One last drink

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It showed a Facility
Girl: Director Evans
Director: what what the fuck how long ya been standing there
Girl: my apologies sir but I did knock a few times
Director: it alright just tell me whatcha want
Girl: it's getting late can I go home
He groaned
Girl: my apologies I ask because I have some plans for the evening
Director: shall I adjust all our deadlines for your personal schedule
Girl: no sir it's just my son got into the academy and I wanted to surprise him
Director: delightful another legacy hire please extend my congratulations if you find someone to fetch the UG2 sample and your free to go
Girl: but at this hour they've all gone home
He once again groaned
Girl: it's no problem sir I'll grab it myself
Director: (sarcastically) how very kind of you fetch it and get outta my sight
The girl went around the facility to pick up that sample she went back to the director
Girl: uh director Evans i uhh
Instead she saw Y/n holding his head and The Directors head open
Girl: Oh god
Y/n realized her and out a gun to her head
Girl: but why?
Y/n shot her and got outside to see Rebecca waiting and immediately got Over the fence and into the car
Kiwi: what happened in there
Y/n: i uhh lost ya guys for a second did someone raise a jammer
Kiwi: connection was stable throughout
Y/n: huh weird
Rebecca: aw man that gig was a snore
The four of you drove off and Y/n put on some music

AE: they trespassed on Araska premises and hit us in our own fucking facility
AE: the labs research is more focused on MiliTech countermeasures
AE: that runner who killed Jamie and Marcus think it's related
AE: Evans head was blown off this was sloppy Violet guns blazing safe to say not the same runner
AE: finding the netrunner remains our priority too dangerous that one
AE: we don't know their motive or their intentions whoever they are they're careful not your average rouge runner looking to make a name
AE: we're Araska motherfucking counterintel we never deal with average we'll need to take a detour to get on that netrunner's trail
AE: aren't we gonna pursue Director Evans killer
AE: a different trail most likely but there's a chance we'll get lucky and see them merge let's switch it up see if the fixer angle bears fruit we'll need one of those Militech mutts who do we know that's on their payroll
AE: checking it now what if this fixer has ties to our runner what's to stop them from selling the info they know to Militech higher ups want it keep sec
AE: all NC fixers are self serving scoutbags they just need a push in the right direction in the end they're only glorified corporate lapdogs existing to serve  we're gonna remind them who the real masters are they gotta know what happens when they bite the hand that feeds
AE: and how
AE: we tell them in the language this city speaks
It cut to Faraday ridding in his limo and a van drove by them and Faraday realized something
Faraday: LOOK OUT
Two of his guards were shot in the head by Tiger Claws and the shooting crashed the car and Faraday's guard threw a grenade out and shot at them by a member of TG used a rocket launcher on him but Faraday got away
Faraday: i was nearly killed
Guy: but Araska how can you be so sure Faraday: you taking for a fool who else
Guy: even so don't expect a bump in hazard pay and corporate immunity is off the table
Faraday: What a joke!
Guy: listen your little fuckup with a Tanaka  already hairy operation in the red and nothing to show for it we expected some returns on our investments if ya want more resources you need to show us results
Faraday: and what the hell do you think I've been so busy chasing!!!
Guy: check your fucking tone Faraday you've been running outta time and now our patience is running thin
Faraday: I hope your aware that Araska's security has been super tight they view the cyber skeleton as a game changer and worthy of their utmost vigilance you ask of to much
Guy: don't you dare lecture me I know the stakes we know it's value and we know yours and your not receiving a single eddie until you earn it till then we're done here
He drove away
Faraday: cocky self important brat
Faraday was looking at the city cigarette in hand and he got a call
AE: the fixer made contact as we saw
AE: there's a good boy what a dirty little dog
It cut to Lucy and Y/n in bed
Lucy: hey you awake
Y/n: heh yeah can't really shut down my brain hey saw this ad only 150k to the moon cheaper then I thought
Lucy: yeah but for a one way ticket
Y/n: heh true
Lucy: you do remember
Y/n: how could I forget
Lucy: we should sleep now agreed
Y/n warped his arms around Lucy
Lucy: night lovebug
Y/n: g night
Y/n and Lucy finally fell asleep
A day later
Faraday: a rundown diner meeting do I look like a joke to you Your meeting with the worlds  counterintelligence of the worlds  greatest megacorp
AE: I thought you'd find this place reassuring
Faraday: it depends on your answer
AE: the cyber skeleton project is still a very delicate topic even at Arasaka it sorta turned problematic when Tanaka had over consolidated the operation data but how much does Militech know by now
Faraday: information is the lifeblood of my trade so I do not share it freely
AE: the fine fellows at Araska respect that and also understand that you're the best fixer for this job we'll provide the compensation that Militech foolishly denied you but for the whole Tanaka mess consider that dept repaid
