Cyberthugs: hospital heist

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It showed Y/n looking through binoculars on a roof with Lucy and Maine with him in chairs
Y/n: alright I see some exits and windows
Maine: we're not jumping through a window
Y/n: it's not that painful
David: what is painful is the giant stick up your ass LETS DO SOMETHING DANGEROUS
Lucy: have you jumped out a window
Y/n: 76 there good exits
He put down the binoculars and went towards the elevator
Maine: I'm gonna be provider was able to get a gig outta this hospital information and since Kiwi royally fucked us Lucy go with moody fuck
Lucy: okay then
She got on the elevator and David was leaning against the wall
David: huh you can't remember mom's disappointment when you joined your first crew but everything you touched turned to shit
Your arm started shaking and you started sweating
David: Samatha you killed her wasn't your first death a mother who couldn't pay but you knew you'd pay if you didn't pull the trigger so with only yourself in mind you killed her her child probably resents you know another crew MORE DEATH CAUSED BY YOU
The elevator made it and you immediately rushed to a garbage can and threw up
David: oh wow feeling guilty Lank
Lucy: hey holy shit are you okay
Y/n: I'm alright it won't fuck anything up
You threw up again
Lucy: You can sit this one out
Y/n stumbled up
Y/n: I'm okay Lucy
You popped a pill and went into the hospital
Lucy: Y/n please be safe on this
She went in after you
It cut to Y/n in a bathroom
Y/n: Pull yourself together
David: Cmon Y/n you know that this is gonna fuck up leave save yourself like always
Y/n: your not real
David: what is you killing people now robbing A HOSPITAL mom would be proud
Y/n: why am I fight clubbing myself
You slouched on the wall
David: cause your life is shit people around you are shit and your shit
Y/n: look please just keep down I can't focus
You inhaled and got up and left the bathroom and went to the elevator and went up passing rooms
Y/n: okay floor 3
You pulled out your phone and texted Lucy
Y/n: "almost floor 3"
Lucy: good we all meet lobby if we don't regroup good luck
Y/n: yeah good luck to you to
You put your phone away and saw the staircase
David: he genius briefing said that 3rd floor has tight security you can't just walk up
Y/n: shut up
You walked past him and climbed the stairs and some guy came up to you
Security: Sir you can't be here
Y/n: oh
You sucker punched him with the gorilla arm which knocked him out and Y/n walked in to a couple bodies knocked out
Y/n: okay that guy sucked at his job
It cut to Lucy on a computer in a office with a guy knocked out she was breezing downloading files but one got her eyes D.Martinez
Lucy: is that
She opened it and her eyes started shaking reading it she put it on a separate flash drive and texted Y/n
Lucy: got it we need to talk
Y/n: Why
Lucy: your brother
It cut to Y/n's distraught face
David: she knows she knows and I know she knows
Y/n: fuck off
Y/n went to a room and saw Rebecca with a garbage bag loading all types of Cyberware
Rebecca: Finally grab a bag and start loading
Y/n: okay chill out
You grabbed one and started loading stuff until you found something familiar
Y/n: huh Sandevistan model 2.3
You grabbed the bag it was in and stuffed it in your jacket
Y/n: Maine said bonus
You grabbed another bag
Rebecca: Hey Y/n what was your first time like
Y/n: gross Rebecca
Rebecca: NOT THAT I mean killing for me it felt horrible it kinda hurts when I kill now how does it feel for uhh you
Y/n: my first time didn't feel real but now I'm used to it
David: oh wow heartfelt speech makes it justifiable your still a murderer
Rebecca: that's horrifying but
She got a cheeky face
Rebecca: what was your first time like
Y/n: Eww fuck gross never had a girlfriend and that's honestly disgusting
Rebecca: okay fine I'll stop
It cut to the two looking at a window
Rebecca: Your saying we can't just go down
Y/n: no you can
You took both bags
Y/n: two guys with two heavy garbage bags that just spells suspicious
Rebecca: but how are you gonna get out
Y/n: I'm gonna jump out the window
Rebecca: oh o- WHAT
You jumped out the window landing in trash
Rebecca: Y/N
He got out
David: you really are stupid I mean it's incredible did mom drop you as a baby
Y/n: maybe
You hopped out and went to the front you watched as a police car sped by chasing a car you saw your brother across the street sitting with you almost mirroring you actions
Y/n: ugh I'm sorry David
You were slightly hit and you looked up and saw Lucy
Lucy: you okay
Y/n: yeah yeah I'm dandy
She handed you a flash drive
Y/n: what's this
Lucy: your brothers file
Y/n: oh you know
Lucy: I know it's not your fault what happened
Y/n: it is I shoulda been more careful the animals got to me by killing him and my mom
Lucy: they didn't kill David
Y/n stood up in a hurry
Y/n: he's alive
Lucy: no I'm so sorry
Y/n: oh fuck
Lucy: he joined up with a crew he became a moderate legend
Lucy: but he was a chrome jock and got a mental disease called Cyberpsychosis he died soon after but he had a nice life I would guess
Y/n: heh David he would always do stupid shit mom would get so pissed off
Lucy: do you wanna talk about him it might help
Y/n: fuck it yeah uhh he always had this stupid smile on his face like always I bought him on one job he was so excited
You started crying
Y/n: I miss him so fucking much
She hugged you and you wrapped your arms around her
Lucy: it's okay Y/n I got you
Rebecca: are you two fucking
You broke away and saw Rebecca with a confused face
Rebecca: what
Lucy: why'd you get held up
Rebecca: I said I had a bomb
Rebecca: Hey chill got it sorted out
Rebecca: well I did I'm a psychopath
David: I like this one she's smart
You turned to him and gave him a not the time look
