A chipsocket

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You walked into araska academy and you looked like shit from all the pain you just endured from the implants
GBT: Martinez your tardiness has been marked
RICH A-HOLE: get a load of this guy
You kicked him out of his chair
RAH: are you stupid were at school
You took off your jacket
Y/n: does it look like I give a fuck
RAH: tch just cause you got some chrome you think your strong
He turned on his power arms and started doing the same shit until you caught one of his arms
Rich A-hole: what
He broke away and almost hit you but you used the Sandevistan and slowed down time went away from his line of sight and hit him and your hit threw him into the wall
You put your jacket on again
Y/n: I don't really care
GBT: Martinez please report
You plugged in the code doc messed up and it corrupted everything
You saw a camera and showed it the bird you walked out and could of swore you saw rainbow hair again
Y/n: damn
You sat down on a bench looking at you hands
Y/n: no going back now
You immediately rushed home and thanks to the Sandevistan he got there in about a millisecond
He immediately fell asleep
Meanwhile at araska
It showed a cam recording of Y/n beating the shit out of the Rich asshole
Araska guy: his name is Y/n Martinez his brother and mother died in a car accident his father isn't know
Araska guy2: why are you telling me this
Araska guy: does his Cyberware look familiar
Araska: guy2: captain James Norris he was filed as a cyber psycho incident
Araska guy: exactly even as he's using it he's still not become psychotic I believe his tolerance for Cyberware would be perfect for him to try out the product
Araska guy2: bring him to me at once
Araska guy: he's been expelled
Araska guy2: promise him with money to lure him here
Araska guy: what about your son?
Araska guy2: he should learn what it means to become part of araska
Y/n was sleeping
Headmaster: Mr Martinez I hate to inform you that you are officially expelled
You hung up the call
Y/n: fuuuuuuck meeeee
You took a shower and walked past the crowd of homeless and reached the ledge not even sure of you wanted to make it
But you did
You started walking around with no goal whatsoever but you started to realize night city wasn't a city of dreams it was a city of rot
Eventually you got on the subway listening to chippin in by samurai