Faraday: listening
AE: but there are a few conditions
Faraday: Fine
AE: we must eliminate everybody that even knows of the cyber skeletons existence
Faraday: Done
AE: not finished
Faraday: yes
AE: there's a meddlesome netrunner ever since Tanaka's death they have been interfering with efforts to recover data on the cyber skeleton do you know who it could be
Faraday: sorry no
AE: that's unfortunate we are finding this case very curious even if Militech were behind it but yet we can't conceive of a reasonable motive
Faraday: from what my sources tell me not a single person knows of Tanaka's ties to the cyber skeleton project could it be an inside job
AE: that's impossible no one in Araska's subnet moves without leaving a trail but out theory points outward those skills are bounty's most likely not corporate most likely an edgerunner it's a perfect job for a fixer
Faraday: is this an official contract
AE: you'll get about a million eddies for bringing the runner alive half for just their head
Faraday: we have a deal
Kiwi: whoa this is a rare call butt dial maybe even possible on this
Lucy: hey Kiwi it's me
Kiwi: huh what's up
Lucy: nah it's nothing I just need to ask a question
Kiwi: shoot
Lucy: not a big deal or anything but how's Y/n
Kiwi: oh he's fine for a punk for a bit thought he need some handholding some help but he stepped up to the plate it was weird and we're back on Faraday's payroll
Lucy: I heard that's good
Kiwi: Y/n still kinda looks the same a little buffer but pretty sure Maine wouldn't be able to tell any difference
Lucy: hmm
Kiwi: got something on your mind Lucy
Lucy: oh nah like happy to hear he's holding up is all
Kiwi: why call just come and see him
Lucy: what
Kiwi: sometimes you can see him mope around wants you to be there so obvious
Lucy: yeah I know
Kiwi: still a no go though
Lucy: not yet just gotta do something it won't take long
Kiwi: alright that's not mysterious at all even for you but won't pry never trust a soul in NC I taught ya that
Lucy: oh yeah remember that
Kiwi: I look forward to seeing you around again  meaning we needs Y/n's fucking handler back
Lucy: really that bad alright bye
There was suddenly a visitor at Kiwi's door
Faraday: yeah it's me
It cut to Y/n and Rebecca in a shootout
Rebecca: DON'T BE SHY I've got some are ya ready to go around empty
She threw her LMG away and a grenade was throw at her but you shot it but then Y/n saw a hiding gang member she was scared and reminded Y/n of the girl at Araska and he froze he woulda died if it wasn't for Rebecca she shot her about 7 times
Y/n: i uh I'm sorry thanks Becca
Falco had dropped you off thanks
Y/n: thanks man
Falco: no problem anytime
He started to drive away
Rebecca: let me out too choom
As soon as she was let out she ran after Y/n
Falco: looks like it's a party for two then
Kiwi: actually could you drop me somewhere
Falco: really your all a bunch of killjoys
One Rebecca finally caught up with Y/n
Rebecca: HEY Y/N
Y/n: not going to the after party?
Rebecca: not gonna drink alone with some old farts
Y/n: not like I'm any better
Rebecca: underestimating yourself again wanna take a walk
Y/n: yeah sure
Rebecca: NOVA
You started walking
Rebecca: hey man you been doing okay
Y/n: oh yeah that
Rebecca: what was that
Y/n: just froze up
Rebecca: not the first time you think I don't notice
Y/n: I'm alright Becca
He put on a fake smile
Y/n: promise
Rebecca: a woman's eyes can never be shrewd
Y/n: where is she
Rebecca: shut the hell up
You both laughed
Rebecca: you wanna know something there isn't no one I watch more that you come Y/n I always know when something's the matter
Y/n: Becca I said I'm alright
Rebecca: please cut the shit and tell me the truth
Y/n: it doesn't concern you Becca
Rebecca: like hell it's not in willing to put my life in your hands daily
Y/n: I... I know
She walked in front of you quickly
Rebecca: I've been thinking
Y/n: yeah
Rebecca: maybe you should go light on your chrome for a bit but don't worry I got your back
Y/n: heh really
Rebecca: I'm being serious Y/n do you remember that fucking ally psycho that zeroed my bro
Y/n: yeah that was a hard fucking day
Rebecca: I can't won't let you end up like either of them
Y/n: alright
Lucy was back in cyberspace sneaking up on another edgerunner
Lucy: is Saka really still sending in runners
Y/n was in the Elevator remembering all the shit that happened last year and was  looking at the urn of his mom and brother
Hours ago
and he got a call from Kiwi and now he was hoping around the Araska building
Kiwi: this is the last one the intel says it's last
Y/n stopped hoping and went in
Kiwi: security's neutralized and la de dah the doors wide open
Y/n turned of the lights and shot someone in the head but guns came outta his open head
Kiwi: Y/n Y/n you copy there's a heat sig your not alone just get outta there cmon copy
He saw a girl and guns were coming outta her skull too
Kiwi: Y/n talk to me FUCKING TALK
Y/n: yeah
Kiwi: what happened you go death comms jam what there's someone headed straight for you
Y/n: i uhh handled it
He started glitching out and throwing up
Kiwi: oh good cool
Y/n: I'm leaving on my way now
He left resizing the the girl he killed was a mother like Gloria
Now he started crying and fell down
Lucy: Y/N!