Y/n: look Rebecca don't do that and back to the other thing me and Lucy are just friends
Rebecca: yeah totally
Lucy got out her phone and texted Maine
Y/n: and other thing is there like a HR cause everything you do is very UNCOMFORTABLE
Rebecca: I can't stop it's like my character
Y/n: oh sex sex sex drugs drugs sex bomb threat who am I
Rebecca: that's not fair aww brooding brooding sadness violence window jumping WHO AM I DICKWEED
Y/n: wow very mature
Lucy: Settle down children Maine says we're meeting at a pub to relay info
Rebecca: alright fine I'll be mature and end this war
She extended your hand but you just followed Lucy
Y/n: don't know where damn hands been
Rebecca: ehh fair
She followed mainly behind
Lucy: hey you know I'm always here if you need anyone or just me
Y/n: yeah I do thanks
You put up your hood which allowed you to smile and blush a bit
You just looked ahead and it cut to Y/n at the bar with a few others while Lucy was talking with Maine and you ordered a drink
Y/n: man what a day right David
David: oh wait an actual conversation wow
Y/n: your just my subconscious torture me and I deserve it but it's nice to talk to someone else
David: huh okay today was kinda tame cause normal hospital heist barely any casualties
Y/n: I guess
A glass went down and Y/n looked at his reflection in the drink and Rebecca sat next to you and put something in your drink
Y/n: oh god what did you do
Rebecca: cmon just drink it I'll give you a coupon for 2 free pizzas
You downed the drink and extended your hand
Rebecca: What ugh fine
She gave it to you
Rebecca: by the way that was LSD
Rebecca: yeah don't worry it doesn't work that fast it'll take like 2 minutes or less
Y/n: Rebecca you don't just give people ACID
Rebecca: I thought it was normal I think of it as a initiation process
He head started melting
Y/n: Your melting your melting
Rebecca: oh shit it's already happening
You looked at your fingers which were snakes
Y/n: Rebecca my fingers are snakes
She grabbed you and dragged you towards the table
Maine: what's up with newbie
Rebecca: I gave him LSD
Rebecca: okay I'm sorry
Y/n: am I getting taller or is the room getting shorter
Maine: it's okay buddy it's alright buddy
Y/n: why is we why is I
Lucy: hey hey it's okay listen guys I'll take him live in same motel
She grabbed you by the arm and dragged you to a car and broke into it and she got in the drivers seat and you got in the passenger's seat
Lucy: how ya doing
Y/n: I don't really know everything's a little weird
Lucy: it's gonna be alright
Y/n: yeah yeah
It cut to them at the no-tell motel
Y/n: okay I think it went down
You tried to get out but Lucy grabbed your arm
Lucy: is there something up with you
Y/n: Lucy I'm fine
Lucy: are you the throwing up in front of the road you were staring at someone and said something what's going on
Y/n: why do you care about me
Lucy: I wanna help you
Y/n: why
Lucy: cause we're the same
Y/n: We're nothing alike
She let go and you went inside the motel
Lucy: Damnit Lucy
She got out and released the breaks causing it to slide onto the road and she went inside
Lucy: ugh please Y/n
It cut to Y/n in his bed cigarette in mouth
David: she might've been right you know you know nothing about her
Y/n: she knows nothing about me
David: she knew about me
Y/n jumped from his bed
Y/n: I never said
David: oh ding ding ding she musta looked at your profile police have a thick report on you
Y/n: shit
He lied back down
David: relax she probably doesn't know everything probably maybe wouldn't she bring it up
Y/n: Stop please it's just one minute please
You opened your windows and threw your cigarette butt and you grabbed your jacket and saw the piece of Cyberware you picked it up and put it in your bathroom and smoked another cigarette
David: what do you think it does
Y/n: dunno know prolly gonna sell it probably
David: oh cmon could be useful
Y/n: (sigh) shut up need to think
You got on your bed and puffed a smoke
David: so Taco Bell or Pizza Hut for dinner OH the combination Pizza Hut and Taco Bell
Y/n: just no
Y/n: ugh fuck I know what I have to do
You pulled out your phone and texted Lucy
Y/n: can we talk
You sent it and looked at your phone screen and he heard a knock at his door
David: oh damn
You opened it and saw Lucy
Lucy: hey
Y/n: hey uhh are you okay to talk
Lucy: yeah I am
She walked in and saw a clean sort of mess
David: wow a actually girl in your condo and here I am shocked
Y/n: thanks for coming I was kinda a dick to you in the car sorry for that
Lucy: it's fine I was being...pushy
Y/n: yeah but a serious question how do you know about David
The room suddenly turned silent
Lucy: I looked up your file but Maine ordered me to do it
Y/n: I'm not really worried about that how much do you know
Lucy: I know (inhale) that your adoptive family hurt you and I know you used to be a hit man for hire but it was briefly mentioned
Y/n: ah shit
You sat in your bed and Lucy sat next to you
Lucy: I don't think of you any differently
Y/n: oh thanks but it I didn't wanna do those things had to for money
Lucy: I get it gotta do what cha gotta do
Y/n: mhm when you said we were the same what did you mean
Lucy: My parents gave me up and I got stuck with stupid parents
Y/n: shit I didn't know sorry
Lucy: your good Y/n but I have one question
Y/n: yeah
She grabbed your face and kissed you
David: OH holy shit
She broke away
Lucy: how was that
Y/n: Uhh good
You kissed her again and you both lied down on the bed still kissing and it cut to Kiwi on her master setup eating an apple until something stumped her
Kiwi: (mouthful) the fuck
Pillar: what is it
Kiwi: nothing go back to bed I'll be there soon
Pillar: okay alright
Kiwi focused her attention on the computer
Kiwi: David Martinez fuck your alive

Sorry this one was shorter but this one had a lot of story and stuff

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