Y/n: (softly) kill them all
Then you swore you saw the rainbow haired girl again stealing chips?
You drew your attention back to the music
Then you felt something
You activated the Sandevistan and saw rainbow haired trying to steal your chip you grabbed her hand and unfroze time
She looked at you and broke away from your grip and grabbed your hand
RHG: come on
She started dragging you towards an empty train car
RHG: so what's your angle spill it
Y/n: i uhh don't really have an angle
RHG: your mussing up my work through
She said crossing her arms
Y/n: stealing chips
You raised an eyebrow
RHG: so you gonna put cuffs on me
Y/n: I'm not a cop
She put her hand on your face which freaked you out
RHG: hmm do I know you?
Her hands started to lower
Y/n: i uhh no I don't think s-
She immediately pushed against the door her hand still on your face
RHG: ahh lookey here boy you are in trouble
Y/n was freaking out cause he has never been this close to a woman
RHG: really? A Sandevistan and araska grade gorilla arms damn do tell me where you found those
RHG: wait curiosity killed the cat and all that hey crazy idea how about we work together
Y/n: stealing?
RGH: is it stealing you f I only hit araska suits
Y/n: nah they have enough why me though
RGH: scan picked up an Araska Academy ID
Y/n: I got expelled an hour ago
RHG: ahh what a bad boyo
Y/n: so if I do this we're both only get hit Saka right
RHG: you in? Gonna break poor momma's heart if she finds out
She removed the mono wire from your neck
RGH: I think I may have hit your head against the door too hard sorry
You checked and you had a nosebleed but you knew it wasn't from the door
Y/n: it's fine
RHG: okay so rule one less judgement more awareness
Y/n: so should I write this down
RGH: also we're gonna spit cash 80/20
Y/n: cmon we're both doing the same amount of work
RHG: I'm the one outsourcing them and I'm supervising the trainee
Y/n: trainee cmon I'm tight on eddies right now how bout 60/40 it fair
RHG: 70/30 and I'll pay you the second the jobs done now that's fair
Y/n: (sigh) deal
She stuck out her hand
Lucy: I'm Lucy, 'kay?
Y/n: Y/n
You shaked her hand
Minutes later
Y/n: (on call) you hear me
Lucy: I hear ya
Y/n: my end too the guy at 3 o'clock right?
Lucy: yeah moving in okay set ready to roll
Lucy: 3 2 1 it's showtime
The chip ejected and you caught it thanks the Sandevistan
Y/n: easy pesy
Lucy: don't get cocky real deals next
Y/n: bring it
Lucy: the 3 she suits Yada-go!
You caught the three of them
Lucy: the two braindance glazed
You caught them to
Y/n: cmon this is easy town give me a challenge
Lucy: okay big fish big loot coming up
Y/n: sounds..
You saw the size of him
Y/n: fun fact Lucy I value my life and he doesn't exactly scream corpo to me
Lucy: he's hired muscle ready 3 2 1
Y/n: shit
The chips popped out and you used the Sandevistan's power to grab them
Lucy: nice nice we've bled this car dry next stop we ghost
Y/n: roger roger
An hour later
Y/n: so did I do well
Lucy: I gotta say I'm impressed you didn't break them with your gorilla arms but ether way your worth the 30% loss
Y/n: nother car
Lucy: different line maybe someone's definitely tipped the pigs bout us
Y/n realized his nose was bleeding and was soon falling down the steps
When he woke up he felt like shit
Lucy: how bad is he
Ripperdoc: typical rookie mistake hasn't taken any precautions since the implant's were installed which immunosuppressant is he on? He's insured right
Lucy: don't know don't care
Ripperdoc: any family any legal guardian  anyone I can call
Lucy: parents I guess used to got to araska academy
Ripperdoc: Araska no wonder he could afford hey hold on a sec
Lucy realized you were awake
Lucy: morning shawty you alright
Y/n: I'm about the throw up
Lucy: member which pills you take
Y/n: pills
Lucy: what (laughing) your a psycho
The ambulance suddenly sped up
Lucy: hey lady we just passed the hospital
She realized Y/n had a gun to his head
Lucy: oh my
Ripperdoc: listen choom this implant will catch a couple k so just sit back and relax
Lucy: that right you looking to cut a deal with some Scavengers
Ripperdoc: I said chill before we probe you for chrome too
Lucy: sorry Y/n your back to 20%
Y/n: da fuck
She suddenly kicked the carrier towards the Ripperdoc and got on it and brought it out of the moving ambulance
You were moving super fast but you were really only focused on Lucy's smiley face
Once you finally stoped Lucy realized you had throw up on the side of your face
Lucy: whoops. Hey, doin okay not gonna die are ya
Y/n: docs please
Lucy: huh
Y/n: doc's clinic he's a Ripperdoc please get me there
Hours later
You woke up but your head was spinning
Doc: Y/n buddy you look like shit
Y/n: I know
Doc: how many times did you use the Sandevistan
Y/n: 8
Doc: Jesus Henry Christ grown ass man couldn't take that punishment
Y/n: I was fine then my nose just exploded
Lucy: he had no immunoblockers explain
Doc: didn't see the need
Lucy: thought wrong sell him the meds
Doc: shit off this shelf ain't gonna cut it different league you good for it
Y/n: your charging me? Your a real asshole doc
Doc: fucking rightist am I ant no charity
Lucy threw your share on the table
Lucy: how much will these buy
Doc: bout 2 days
Lucy: really?
Doc: like I said I ain't no charity
She bought the pills and left doc waited till she was gone
Doc: so where you find that hot piece of ass
Y/n: god blessed me
Doc: listen man if you wanna increase chances get her drunk and if she says "I'm about to rock your world" remember to record it for your friend
Y/n took a mental note of it
Doc: and back to the Sandevistan problem only use it 2 times a day 3 max if your body can handle your brain can't
Y/n: one piece of tech can make you a psycho never heard that before
Doc: you just heard it from me
Y/n: thanks choom
Doc: and remember 3 times if you do it anymore it won't be you on that drivers seat
Y/n: choom don't worry bout me
Doc: and here
He threw you a condom and winked
Y/n: heh later doc
You went up the stairs to see Lucy soon you were both sitting on a bench
Lucy: so you all done
Y/n: yeah
Lucy: well then I guess we should wrap things up
Y/n: I'm alright for like 5 more
Lucy: idiot if you do anymore you'll turn into a psycho only use the Sandevistan when we need to we have other ways to churn out eddies
Y/n: you still wanna work with me?
Lucy: you still need to pay me back
Y/n: great I'm in desperate need for eddies
Lucy: that's the spirit
Y/n: you sure your not up for some more I'm kind lagging on my rent
Lucy: tomorrow
Y/n: alright alright
Lucy got up
Lucy: cmon
Y/n: okay more runs it is
Lucy: not work related
An hour later
You were in front of Lucy's apartment
Lucy: it's here
Y/n: do you (gulp) live alone
Lucy: yeah why?
Y/n: oh it's uhh nothing
Lucy: what ya nervous or something
Y/n: kinda
Lucy: awww is it your first time
Y/n: Uhh no no
Y/n:(in head) Ughh David was better at this
Lucy started laughing
You both went into her apartment
Lucy: sit down relax all I got is beer ya drink
Y/n: yeah sometimes
Fun fact: this is true one time David and Y/n we're both somehow invited to a party and both got super drunk and they arrived at their apartment like this
David: okay so bubby I need to open door but but my hands can't work
Y/n: Mann just kick it lice this
You slammed your head against the door and it somehow opened
Gloria: oh my goddess where have you two been
Y/n: maama I'm so sorry we got wasted
David: shhh shhh she can't know
Gloria: you know your both grounded right
Back to know
Y/n: cheers
Lucy started to smoke a cigarette while you were still drinking
Lucy: huh so you have drunk before
Y/n: ehh it was at a party like 2 or 3 months ago got an itch for it ever since
Lucy: what's with your getup
She got up from the couch
Lucy: take it off