Y/n woke up hours later
Doc: morning cupcake
Y/n: hey doc
Doc: are the symptoms letting up a dial
Y/n: yeah
He saw Lucy sleeping in the corner
Doc: when they start
Y/n: what do ya mean
Doc: dizziness nausea vomiting usual suspects
Y/n: while ago
Doc: should da came the second they started
Y/n: wasn't a big deal till now
Doc: all this chrome is catching up with ya it still blows my mind on you got it in and how you've held your shit together this long
Y/n: why'd it have to happen now
Doc: my opinion you best lift your pedal off the metal choom cause your about to drive head first off a cliff with no way back up
Y/n: you can just give me stronger meds right?
Doc: either your not hearing me choom or you're already off that clif asking for miracle drugs and pixie dust
Y/n put doc in a chokehold
Lucy: Y/n!
This snapped you outta your trance and you helped doc get up and he gave you something
Doc: this is it your last kweep nine times the standard dosage good for nine days but I'll send ya rolling over the edge and then say hello to the devil
Y/n: doc sorry bout that didn't deserve that
Doc: it's fine Y/n your not ever coming back anymore heh it seems like your were just a lanky kid pushing XBDs for a quick buck go on lanky lord become that legend or whatever the fuck you mercs do
You and Lucy left
Doc: another turn for the next dreamer
Lucy: what was that
Y/n: it's finally catching up with me
Lucy: what is
Y/n: Cyberpsychosis in other terms I've pushed past all my limits and now there coming back to bite me in the ass and normal meds aren't gonna cut it anymore
You slumped down against the wall and Lucy sat next to you
Lucy: maybe you could scale back your Cyberware
Y/n: I would if I could I really would but I can't
Lucy: WHY
Y/n: cause of Maine and my mom they both had plans for me left me things to do I haven't ticked the full box yet
Lucy: but like you said you can't go on with this Y/n
Y/n: I know it's a fucking miracle I've made it this far I could only really handle the fucking Sandevistan and Gorilla arms and it's only cause of luck and my tolerance for Cyberware
Lucy: but your still human
Y/n punched the wall behind him
Y/n: I killed an innocent person she reminded me of my mom she had a son too she was only a fucking bystander a normal person no matter how many psychos and thugs I've killed I grew numb to it and I'm losing it
Lucy: Y/n
Y/n: i ain't normal I'm different
Lucy: your not
Y/n: Lucy I am
Lucy: your not
Y/n: ya don't get it
Lucy: what
Y/n: when Maine died didn't expect for you to leave the team
Lucy: I had to
Y/n: I know that's why I'm not mad
Lucy: why?
Y/n: you outta everyone on that team deserved a way out
Lucy: Y/n no I... I'm not trying to
Y/n: that mean your coming you and me turn back the clock
Lucy: no not yet need a little more time
Y/n: I get it but what for
Lucy: I need to do something
Y/n: ya can't tell me
Lucy: I really wish I could
Y/n: you can talk to me
Lucy: I just can't
Y/n: do you not trust me
Lucy: I'm sorry
Y/n: it fine I understand I think maybe we should have a break from each other
She saw cyberspace
Lucy: I'm sorry Y/n but I just I gotta go
Y/n: where
Lucy: I really need to
Y/n: it's okay it's alright I understand
Lucy: we'll talk when I get home Kay but please wait for me
She ran off
Y/n: always
Y/n went back into doc office
Doc: the fuck do you wan-
You hugged him
Y/n: you've been here since the beginning you've been here when I need to talk to someone had to have a drink be a pervert
You both chuckled
Y/n: but I'm still so fucking glad I met cha doc and thank you for everything
He started crying and held you tighter
Doc: I could get that stuff out right now man free of charge
Y/n: it's already started and my body depends on Cyberware now it'll be like taking water from fishes I'm scarred too
Doc: I can still see that lanky kid and his hardheaded brother from Santo Domingo pushing XBDs not this edgerunner leader it's gonna be hard to find a customer without you around
Y/n: let's have a drink in hell you prev
Doc: I'm holding YOU TO THAT MAN
Meanwhile with Lucy
She was on the top of a building looking a cameras
Lucy: net index so it's the same runner as before
She saw the runner
Lucy: there you are you son of a bitch
She got close to him with her mono-wire but it was a trick and she started glitching
Faraday: so simple and I expected fireworks
She went unconscious
Faraday: looks like we just landed our ticket into Araska magnificent work Kiwi
She appeared from the shadows
Meanwhile with Y/n
He was drinking with doc and they were manufacturing a code called one last drink it was supposed to go off when he died so him and his love ones could have one last drink

Cyberpunk: edgerunners  x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now