I need you now more then ever

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It showed a frozen Y/n with Maine yelling at him but all he could hear was rain he then fell down and something exploded
It showed a bar the afterlife and then swapped to camera viewing a road
Maine: any movement
Cyberpunk: dead noting in nothing out
It then showed strippers
Maine: mother fucker
Cyberpunk : Faraday had it right he swapped venues
Maine: ahh dropped the ball on this sorry ass last cause by now
Cyberpunk : ska cleanin house over a stolen stretch can't be it
Maine: think your right whole thing reeks of high risk shit I wish Faraday would at least tell us what we're after
Cyberpunk : what's that saying "biggest fish is the one that got away"? Should I dig deeper on Tanaka maybe
Maine: nah sniffin around Sana'a biz is a fixers job it's on him to give us a lead what would that ass munch say i pay you to check the boxes off my list
Cyberpunk : yeah but the curiosity is killing me how bout we sic kiwi on him see what she can find
Maine: ain't gonna stop ya baby doll meantime you and me let's got go town
He touched her breast and immediately got it in the face then they started to make out but then he got a call from Y/n
It cut to Y/n apartment
Maine: bad bad time kid nows bad
Y/n: what's the uhh word hadn't heard anything
Maine: said I'd c-call if any giggy popped up
Y/n: really absolutely nothing
Maine: desperate looks ugly rookie Ed's all gone blow your last cut already
Y/n: not Eddie's not what I mean
Maine: huh
Y/n: like learning the ropes me you can't be my crutch said if yourself right
It cut back to them making out
Maine: right fine
Hours later
Y/n was on a beach
Y/n: looking for Aldo you seen him
???: ahh who's looking know
Y/n: Maine he sent me
???: huh you Y/z the
Y/n: it's Y/n
???: Y/z
Y/n: Y/n not Y/z Y/N
???: what are ya screaming for rude motherfucker got it Y/n heard ya Pilar's carrier pigeon yeah
Y/n: Pilar's?
You then remembered last night
??? Gave you a package
???: your the punk kid who klepped and junked a Saka limo hell of an entrance
Y/n: heh yeah my first gig
???: could've collected 5 fat stacks for it at least if you hadn't gone and turn it into scrap
Y/n: I know right we'll there's always next time
???: huh
Y/n: I'll do better next time !!
???: next time huh well guess we'll see if last time was just beginners luck
Y/n: what do ya mean by that
???: nothing personal we'll find out soon if your the shit or just another shit stain
You were walking away and saw two cops and hid the package and took the subway to Pilar's apartment and was immediately greeted by a gun too your face
Rebecca: oh hey Y/n what ya need something
Y/n: Uhh first gun outta my face please and secondly got a package for Pilar
Rebecca: yo bro it's for you Maine sent you something come get it
Y/n: he's your brother
He used his long arms to grab the package
Pilar: fucking finally
He took the golden Cyberhands out off the packaging
Pilar: people would kill for cyberhands like these SO PREEM
Rebecca: need me to excuse you or
Y/n: got anything else for me to do or is that it
Rebecca: bro that it for today?
Pilar: yeah fuck off and tip him on his way out
He showed you a shiny middle finger and Becca shot his hand
Rebecca: he's your errand boy fork it over yourself cheapass
He kept on screaming
Y/n: that it can I clock out know
Rebecca: uh yeah whatev looks that way to me
Y/n: Uhh nova I guess
She then tipped you
Rebecca: Y/n your fucking adorable see ya soon dimples
You left quickly and then you got a call from Lucy
Lucy: hey hey you free tonight

Y/n: yeah I'm free
You immediately ran over
Hours later
Lucy: you showed up
Y/n: you told me too I said yeah
Lucy: Maine bullied me said I had too
Y/n: what Maine did
Lucy: why me
Maine: he a stray you ain't never taken one in a stray show some responsibility
Lucy: he's yours you said to keep him
Maine: come on kids been annoying the hell outta me for work whine tap tap walk that dawg tucker him out
Lucy hung up
Lucy: assmunch
Y/n: fuck that guy
Lucy: I'll say on my day off too
Y/n: sorry your stuck with me
Lucy: no offense but chopsticks narrow torso not exactly built like a punk with that frame you look primed to tweak out after one no two implants
Y/n: I'm not weak if that's what your saying
Lucy: keep up them she started running and you chased after her
Maine put a gun on the table
Maine: ever use one
Y/n: nerp
Maine: your telling me Gloria never let you carry it's time we change that what do ya say could teach ya some tricks if you want
Y/n: think Ill stick with sandy
It cut to Kiwi Rebecca and Y/n raiding a scav base one tried to hit him but he used his gorilla arms to block and break the bat and slammed his head against the wall and every one else took someone out two
It cut back to Y/n and Lucy running
Y/n: been wondering you a real net runner
Lucy: obviously and
Y/n: nothing is just why would net runners have to run
Lucy: net or edge runners a runner good stamina can take ya far
It showed the team entering the afterlife but they wouldn't let Rebecca in so you grabbed her with the Sandevistan and brought her in and a old woman who looked familiar laughed at this and you got a beer and started drinking and Rebecca layer real close to you
Maine: you don't fly your crib without cover from now on ya fell me dawg
It cut back to you and Maine
Maine: every single day you check wallet cock sock and your damn iron sure some punks strictly hack or go straight chrome but it will be a while before you can keep your ass alive using just Cyberware till that time comes this piece will be your backup plan
It cut to Y/n doing exercises then cut to Lucy an Y/n running
Y/n: so hey
Lucy: what now
Y/n: how old are ya anyway
She just smiled then it cut to Y/n and Maine doing drifts and Y/n driving extremely fast but avoided any collusions it then cut to the gun and Y/n picking it up
Maine: so how are things with Lucy
Y/n: da fuck you mean
Maine: I'm just saying treat her right
It cut back to Y/n and Lucy running
Y/n: sorry didn't mean that came out wrong just meant your age your skills they don't reall add up
Lucy: applying math were it ain't applicable it's aptitude and hard work so get that straight only gonks talk to others based on age
Y/n: gonks like?
