larger picture it's your place to listen and do as your told that's is how business is done are we clear
Maine: yeah crystal dawg
Client: very good for now we'll wait until he lowers his guard again I'll be Touch
Maine: see ya
He drove away
Y/n: who's da fuck is that asshole
Maine: Faraday the middleman who landed us the gig he happens to be a top fixer
Y/n: thought you were the head honcho
Maine: I'm the guy who gets shit done and he's the one who pays me when I get shit done without him you ain't nothing in this biz it's simple as that
He walked off
Maine: don't think to hard about it tonight we celebrate
You stood there tapping your metal fingers against your leg
You saw Lucy but you saw the long limbed guy talking to ya
Becca: hello there
You saw this Becca person
Y/n: hey your Becca right?
Becca: huh your the first person to not forget my name
Y/n: heh cool
She handed you a drink
Becca: you can call me Rebecca your joining Maines crew right
Y/n: yeah maybe
You gulped down the drink
Becca: later uhhh David?
Y/n: Y/n Martinez and later
You the. Got another call from your principal
Principle: hello mr Martinez  I'm gonna cut this short you need to apologize to Katsuo if you want back in
Y/n: okay tell that little spoiled Brat this want round 2 I'm make sure to break more then your jaw and nose and I don't want back in
You hung up the call
And took a swig of the drink and looked around for Lucy
Y/n: (sigh) it's time to wake up Y/n don't got a chance in hell with her
You took another swig

Cyberpunk: edgerunners  x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now