Y/n: Uhh why
Y/n:( in head) that's right play dumb this is part one to doc's plan
Lucy: just do it cmon
She only took of your jacket

Y/n:( in head) why are we still here just to suffer
She started to mess with it
Y/n: hey cmon don't do that please
She stopped on the word edgerunner
Y/n: edgerunner?
Lucy: it's another word for cyberpunk that's what you wanna be right
Y/n: JK's edgerunner series  I'm a fan
Lucy: heh you serious
Y/n: kinda I was a fan my brother was too
You then realized the moon poster
Y/n: oh cool I didn't know they made those anymore it's kinda sad how it never really turned into the paradise we all wanted just a slave camp
Lucy: looks like someone did their homework
Y/n: not really just some stuff I learned in class
Lucy: begging your pardon prep boy
Y/n: it's not like that
Lucy: isn't it never met a pleb who attended a araska school
Y/n: Lucy I promise it's not like that
You took a swig of beer
Y/n: my uh mom and me and my brother weren't very well off. There's not a chance in hell they would actually accept me off the streets she worked hard to keep us in that damn academy scraping together eddies anyway she could the real kicker is the second we walked in we both knew we'd never be accepted
Lucy: so why'd you and your brother stick around for so long or at all?
Y/n: good fuckin question I think we did it so my mom would be proud of us she always said
"I can see you both at Araska tower top floor" it was her dream for us to have the future she couldn't or our dream whatever
Lucy bent down
Y/n: oh shit sorry to put that on your conscious
Lucy: is it your dream
Y/n: my dream?
Lucy: well yeah you your mom your brother you're different people. Why should you work to achieve her dream
Y/n: I don't really know what to say to that
Lucy: you need to find your own dream
Y/n: did you ever find yours
You then both looked at the moon poster
Lucy: you called it a prison camp but to me this city's ten times worse
Y/n: night city I fell the " city of dreams" is just for postcards it really a city of rot
Lucy: that's why I wanna leave and go as far as possible
You were both silent for a second
Lucy: got something to show ya let's go
Y/n: oh alright
You then both entered a simulation
Y/n: holy shit this resolution is fucking awesome! I can feel the goddamn son
Lucy: that's through your personal link it's what allows you to fell the sun but if I gave you the actual temp you'd be fried shrimp that's why I made sure to lower the settings mellow out the experience
You then jumped up thanks to zero gravity
Lucy: dial it up
Y/n: No way this is awesome
Lucy then began laughing
Lucy: you look like a dope
You were just bouncing around and Lucy joined you
Lucy: nova huh?
Y/n: Fucking amazing
Lucy: isn't it over here
You then began following her she held her hand back so you grabbed it and jumped with her and entered a rover with her and you almost fell off by the speeds and then just began messing around
You were now sitting on the edge of a carter
Lucy: your the first person I've shown this to
Y/n: really? Why me
Lucy: dunno guess it just felt right got this feeling think you and I'd make a good team
Y/n: I think so too
She exited the sim and just looked at the view
PUNK: you fell over the edge punk
You then woke up
Punk: you see those implants are now mine
You looked over to see Lucy smoking a cigarette
You were then hit against her roof

Cyberpunk: edgerunners  x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now