Lucy: long limbed techies
It cut to Lucy *cough*naked in a bathtub and Y/n being mesmerized once she woke up Pilar put a towel on her and she got a shock from her
Y/n: what do ya mean by treating her right
It cut back to Y/n and Maine
Maine: mean to say y'all haven't done nothing
Y/n: what are we talking bout exactly
Maine: Y/n my clueless choom you need to grow a pair and I think you know I ain't talking bout edgerunning
Your face immediately got super red
It cut to Y/n doin more workouts
It cut to Y/n and Lucy running
Y/n: so you and Pilar aren't a thing I saw you two hitting it off back at the block party
Lucy: he acts the mentor sometimes then turns around gets grabby had enough that night so I fired him slightly got the fuck outta there after that
You chuckled
Lucy: what about you. Seriously set your sights on edgerunning
It cut to Y/n and Lucy on a train and then stealing a Busload of chips
It then cut to Maine on Y/n again
Y/n: I'm not into her like that
Maine: come on kid we all got eyes
Y/n: or at least she ain't into me like that
Maine: yeah probably Choom
It cut to Y/n and Maine's girlfriend boxing him giving a couple good hits but her knocking it off the hook it then cut back to Lucy and Y/n running
Y/n: why'd ya ask
Lucy: you don't really strike me as the type 
Y/n: what's that mean? Tell me
It cut to the group doing a BD and Pilar and Y/n walking out of lizzes bar
It then cut back to Y/n and Maine
Y/n: I'm like down trying to figure her out
Maine: meaning
Y/n: said one day she wants to—- go far away from night city
That was private info Lucy shared her love of the moon you weren't gonna share it
It then cut to Y/n being trained by Rebeca how to shoot but he couldn't do it
It then finally cut too Lucy and Y/n at the end of their run
Lucy: turned out to be a lot faster than ya look
Y/n: yeah yeah
Lucy: no seriously doubted you could keep up with me
Y/n: greatest pep talk of 2076 I don't go down easy so I don't really need one thanks anyway
It then cut to Y/n saving Rebecca's life at a trade off
Maine: never mentioned something like that to me
Y/n: think she lied?
Maine: who knows just ask her
Y/n: I mean she was probably just stalling me well she took me far outside the city it was a special BD she had
Maine: so what your saying is you went on a date don't get much more romantic then that in night city
It showed Y/n chugging down a drink and Lucy and Maine looking form afar
It cut back to the end of Y/n and Lucy's run
She handed you a chip
Lucy: this is the bare minimum of what you should know no more hand holding if your serious about this push harder than ever before to keep up and then
Y/n: and then what
She ran off
It cut to Y/n at doc's office arguing about getting a pair of syn- lungs once he put down a shiton of cash he installed them and then it showed him running as fast as possible and then it finally cut back to Y/n and Maine
Y/n: how long she been running with you
Maine: bout a year Kiwi bright her in says she found a natural real code friend
Y/n: before that
Maine: like I said ask her yourself if your interested kid i don't give two shits about peoples past as long as they pull their weight were good
Y/n: suits me too
You gave him a fist bump and both injected a syringe In ya
It then cut to Y/n's apartment and him spray painting a edgerunner symbol on his jacket and him walking with his crew and then they all saw a guy pissing in a barrel
Pilar: hey QUIET DOWN
Lucy: he pissin up there
Kiwi: ugh beaut
Rebecca: gross
Pilar: fuck what's your problem Choom why you gotta go pissin in the street hey homie playing golf on that barrel
You were then all walking away
Pilar: is that plastic I guess that gives a new meaning to the world hard as iro
His head exploded and your Sandevistan activated all you could see was blood and and all you could hear was pee going into the barrel and you swore you saw the damn hobo looking at you dead in the eye and her shot a rocket at you but you somehow avoided it thanks to Maine's kick  and the rocket caused a huge explosion
Maine: don't freeze on me now kid!
