Bonus Chapter: Never trust them to babysit

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Maine: so what do you want us to do
It reveled a tired 21 year old Y/n
Y/n: can you just babysit our kid for a couple hours we've barley gotten any sleep thanks to Y/n Jr and before you ask Lucy chose
Pillar: huh well you can obviously trust us
He accidentally shot gun and the bullet bounced around
Y/n: JESUS H CHRIST PILLAR not in front of my kid
It revealed Y/n Jr cooing
Y/n: guess he likes the sound of bullets nice to know but keep him away from Becca
It showed a 20 year old Y/n at Rebecca's office
Y/n: I can't Lucy needs me to raise the kid
She latched onto Y/n's leg
Rebecca: NOOO
It cut back to now
Y/n: she scares me immensely but just watch him for a couple hours even you can't mess this up
He went to the elevator and it rushed off
Maine: huh so little guy like chicken
Pillar: oh what sorry I'm calling my sister I've ignored the last three minutes
Pillar: oh hey Bec sorry can't come home tonight gotta babysit Y/n's kid
It showed a distrust Rebecca in a suit
Pillar: sis
It cut back to them
Maine: Pillar your an Idiot she's probably running here right now
There was a knock at the door
Maine: no way
He walked over to the door and opened it and he saw an out of breath Rebecca
Rebecca: (pant) where (pant) where (pant) where is he
Maine: he made the call not even a minute ago
Rebecca: I (pant) got a Sandevistan
Y/n Jr: coo
Maine lifted him up in the air and Rebecca kept trying to get him but she used her Sandevistan to grab him
Pillar: oh god
She started cradling him and Maine reached for him but Rebecca pulled out her gun
Dorio: hey Maine I'm back
She saw the situation
Dorio: babysitting really
Rebecca sped off
Pillar: you did say please
It cut to Rebecca getting in the passenger seat of Falco's car
Falco: why am I here if you could just speed of everywhere
Rebecca: I dunno
She saw the 3 running out
Rebecca: DRIVE
He sped off
Dorio: guarantee you she's going to the afterlife
Pillar: yeah she's become an alcoholic in these years
It cut to Becca at the afterlife with Falco
Rebecca: can I get a
Johnny: Silverhand 3 of dem
Claire: got it
Johnny sat down
Johnny: whoa Bec when did you get a kid
Rebecca: not mine Y/n's
Johnny: no no way Y/n grew a pair and had sex
Falco: you'd be surprised
Falco: SHIT
Maine came in and Rebecca sped off and Falco gave the baby to Johnny
Rebecca: HAH SCREW YOU oh shit I left Jr with Falco DAMN YOU LOGIC
Johnny: here you go
Maine: thank you
Y/n called
Maine: hey bud
Y/n: Becca found out didn't she you called me bud that never means something good
Maine: yeah but we have it under control
Y/n: okay well if my baby joins the Mox when he gets older I'm going to kill you
Maine: I get it
Y/n: like I'm going to chop off your head I'm going to shoot you I'm going
Maine hung up
Maine: okay as long as nothing bad happens to the baby everything will be fine
Becca took back the baby and sped off
Maine: Jesus H Christ BECCA
Rebecca went to Lizze's and went to Judy outta breath
Judy: Hey Becca and before you explain I've seen the cameras and I'll watch him for an hour
Rebecca: (pant) thank (pant) you (pant) FUCK how did Y/n do this
It cut to all the times Y/n used the Sandevistan
Past Rebecca: how do you do That
Past Y/n: being skinny has its perks
Rebecca: ugh I need a nap
She fell on the BD chair
Judy: still can't believe you were voted mayor of Night fucking City
Rebecca: being a legendary edgerunner can go a long way
It cut to Rebecca's election
Rebecca: HEY THERE NERDS I just wanna say vote for me because I brought down Araska was brought back to life AND I DON'T HAVE A GIANT STICK UP MY ASS AND I HAVE A SANDEVISTAN
They all cheered
James: I believe in the love and respect
In a flash his face had a dong and a Hitler stache and his podium said LOSER and everyone lost it
Rebecca: wasn't me whoops
She purposely dropped a marker and the crowd lost it
And it cut back to now
Rebecca: it was all thanks to my charm
Judy: yeah right
Rebecca: okay so maybe I hacked the ballots a tiny bit like a microscopic bit and by a bit I mean 35%
Judy: geez that's like illegal on so many levels
Rebecca: it just works ya know
Intercom: hey uhh there's this buff guy and Johnny Sliverhand looking for Rebecca and they like busted down the door
Rebecca: meh let 'em come
Maine stomped downstairs
Rebecca: yes Maine I'm done running just wanted some time with Jr and now I gotta get back to work with my REAL job
Maine: shut up
Johnny: i make more money then you do in a month something called royalties
Rebecca; man shut up even with this power Im mad I can't change the name to Rebecca Central
Judy: actually you can
Johnny took back Jr
Maine: okay Y/n should be back in a couple of hours we should all just clam down
Hours later
The 4 were in the room and Y/n and Lucy arrived
Y/n: thank you guys so fucking much
Lucy: seriously we haven't gotten like ANY sleep so thank you
Lucy took back Jr
Y/n Jr: bitch
Y/n: uh
Rebecca: uhh her firsts word yay
Y/n: I think you guys should
Lucy: Y/n
Y/n: (sacredly) yes dear
She handed Jr to him
Lucy: see you at home
Y/n rushed to the elevator and it rushed off
Y/n: welp we learned never to piss off mommy did we
Y/n tickled him and Jr laughed
Y/n: wanna watch breaking bad ohhh yeah we keep this between us right Jr you shouldn't watch that until your twenty
It cut to Lucy and Rebecca fighting and Maine Dorio and Pillar were eating popcorn
Maine: now this this is entertainment

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