MG: fucking capped him
Kiwi: got some Pilar on me
Rebecca: give me that!
She began shooting at the cyber psycho
Maine grabbed him and made her avoid the rocket
Maine: crazy little shit you'll flatline before you can land a spot on him
Rebecca: let me go!
She grabbed Maine's gun and started shootted the cyber psycho again but it threw her back
And Maine's Cyberware was jamming
Maine: now of all times KIWI BECS NEEDS A LULLABY-BYE
Kiwi: on it
Knocked Rebecca out and she narrowly avoided a rocket
Then you got up
Y/n: where's Lucy!
You saw her trying to hack in to the psychos software it lit his head on fire but it didn't even faze him and he started walking towards Lucy and fired a rocket towards her And you knew you needed to stop him so you started running towards him
Lucy: Y/N NO
He fired a rocket at you but you dodged with the Sandevistan ran up to him and shot him in the head once that was over you went to check on Lucy
Y/n: You alright
Lucy: I'm fine
Y/n: thank god
She suddenly started bleeding
Y/n: shit your bleeding
The cyber psycho got up and almost hit Y/n in the head but Maine punched his head of and Rebecca shot it mutable times she then shot off her brothers head
MG went to help Lucy
Lucy: don't touch me
MG: your hurt need a booster
Maine: Dorio girls needs a Ripperdoc you should take her to our buddy Kiwi and I will hang back head and take care of things for pigs show up pain in the ass but someone's gotta explain the cluster fuck
Dorio: Boss man's spoken
Maine: you too kid stick with Lucy and Dorio
Y/n: huh
Maine: well tell the badges exactly what went down fuckers chimed up to the wazoo it'll be easy minimal questions they file it as a cyberpsycho incident and done
Y/n: yeah but
Maine: saw what cha did back there dawg it's high time you stopped thinking like a rookie you were now all at the Ripperdocs
Doc: not you again you know I'm not a licensed physician
Lucy: doesn't matter I didn't even what to go here
Doc: sure whatever
Lucy: I'm going alone
The door shut on the two of you
Dorio: make sure you get her home when she's clean alright
Y/n: your leaving now
Dorio: Maine says you could take his wheels
Once she came out you were washing blood of your face
Y/n: oh hey Lucy
You were both in the car it was silent for the whole ride
You got out and walked her to her apartment
Lucy: this is fine
Y/n: alright
Lucy: night she walked in
Y/n: hey wait can we Uhh talk a minute
She poked her head out the door
She brought you up to the roof
Lucy: aww cloudy tonight
Y/n: member that moon BD we did it was fun
Lucy: had something I wanted to talk to you about too
Y/n: shoot
Lucy: I know how it must look but it's true that was the first time I told anyone
Y/n: well that's good I like that ya know the idea that you weren't lying
Lucy: what if I'm lying now?
Y/n: doubt it
Lucy: why not
Y/n: I just don't see it
Lucy: heh you really are a lunatic
Y/n: just wish you'd said something earlier and spilled it right then and there
Lucy: I couldn't
Y/n: what uhh stoped you
Lucy: you were so mad at me
Y/n: I was not!
Lucy: cmon you definitely were
Y/n: I wasn't P'd off or anything it's just well heh I kinda was
Lucy: see what I mean
Y/n: I was angry but I'm not holding a grudge wouldn't have jumped that Cyberpsycho if I was
Lucy: liar
Y/n: I'm being serious
Lucy: no you would have your the guy who jumps into the fire to rescue someone anyone even when you know your gonna get burned just that type
Y/n: are we going back to the your not a Merc thing Maine thinks I got what it takes why is it you don't see
Lucy: no it's not that I know you'll make a good edgerunner already are
Y/n: so what's the issue
Don't make a name for yourself as a cyberpunk by how you live make a name by how'll you'll died
She got up
Lucy: it's not the life or the end you deserve
Y/n: what's that mean how am I different from you in anyway
Lucy: I've got nowhere to go this is it
Y/n: then we're exactly the same
Lucy: you and i are worlds apart
Y/n: in what why
She grabbed her hair
Y/n: Lucy I promise you I'm going take you there myself fly you to the moon that's a promise
She suddenly kissed you and you kissed back
Lucy: do me a favor don't die on me cause I need you more then ever right now
Y/n: I promise
You then continued making out

Cyberpunk: edgerunners  x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now